You Shouldn't

Chapter two

That night Alexa rummaged around her closet for something to wear while an increasingly annoying Roxi squealed incoherently in the phone. “Wear something nice, but not slutty, comfortable for sure, it’s still a job. Try not to look as if you tried to hard to look good. Why don’t you wear that tight black skirt I gave you for Christmas last year?” Alexa sighed as she sat on her bed. “Rox, you mean the skirt that is no longer than five inches? The one I can’t bend over or sit in? That skirt?” “Yeah Lexi, that one!” Roxi was being very unhelpful. “Didn’t you just tell me not to be slutty?” Alexa laughed. “Umm yeah, but it’s Jared Leto, and you have kickass legs.” Roxi replied but then went quiet. Alexa rolled her eyes, she hated being reminded of [i[that. “Uh right, sorry Lex.” Roxi apologized. Alexa got back up to rummage around her closet some more. “How about the dark jeans? The ones you like on me so much?” Alexa asked her friend, pulling the jeans out from the closet. “Yeah! Those look good on you, and they aren’t so ‘I want some action looking’ “ Alexa and Roxi laughed. “Roxanne! That’s so mean of you, I don’t want action, and I’m not a whore like you!” Roxanne pretended to cry at her friend’s comment. “Well at least I get some, not like you!” She mocked back. “You’re slutiness isn’t going to get me dressed is it? What top do I wear you dork?” Alexa began looking through her vast collection of vintage t-shirts while her friend was quiet in though on the other end of the line. “What about that Beatles shirt? The dark blue one with the submarine on it?” Roxi said. “Good idea Rox,” Alexa replied taking the shirt out. She threw the clothes on the bed along with her underwear, which much to Roxi’s sadness were not the black-laced ones she’d bought at Victoria’s Secret. “Well that’s for the help Rox, I gotta go shower. Love ya babe” “Love ya too Lexi, if that guy Shannon hits on you, flirt back. For me?” Roxi pleaded. Alexa laughed. “Fine, if that even happens.” “Shut up bitch, you’re hot and he liked you. So flirt back.” Roxi ordered. “Fine! God you’re being annoying today, Bye!” Alexa hung up and walked toward the shower, thinking about what Roxi had said.