Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

Apartment 34

After going to Melissa’s house and finding no-one there, Frank and I jumped back into the car and I drove to the old cemetery to find ‘Apartment 34’.

“Gee, are you sure it’s safe to go in there?” Frank asked quietly as we pulled up into the car park outside.

I looked up at the flats and scowled. It was a dingy grey colour and quite a few of the windows were burnt out. It wasn’t a very nice place to be and looked like it had just been dragged from the set of a horror movie.

“Frank, what choice do we really have?” I asked with a small voice and stepped out of the car nervously.

I didn’t like the thought of my daughter being in there and desperately hoped my hunch was wrong so we could get out of here as fast as possible.

The elevator was broken, which I was glad about because I don’t particularly like them, so we ran up the stairs to the seventh floor.

As soon as we burst onto the landing, there was an un-mistakable smell of cannabis and I doubled over as the smell hit me hard.

“Come on, Gee.” Frank said softly and rubbed my back as I bent over and took deep breaths to clear my head.

I heard a high pitched scream and I flicked my head up.

Judging by the scared look in Frank’s eyes, he had heard it too and was thinking the exact thing I was.

I forced my feet to move and I stumbled down the mouldy hallway towards where I thought apartment 34 was. I was close, it was number 32 I had walked to and I turned to the door on its right.

Number 34.

I raised my fist and knocked loudly. I don’t know why I did, I wasn’t expecting an answer even if someone was in.

The scream erupted from inside the apartment again and I felt the colour drain from my face.

I looked over to Frank who nodded and stepped to one side.

I took a step back and stared at the door for a second as I fought to bring every ounce of strength I had to the surface.

I lunged forward and brought my foot up to the lock as hard as I could.

The door swung open with a sickening crunch and Frank gazed at me in shock.

Daddy?!” Michaela’s voice rang out. I froze mid-step as her frightened voice hit me like a ton of bricks and I lurched forwards as my mind swirled.

Frank gripped my arm and held me steady as I heard Melissa scream at her to shut up.

A loud slap echoed around us and my blood boiled.

How dare she hit my daughter?