Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


“Steve, what are you doing here?” I asked as we walked off-stage.

It was three nights after we had spotted Melissa in the crowd and she had turned up to our last show but not tonight’s.

“Decided to go for a walk, Brian gave me a break from my baby-sitting duties.” He explained. I nodded and slouched onto the sofa in our dressing room.

I watched as Bob threw Frank a wet cloth and noticed he was bleeding.

“What did you do this time then?” I asked with a smirk as Frank wiped the blood from his wrist.

“Hit my arm on the symbol when I fell on Bob.”

“Ha, that’s what you get for aiming your guitar at me.” Mikey laughed and Frank smirked at him.

“I’ll get my revenge.” He replied and continued wiping the blood away. I yawned widely and stood up.

“I think I’m going to go back to the bus and order a pizza.” I said as I stretched. They all looked at me with interested eyes and I smirked.

“Anyone going to come with me then?”

They all stood up and followed me out to our bus.

As I stepped onto it, it was unusually quiet. I stood in the middle of our living area as the guys traipsed in and settled themselves down. It took me a while, but I soon realised it was because Brian wasn’t in his usual spot in front of the TV.

I shrugged it off as he sometimes went to bed early.

*Time lapse*

After a round of pizzas and Guitar Hero I decided to call it a night.

I mumbled a goodnight to everyone and wandered to the bunks.

I watched the closed curtain of Michaela’s bunk for a moment and decided against opening it and giving her a kiss goodnight. She was asleep and wouldn’t remember anyway.

I was so tired I was asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.

You mother fu-“ I heard and grumbled as Bob cut Frank off before he swore.

Frank!” I groaned and poked my head out of the curtain to see Frank sprawled on the floor. I could hear Mikey laughing on his bunk and Ray and Bob were leaning on each other as they laughed.

“Sorry, Gee, it was your daughter’s bunny. It just came out of no-where and grabbed my legs.” He explained and picked it up and gave it to me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes sleepily.

“You know I don’t sleep with a teddy anymore Frank, stick it on the bottom of Kayla’s bunk.” I said and threw it back to him.

He threw it back at me and it hit my face.

I stood up and flipped him the finger before gently opening the curtain on Michaela’s bunk.

It seemed a bit empty so I rubbed my head in confusion and looked towards the bottom of her bunk.

Fuck!” I yelled and ripped the curtain fully open.

She wasn’t there.

My mind swam as I straightened up and stared into the empty space where my daughter was supposed to be.

I heard the guys shout in shock as they saw she wasn’t there and I ripped open the curtain of Brian’s bunk.

What I saw made my heart stop.

He wasn’t sleeping. The smallest noise we made always woke him up. That and the fact that there was a small trail of blood running down the side of his face gave the game away.

It was pretty obvious he had been knocked unconscious and then shoved un-ceremoniously onto his bunk.

I didn't stop to check if he was breathing. I didn't even look at the other guys.

I just sprinted down the length of the bus with Mikey in tow, desperate to find Steve.

A/N: Sorry if that started off a bit slow...It's been a long day and it took a while for my brain to work properly...