Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


I brushed the hair off Michaela’s face gently and sighed.

She looked so peaceful while she slept and I was thankful she didn’t have to deal with the drama that controlled my life.

“Gee?” Frank called gently from Michaela’s bedroom door. I flinched slightly as I saw an image in my head of Melissa using the same name.

“Gee what’s wrong?” Frank asked and walked over to where I was sitting on Michaela’s bed in the dark.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” I lied and allowed him to grip my hand and pull me up. I tensed in his grasp and Frank dragged me from Michaela’s room to our own.

“Gee, I know something’s up.” He stated and pushed me onto our bed. I watched him sit down beside me.

“Frank, I keep telling you, I’m fine.”

“Who are you trying to convince here, me or you?”

“I…fuck.” I mumbled in defeat. Frank gripped my hand and I sighed.

“She said something so you didn’t she?”

“Yeah, but it’s Melissa. She’s a dramatic person and I thought I could handle what she said…”

Frank put his arm around my shoulders and pulled my body to his.

“Baby, what did she say to you?”

“She threatened to call the cops on me because I told her I loved you. So I shouted that I had full custody of Kayla and she…” I stopped as a tear fell from my eye.

“She told me she was going to come back for Kayla.”

I let Frank pull me into a hug and rub my back to soothe me.

“Baby, was she drunk?”

“I don’t know…probably. I know you’re going to say it was just the alcohol talking but when she threatened to take Kayla I heard a change in her voice. She sounded dead serious to me.”

“Gee, as long as you don’t contact her again and we stay with Kayla, Melissa won’t do anything.” Frank said softly and I looked up into his hazel eyes, desperate to believe him.

“I’m so scared Frank. If Melissa even looks at Kayla…” I mumbled and pulled away from Frank.

“What do you recon Melissa’s capable of?”

“I really don’t know anymore.” I answered truthfully as I pulled off my t-shirt and threw it on the floor beside the bed.

“Look, if you’re that worried, why don’t you leave Kayla with your mom while we go to New York? It sounded like Melissa was telling you she’d follow you to get to Kayla.”

“Did it?” I asked and pulled off my jeans.

“Well, no…but if I was after my child, I would follow the one parent she had left to get to her.” Frank told me and I flopped onto the bed beside him.

“Frankie, Melissa’s not a sane as you. She’ll probably come straight here and break down the door and expect me to hand over Kayla.”

“Then take her to your parent’s house. Call Brian and get him to bring you back to Kayla before we fly to the UK. Melissa wouldn’t fly out there would she?” Frank asked as he lay down beside me and flicked off the lamp.

“I doubt it. I’ll call Brian in the morning anyway…maybe we can get him to let security know that I have a potential stalker.” I mumbled with a yawn.

Frank put his arm around my waist and sighed.

“Alright then…just try and get some sleep please, Brian would kill me if I let you go back to him tired.” Frank said and I smiled.

“He wouldn’t kill you, he’d know I would kill him back.” I replied and snuggled my body closer to his sleepily.

“Mmn, sure.” Frank replied. I grinned in the dark and relaxed onto the bed while I waited for sleep to take me.

A/N: Sorry, that was just a filler...I'll give you another update later