Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended


“Melissa, what are you doing?” I asked nervously, even though it was a stupid question.

I could clearly see she had brought the gun back out of her pocket and was bringing it up to me again.

“Wondering why you sang to that fag when you regretted leaving me.” She said calmly and clicked the safety off the gun as she took aim.

It wasn’t aimed at my face, it was aimed just to the right of my right shoulder.

It was aimed at Michaela.

“I needed to keep up appearances. I didn’t want to give the game away to anyone.” I lied and she brought her left hand up to the gun as well.

“I don’t believe you. There’s only one way to end this. There’s only one way for us to be together without anything to distract us.” She said and took a step closer to me.

“She has to die.”

I reacted on instinct and turned my body so Michaela was covered and I drew her tightly to my chest again.

The sound of the gun echoed eerily around the deserted apartment and a second later pain erupted on my right arm as the bullet grazed it and hit the wall beside us.

I lurched forwards and threw an arm out onto the wall to steady myself. As the air cleared and the room was filled with the mixed sound of Melissa’s laughter and tears and the tears from Michaela.

“I guess if you can’t let me have my own way Gee, I’ll have to end it another way.” She sobbed and raised the gun to her temple.

I let the tears I was holding back escape as Frank sprinted into the room and gasped at the scene.

"Melissa..." I started and pain shot through my arm. Michaela trembled beneath me as Melissa shook her head and allowed more tears to fall.

“Gee take care of her, I’ll always watch over her and love her.” She said as she looked straight into my eyes.

I opened my mouth to respond but my brain stopped working as Melissa forced her eyes shut and pulled the trigger.

I watched as her face contorted in pain for a second and the bullet split her skull. Her body grew limp and fell to the floor into a pool of her own blood beside the gun.

I cried out in shock and subconsciously gripped Michaela tighter to my chest as Frank’s hand flew to his mouth and he sank to the floor, his eyes shut tightly against the horrors of the room.

A/N: There is only one more chapter after this, which will be posted later today...