Status: I'm editing the chapters I have written, Re-Read them if you wish (: Fern x

I'm not okay

Chapter 11

"I'm borrrrred" Ashlee whinnied from her position on the couch. We had retired to rays basement after it started to pour down with rain.
"We know!" Sarah said.
"But I'm B-O-R-E-D!" Ashlee spelt out.
"SHUT UP!" Bob yelled.
We sat in silence for about 2 minutes until Mikey yelled out "Lets play truth or dare!"
"Yeah!" Ashlee agreed.
"Fine" Sarah said.
We formed a circle on the black and blue circle rug in the middle of the concrete floor.
"I wanna go first!" Mikey yelled "Alex! Truth or dare"
"Dare" She said.
"I dare you to run into the middle of the road screaming 'Mikey has the fittest ass i have ever seen!'" Mikey explained.
"Fine" She grumbled then stood up and trudged up the stair. We all quickly followed.
We stood in the in the doorway of the house as we watched Sarah ran into the road then scream "Mikey has the fittest ass i have ever seen!" as she walked back towards us she stopped then shouted "Too bad he is GAY!"
When she was inside Mikey kept shouting her daggers.
"What?" She asked.
"You are not allowed to do that" Mikey said.
"Who said i couldn't?" She asked.
"Who said you could?" Mikey asked.
"But who said i couldn't?" She asked.
"Guys" Gerard said "Shut up"
We followed Gerard back down the stairs.
"okay my turn" Sarah said "Gerard, Truth or dare"
"Truth?" He questioned.
"Do you... like blue or red better" Sarah asked.
Gerard let out a breath "I thought you would ask me something like really personal"
"Shit i should of asked you about that time in the park with that make-"
"hey hey hey you cant change anything now!" He protested "And red"
"My turn now" Gerard said "Mikey, truth or dare"
"Umm dare" He said instantly regretting it.
Gerard had a sly smile on his face "I dare you to kiss Charlotte"
My eyes grew wide and my gaw almost hit the ground.
I looked over at Alex, Nikki and the other girls. they all had goofy grins on there face. Bob, Ray had a smirk on there faces and when i looked over at them Ray gave me the thumbs up sign. I looked at Mikey he had a crimson face, he was looking at the floor his hair drapped over his face. I finally took a quick glance at frank. He looked shocked, angry and Jealous?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to post this and its so short but i wrote this and i thought i posted but i didn't so i had to re-write this so yeah. Sorry!

Check out these stories - Frank iero story But id like to learn you name AND Gerard way story I will be with you

Read them NOW they are brilliant!!