Status: I'm editing the chapters I have written, Re-Read them if you wish (: Fern x

I'm not okay

Chapter 7

As we approached Franks house I saw two figures outside. They were talking about something random. The boy had longish black hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing black skinnies, A white t-shirt with a red tie over & black and white checked vans. The girl he was talking to had dark brown hair and a side fringe which she sweep across her face. She wore a black hoodie and dark Grey skinnies and she wore no shoes. You could see her neon yellow socks from a mile away. As we approached The guy looked up at us.
"Frank I thought you were getting some skittles!" He exclaimed "Not pick up a girl!"
The girl next to him smacked his arm.
"Don't be mean" She said then came closer to us then held out her can for me to shake "I'm Ashlee. And that goofball is Gerard"
I shook her hand then said "Charlotte"
"Hi Charlotte, So What brings you here?" She asked.
"Frank kidnapped me" I said.
"Frank!" She yelled "I told you to stop kidnapping people"
"That was a completely different situation! That one was a surprise and Alex was being moody" Frank defended.
"How is this different?" Ashlee asked.
"I told Charlotte I was going to kidnap her" He said smugly.
Ashlee looked at me "Really?!"
I nodded. She laughed "You should be prepared. When Frank says he is going to do something he usually does it"
I nodded in understanding.
"She doesn't say much does she" Gerard said.
"No" Ashlee said "She doesn't"
I looked up at them.
"Talk" Frank said.
I looked at them confused.
"Say 'hello'" Ashlee said.
"Hello" I said but it came out more like a whisper.
"Aw she is shy" Gerard said then gave me a side hug.
"Can we go inside I'm freezing here" Ashlee whinnied.
"Okay" Gerard sighed.
Once we were inside i saw picture hung all over the walls.
The first I saw was a younger looking Frank, he was about 9 or 10, with his mom and dad. They all looked so happy. I just stared at the picture wishing that even if it was just once me, my mom and dad were like that. But i knew that would never happen. I felt tears pick my eyes. I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. When turned round i saw Frank, Ashlee and Gerard staring at me.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Are you alright?" Frank asked.
I nodded my head.
"Can you give me a real answer?" He asked.
"I'm fine" I lied.
The boys believed it and started talking about the lion king? but Ashlee kept looking at me.
I turned away from her gaze.
"Lets go downstairs" Frank said. Then we headed downstairs but Ashlee pulled me aside.
"You're not alright" Ashlee said.
"I'm fine" I told her.
"No you're not" She said "Tell me whats the matter"
"It's just the pictures" I told her.
Ashlee looked confused "What"
"It's the pictures. They..They urr never mind" I said then moved round her towards the basement.
This is going to be a long night.
when i got downstairs frank introduced my to Bob his girlfriend Alex, Yes the same Alex Frank kidnapped, and Ray. Boy did he have an afro. it was the biggest I've ever seen!
Alex had blue eyes which turned green in differnt light. Jet black wavy hair and she was wearing diamond labrets in her snakebites

About 4 hours later I got a phone call.
"Yellow" I Said into the phone. Everybody turned there attention to me. Probably cause i haven't said two words all night.
"WHERE ARE YOU? I'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK! GET BACK HERE NOW! GOD YOU SHOULDN'T BE LEFT ALONE THIS LONG! GOD I'M GOING TO GET AN EAR FULL FROM DOCTORS! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Aunt Taylor screamed into the phone. I'm sure everybody in the room heard it even though it wasn't on speaker phone.
"Ay Tay calm down. I'm at Franks like i said" I told her.
"I SAID YOU COULDN'T GO!" She was still screaming.
"Thats not up to you is it!" I stood up. I was getting angry "It doesn't even matter anyway! Its not been 5 hours yet"
"THATS A GUILD LINE! Come on Charlotte you know what Doctor Stanley said" She said calming down while i was getting more angry by the second.
I walked up the stairs to get away from the 6 staring eyes.
"Ay Tay I'll come home if you want me too" I gave in.
"Be here I'm 10 minutes" She said then hung.
"I am soo grounded" I told myself.
"What was that about?" Frank said from behind me.
"Nothing" I said.
"It was something" He said "You haven't spoken two words to us all evening but when... Ay Tay?.. Called you are shouting at her"
"Ay Tay is my aunt" I told him.
"Oh Braydens mom" Frank said.
I nodded.
"Whats with the 5 hour thing?" Frank asked.
"I'm not allowed to be alone, I mean with out adult supervision for more than 5 hours" I told him while looking down.
"Why?" He said.
I slipped in on my shoes "The doctor says i'm clinically depressed" I told him.
"See you at school" I told him and waved as I walked out of his house out into the cold street.
Only 2 minutes to get home. I was already grounded so i didn't bother running there.
♠ ♠ ♠
I still need a girlfriend for mikey!!!
Come on people!!