Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

The end?

We played an amazing show and the crowd loved us.

One album, 14 months and endless amounts of touring later, we were still loved just as much as the band we opened for at every show.

Yet, all our new found success did nothing to kill the feelings in my heart.

I loved Frank so much and I was happy we were sharing the band together but I missed Michaela.

I wanted so desperately to take her on tour with us, but we were still touring in Ray’s van and the tours were getting longer each time. Our longest was the one we were currently sitting on; 2 and a half months.

We couldn’t drag a 3 year old girl around in a small van for 2 months.

I leant on the side of the van and sighed heavily. I couldn’t wait to get home. We had just played our final show of the tour and we were heading off home.

I felt bad because my mood wasn’t at its best and I knew the rest of the band felt it. I knew I should have been happy at how we were progressing, and I was, but I missed Michaela too much to let the happiness fully take over me.

“Hey Gee.” Matt’s voice dragged me from my thoughts and I looked over at him as he unlocked the van.

“Hey Matt.” I replied in a happy tone. He must have noticed because he looked over at me surprised.

“Someone’s happy!” He remarked and stood beside me.

“Of course I am! I get to go home and see my daughter.” I answered with a grin and did a little victory dance.

“That’s cool man, I’m just glad you aren’t moping around anymore. It was bringing me down.” He explained. I sighed and looked at him.

“I’m sorry I just miss her so much.” I mumbled.

“Hey, mood swing alert!” He commented at how I had gone from sad to happy and back to sad again. “You need to chill, Gee, we just played a blinder.”

I nodded slightly and allowed my gaze to wander to Frank and Mikey who were standing by the back door of the venue, waiting for Ray.

“Come on, dude, will nothing cheer you up any more? What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? I miss my daughter! Haven’t you been listening?” I snapped. Matt took a step back and anger flashed in his eyes.

“It’s always about your daughter isn’t it? What about the band? Are you going to continue letting her ruin your life?” He said angrily.

“Matt, she’s my whole world! I’d sacrifice my own life for her.” I answered loudly. I could hear the approaching footsteps of our band mates.

“If you could have just controlled yourself around Mel, then maybe you wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Matt, Michaela isn’t a problem! I love her so much it hurts!” I snapped and leant off the van as he stood in front of me.

“If you love your precious daughter that much, why don’t you run home and fuck her like you do with Frank?” He asked coldly.

My mind went blank and my blood boiled.

The next thing I remember is being held back by Frank and Ray as Matt lay on the ground beside the van with his nose splattered across his face.

As I struggled against Frank, I looked down at Matt’s bleeding form and hate rose in my chest.

I wanted to punch him in the nose again but Mikey had stood between us.

“So you have then?” Matt asked from the floor.

“Fuck you, Matt!” I screamed and struggled to break free from Frank and Ray.

“Just fucking burn in hell” I added as white hot anger bubbled through my veins and Mikey held Matt back from me.

“Choose then Gerard. Your daughter or your band?” He asked with a smug look on his face as he knew the answer.

“I would choose her over you any day.” I growled and barged my way through Frank and Ray to the other side of the van.

I wrenched open the door and flung myself in.

I meant what I had said.

I hated Matt Pellissier.

A/N: Just to let you lot know, this isn't the end of the story...I just couldn't think of a decent chapter title...