
Hey people! This is my first entry of my first story! The idea for this came in a dream, believe it or not. I had the dream the night before a doctor's appointment for my chest and back, so I wrote every time we had to wait for those doctors. I only wrote about ten pages that day, but I had a good feeling that writing about something I obsessed over could be fun, so I kept writing. It's my longest story yet! This is just the first part, and I hope I can find it in me to continue, Hope you like it!!
P.S. Comments are appreciated. Did I start the action too fast? Should I give more back story at the beginning or add little snippets later? So far I'm adding snippets...
  1. Statue People and Flying Orange Converse
    First chapter of my Dreambringers story
  2. Naked on a Table, A New Job is Assigned
    Joan finds herself in a strange place, lying almost naked on a table. Why have these people taken her?
  3. First Day On The Job:Part One
    Something strange is happening when Joan has a vision on her first day(night?) on the job.