Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I turned away from the window as Brian burst into his office.

“Well, if it isn’t my favourite band!” He yelled and pulled Frank into a hug.

“Brian, where did that bus come from?” I asked and pointed my thumb at the window.

His grin turned into a smirk and he tapped his nose.

“It’s for a band I really love. We’re touring soon, you see.”

I nodded suspiciously at him and plonked myself on the sofa in his office.

“So, why am I honoured with your presence today then guys?” Brian asked cheerfully and clapped his hands.

“You didn’t hear from Matt?” Frank asked.

Brian shook his head and looked from Frank to me.

“Why, should I have?”

“Actually, no, he’s probably still in hospital.” I mumbled.

“What the hell is Matt doing in hospital for?”

“I…sort of broke ihs nose.” I explained.

Brian’s jaw dropped and his eyes popped out of his head.

“You did what?” He asked weakly after a moment of silence.

I stood up, trying to defend myself.

“He was getting on my last nerves, Brian!” I explained.

“You too huh?”

“Wait, he was bugging you too?” Frank asked curiously.

Brian sat at his desk and leant back in his chair.

“Matt’s been bitching about you to me, Gerard. I was beginning to wonder how long it would take for one of us to do something.” Brian said.

I bent over his desk with a smirk plastered onto my face.

“Brian, you are a man of mysteries. I was expecting you to flip out on us for losing our drummer. Here you are sitting there like it was part of your master plan!” I stated and sat down on the desk.

“What if it was?”

“Brian…I think we should find another drummer really quickly.” Frank butted in and stood beside me.

“Okay then…how are we going to find a good enough drummer, who isn’t already in a band, and can learn all of your songs before the next tour?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, Gerard asked the same thing this morning.” Frank said and told him about Bob.

“Okay, I’ll make a few calls.” Brian said and left the room to speak to his secretary.

I walked back over to the window and stared down at the tour bus parked in the car park below.

Frank wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Brian’s definitely hiding something.” I mumbled.

“Maybe he is.” Brian said behind us.

I turned and saw a bunch of keys in his hand.

“Come on, I need to show you something.”

“Does it by any chance have something to do with that rather large bus outside?” I asked rhetorically.

He simply grinned and walked away.

*Time lapse*

The doors opened with a hiss and we were met with the scent of a brand new bus.

Walking in, I could tell Brian had gone to a lot of effort to get this.

It had everything.

“Whoa Brian, you really put yourself out on this one.” Frank said as he tested the sofa.

“Yeah, which bank did you rob to get the money for this?”

“Just mine,” he grinned, “why, don’t you like it?”

“I’d like it a lot better if it was ours.” I answered and sat beside Frank.

Brian stood in front of us.

“Oh, didn’t I mention? It is yours.” He explained. “Welcome to your new home from home.”

Frank’s jaw dropped and I squealed, bringing Brian down into a hug.

“Brian…it’s…wow…its amazing!” I managed to say.

“Well, I had to do something to shut you up about Kayla. You can now drag her around with us and not worry about her being in Ray’s van.” He stated and grinned.

“Thanks Brian.” I said again and pulled Frank up into a hug with us.

I looked back at the bus…our bus…one last time before the doors hissed shut and I grinned.

I hoped we could find another drummer really soon.

I was itching to get back on tour.