Status: I'm editing the chapters I have written, Re-Read them if you wish (: Fern x

I'm not okay

Chapter 1

"How've you been doing?" Aunt Taylor asked as we walked from the local train station to her home. I looked up at her and shrugged. The silence broke into the atmosphere yet again.
"Well, I see you packed light" She said referring to my suitcase and black guitar case.
I nodded then looked back down at my scruffy navy converse.
"Here is the school you will be attending" She pointed out as we passed the Belleville high school.
I nodded again and pulled on the sleeves of my green day hoodie.
"Are you sure you want to start straight away? At least wait a week or two, till you're settled in" she begged.
"No. I, I Like school" I lied.
"Alright then" She replied.
After a few more minutes of silence Aunt Taylor we turned the corner to the familiar road in which her home was located.
When we arrive i recognize the little iron wrought gate, the tulips lined up against the building, the small swing which, over time, has become a rusty brown, opposite to the original bright yellow.

As we entered the cream front room Aunt Tay told me that I would be staying in the basement as she only had 2 bedrooms which where taken by herself and her son Brayden,
I made my way down to the basement and place my suitcase on the single bed then scanned the room. A small TV placed on a chest of drawers opposite the bed and a mirror hung on the wall. The was a white gloss door to my right, which, i guess, is the en suite.
Sighing, I walk up to the front room.
"Dinner will be ready in 1 hour" Aunt Tay informed me.
I nodded, I really need some air. So I asked "Could I take a walk?"
"Of course doll, but Brayden has to go too" She said.
Great, note the sarcasm. I have to go with my cousin who I haven't spoken to 2 years and who is a preppy football player, the type who would push me into lockers at school. We may be the same age but we are complete opposites.
"Fine" I mumbled.
"Brayden!" Aunt Taylor called up the stairs.
"Yeah mom" He shouted back.
"Come down here" She yelled .
I hear a him slam his bedroom door and run downstairs.
"What?" He asked.
"Can you take a walk with Charlotte" She asked him.
"Sure" He mumbled as he grabbed his coat.
I followed him silently out of the front door. After 10 minutes of mindless walking and little talking we arrived at a the playing field we used to visit in earlier years.
"Do you want to sit?" He asked.
I looked up at him and replied "Urr, sure"
We sat down on the moss coven bench. All that could be heard was the chirp of bird, the sequels of children and the distance rumble of cars. Brayden asked "So, do you want to go to the mall with me and few friends tomorrow?"
"No thanks" I replied kindly.
"Why not?" He asked curious.
"I don't feel like it" I said simply.
"You might tomorrow" He said, hopefully.
"And there will be too many people" I told him.
"Oh yeah, you are scared of everything" He said mockingly.
"No, not everything" I said.
"Really? You are scared of loud noises, crowds, cars and open spaces!" he exclaimed then chuckled.
"And i have good reasons" I challenged.
"Yeah right" He laughed.
"Yo! Brayden!" A guy, with short brown hair, yelled from across the road. I'm guessing he's one of Braydens jock friends.
"Hi Toby" Brayden said as Toby reached the pavement.
Toby looked across at me and shot me a glare, "Who's this?"
"Charlotte. She is my cousin, remember I told you about her yesterday" He told him.
"Oh yeah, Hi" He said carelessly, "Come on this nerd was checking out Mik's girl again and now we need to teach him a lesson"
"Alright" Brayden said got up and started down the path, He called back "Charlotte!"
I jumped up and trailed behind them down the road. after about 5 minutes I saw the 'nerd' the where talking about. A guy a little older than me with square rimmed glasses placed on his face sitting on a short wall smoking.
"Oi! Fag!" Brayden yelled. I hid myself behind Braydens large frame. The guy looked up from the tarmac and was about to get up when Toby pushed him down.
"This will teach you for checking out another guy's chick" Toby yelled then started punching him in the face and stomach. Brayden soon joined in and kicked him in the shin
I was backing away from this scene when the flashbacks started again.

I hid in the corner. That's all i could do. Hide. I watched helplessly as my father slapped my mother.

I shook my head. "No" I kept repeating over and over. I grabbed my hair and started pulling at it. Anything to get them to stop.

"Come here you little bitch!" My father screamed at my young, helpless body.
I tried to back away but I soon hit the dinning room wall.
My father took this as a sign to grab me by my frail neck and lifted my feet off the ground.

I closed my eyes and shook my head faster. I kept backing up from Brayden, Toby and that poor teen. And kept repeated that one word, No.

Gerard's point of view

"Come on Ray, Batman is way cooler than superman!" I exclaimed as Ray, Frank and I were walking back to mine so we could eat.
"No, you are so wrong" He argued.
"Batman is so mu- Shit!" I said as I saw Brayden and Toby approaching the oblivious Mikey.
"What the fuck did he do this time!" Ray said, frustrated.
When Toby pushed him down and then started swinging punches. That's when me, Ray and Frank set off full sprint towards them. Ray and Frank got there first seeing as they are fitter than me and started to pull off Brayden and Toby from helpless Mikey.
I was about to break someones jaw when I saw a girl. She was sobbing while backing away from us. She had a black green day hoodie, skinny jeans and blue converse on. Why was she here? Was she with Brayden and Toby? Surely not.
Her eyes were tightly shut and she grabbed at her hair.
I walked over to her.
"No," She repeated over and over again.
I touched her shoulder she flinched away as her eyes flew open wide with fright. She quickly turned around and bolted.
I returned to the others. Frank and Ray had pulled Brayden and Toby off of Mikey.
Brayden head swung round, searching.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!" Brayden yelled.
"Who?" I asked, oblivious.
"Charlotte, who the fuck do you think. She was standing right there! Now where is she!" He screamed.
"She bolted" I told him, reluctantly
"Fuck, moms gonna kill me. Which way?" He asked.
I pointed in the direction she ran, he dashed after her.
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