Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

There's still a way

I couldn’t sleep that night. Matt’s face popped into my head every time I closed my eyes.

I decided to stop fighting my insomnia and forced myself out of the warm bed and away from Frank to the kitchen.

If I wasn’t going to sleep, then coffee was essential.

“Gee?” Frank’s voice called. I looked up groggily from my arms and saw the sun filter through the window.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and realised I must have fallen asleep at some point between my second and third cup of coffee.

“What time is it?” I mumbled and watched as he sat down and looked up at the clock.


I groaned and buried my face back into my hands.

“You didn’t sleep much did you?” Frank asked softly and rubbed my back.

I shook my head.

“I just kept thinking about the band and how I’ve fucked it all up.”

“Baby, you haven’t.”

“Oh really? I just broke the nose of our ex-drummer. Please, tell me that’s not fucked up.” I asked and looked across into his eyes.

“Okay, maybe it is, but he deserved it and at least it happened after our tour so we’ve got time to find another drummer.” He replied with a small smile.

“Have we? Brian doesn’t even know yet. For all we know, he could be planning on sending us on another tour next week.”

“Gee, there’s still a way for us to carry on.” Frank told me. I frowned and he read my expression perfectly.

“We tell Brian the truth, get him to hold on with the tours for a while, we get another drummer and teach him our songs.”

“Well, that’s alright then, it’s not going to be hard at all.” I replied sarcastically and stood up.

“I didn’t say it was going to be easy. It just might happen faster than you think.”

“How will it?” I asked weakly and poured myself a cup of coffee.

I closed my eyes as the warm liquid washed down my throat

“My cousin Andy introduced me to his new sound tech. last time I saw him. Bob his name is. Apparently he is an amazing drummer but he’s just looking for the right band to leave his job for.” Frank explained.

I opened my eyes and looked at Frank.

“Do you recon if we speak to Brian we can get this guy, Bob, to play with us?” I placed my half full cup onto the kitchen side.

“Maybe, from what I hear Bob’s really into our band.” Frank said. I smiled at Frank and pulled him into a hug.

“You’re amazing.” I whispered into his ear. “Let’s go break the news to Brian before we go get Kayla.”