Sequel: Déjà vu

My Unintended

Go on live your life

We arrived at the hospital in record time.

I was so nervous my heart was pounding in my throat the whole time. I could hardly believe it; I was about to become a father. I don’t know how we found the room but I remember getting out of the car and then leaving Mikey and Frank in the waiting room while I went to see Melissa.

“Hey.” I said softly, as I walked into the room.

Her mother, Angela, smiled warmly at me and gave me a large hug as I reached her. How was she so nice to me?

“Gee?” Melissa asked, smiling. I nodded and took her hand.
“How long have you been here Mel?” I asked. Angela put an arm on my shoulder and sat me down.

“She went into labour at 7 this morning. The midwife says it will take a while because this is her first child.” She said. I looked back at Melissa, who had a contraction and gripped my hand hard.

This was going to be a long day for both of us.

*Time elapse*

“Mikey, maybe you should go home. This is going to take ages.” I said. I had managed to find a suitable time to leave Melissa. The nurse was examining her and I had to speak to Mikey.

“Dude, I want to be here. You need someone.” Mikey said, Frank was sitting beside him and nodded. I shook my head.

“Please, I need a favour. Go and see mom. Can you tell her Mel’s in labour? I can’t leave her Mikes.” I said, pulling the can of coke from Mikey’s hand a draining what was left of it. He nodded and left.

Secretly I needed him here, I was scared, but my parents had a right to know that their grandchild was on their way into the world and I couldn’t leave Melissa.

*Time elapse [again]*

I sat on one side of Mel while her mother sat on the other.

We were both gripping a hand each and telling her she was doing really well. I was unsure of what to do but knew she needed to know I was here for her. While she pushed, I rubbed her back and told her I would always be there for her.

“It’s a girl!” The midwife called.

I was stunned, I had a daughter.

I was so honoured when I got to cut her cord and beamed up at Melissa’s mother as I held my baby for the first time. I looked down at her pink face and tears ran down my face. She was perfect.

Unconditional love burst through my veins and I made a promise to myself that I would always be there for her no matter where I was. She was my daughter and I felt like the happiest man alive as I sat there with her bundled up in my arms.