Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Writing For A Purpose

"Hey Gee, can I talk to you about something?" I asked timidly. My brother and I had always been close , so I knew that I could talk to him about almost anything that was on my mind. This however, was scary for me to talk about.

"Sure Mikes, whats up?" Gerard replied, looking up from his comic book that he was engrossed in. I walked over to his bed and sat myself down, this was going to be a long, long talk. I started to fiddle with anything that was insight, my hands finally resting on an old pen that was scattered around on the floor.

"Mikes? Whats up bro? youve been so damn quiet recently" Gerard encouraged me to speak. Okay, it was now or never I though.

"Its Violet." I blurted out quickly, amazed that Gerard actually caught what I had said. As soon as I looked up, his face was contorted into a smirk. Dammit.

"You like her dont you Mikes?" Gerard smirked at me. Fuck. How was it that he could read me like an open comic book? He always had been able to. What made me think it was going to be any different now? I blushed, ready to face up to the truth.

"I kind of, er, YES I LIKE HER!" I squealed, unable to contain it any longer. She had been my best friend since my first steps, but now, could she be more than that?

"Then go for it buddy. Im sure she likes you too." Gerard informed me. I was scared.

"Gee, Im really scared. I mean, what if she doesnt like me? What if she laughs at me?"

"She isnt going to laugh at you Mikey, Im pretty damn sure she does like you, not as a friend but potentially more okay! Stop being such a baby and go for it." Gerard piped up, he made it sound so easy, but to me it was the hardest thing I was ever to do.

"What if it ruins our friendship? I dont think I could handle not being friends ever again if something was to go wrong Gee?" I was speaking the truth, I wouldnt be able to cope without Violet around me, either as a girlfriend or my best friend. Simple thing, I needed her like I needed oxygen in my lungs.

"Look Mikes, if something is meant to be, it will happen. Remember the saying Grandma tells us, everything happens for a reason. So stop worrying, and let this happen okay." He was right. Everything did happen for a reason, and if violet and I were meant to be, it was going to happen. Once again I got those butterflies fluttering around my stomach and my heart. God that girl meant the world to me, and I wanted her to know it.

"Hey Gerard, your good at writing lyrics, would you help me?" As that plan hit me. I knew what I was going to do. I was going to write something, and I was going to sing it to Violet. Okay, I wasnt the best singer in the world, Gerard had gotten all that talent, but none the less, I could sing in tune.

"Sure, you want to sing to her?" Damn, he really could read my mind!

"Yeah, yeah I do Gee. Im going to sing to her, and Im gonna show her how much she means to me."

With that, we both got down to work, scribbling anything that came to mind, came to heart. This was going to be my shot to show Violet how much I loved her.