Let Your Imagination Run Wild

Forever And Always

After I had gotten myself ready, I went to check on the food I had cooking for myself and Violet. Earlier, after rummaging through the cupboards and the fridge, I had found we had hardly anything in, which meant I then had to make time to go to the store and pick something out. After rushing around like a crazy man, I arrived at the store. Walking through the isles, I then had no clue on what to buy. In all fairness, I didnt know what Violet wanted to eat. Using my previous experience with her, thinking back to what she liked, I finally chose something I could make, the typical pasta dish. Okay it was very boring, and yes easy to make but I knew she liked it. After choosing the bow type pasta I ran to pick the sauce. After debating for a while on whether I should get Carbonara or tomato and basil, I chose the creamy mushroom and ham jar.

Finally after paying for the dinner I rushed back home to prepare the meal. Putting the water into the pan and boiling pasta couldnt be that hard, could it? Well, me being the stupid person that I am, left the heat on too high, yes I ruined the pasta! I burnt the pasta. After that I decided the only option I had, was to run around screaming fire in the house. To that, Gerard and my mom came running from upstairs. Gerard just laughed, he had figured out why I was cooking on this rare occasion. My mom on the other hand, ran around like a headless chicken, turning the heat out and rushing the pot of steaming burnt pasta to the sink. Once she had tipped the water down the sink and thrown the pasta away, she gave me a weird look.

My mom asks so many questions. Ok I know it was weird to see me cooking like that, well actually burning things, but god does she nag, I think I just had a lesson on how to cook, how to clean, and how to prevent house fires. All this, and I still had no dinner for Violet, and I needed to change and shower. After explaining to my Mom that as herself and my dad were eating out tonight I was cooking something for Gee and I to eat later on, cold. She carried on giving me very weird looks, and told me to go get cleaned up and that she would cook us the meal. Gerard stood by me with this one, only telling me that I owed him and that I was buying him pizza tonight, either that or giving him that money to go out. I decided on giving him $10 to go catch a film or something with Frank, his new love interest. He accepted gratefully, so now I knew I had the house to myself.

Once I knew my Mom was cooking for me I retreated to the shower. After cleaning myself up, washing my hair I grabbed a towel and headed to my room. Once there, I dried off, then choosing what I was going to wear. I decided on black skinny jeans and a black shirt. Once I had dressed myself, I set to work on my hair. I straightened the kinks from my mousey brown mop, and applied a thin line of eyeliner around my eyes. I stood back in the mirror and grinned, I didnt look too bad. Whilst standing there, Gerard walked into my room. He sat behind me on my bed, just watching myself put the finishing touches into getting ready. After talking a little with my brother, he pointed out that I should really put a sweatshirt over my shirt whilst Mom was in the house. She would only ask more questions as to why I was so dressed up, so after realising he had a fair point, I threw one over my head and ran down he stairs.

As I got downstairs, the overwhelming smell of pasta and sauce hit my nose. Once thanking my Mom for helping, I then shoved them all out of the door, Gerard was going to Franks and was dropping Mom at Dads work so they could go eat out. Gerard told Mom that he was only dropping a game over to Franks, and would be back to me in no time, obviously being a lie. He wasnt going to come back so soon, I had made sure he told our parents that they should be back no earlier then 11 o clock. That should be in time so that I could have dropped Violet home, and come back in time to make it look like myself and Gerard had a movie night.

I looked that the clock. It was nearly 7. Violet would be here any minute and I needed to sort the living room out. It wasnt a mess, but It could be a lot cleaner. After running around cleaning , making sure everything was set up, making sure the dinner table looked okay, checking on the pasta in the oven, I took my sweatshirt off and sat down on the sofa. It hadnt even been a minute since I sat down, when the door bell went. I jumped from my skin, running to the door, after quickly looking in the mirror I opened the door ,a full smile plastered across my face. Quickly, that smile died down. It wasnt Violet, but the police. They had sad looks across their faces, It was then I realised something was wrong. After the initial shock had died down, I invited them in.

"Mr Way, Im afraid we have some very bad news for you." I gulped, I couldnt take anything like this now. This night was meant to be for me and Violet, proclaiming our love and getting together, not bad news. I nodded my head, hands trembling at the thought of this news.

"Mr Way, your brother Gerard Way is in hospital. Whilst driving your mother, he was involved in a car accident. He died a few minutes ago Mr Way, Im so very sorry." The news hit me like a tonne of bricks, they say it does, but I never believed people when they said it, I felt sick, my head was spinning and my hands shaking still. I couldnt take it in, my brother, my only brother, the one I always looked up to, could not be dead. I couldnt accept it, he isnt dead, he isnt. with that, I ran. The police tried to stop me, calm me down but I didnt stop. I ran to my front door, and opened the catch quickly. After opening the door, I came face to face with the person I had been waiting for; Violet.

I quickly ran into her arms, crying hysterically now. She didnt know what was going on, but she let me stay close to her, her arms snaking around my back, holding me close to her chest. I wanted it all to go away, I didnt want to be here to face the news. It was then I started to blame myself. If I hadnt have told him to go out, he wouldnt be dead, he would be here, with myself and Violet laughing and joking. But no, I made him leave the house, resorting in his death.

"I-I K-killed G-Gerard" Was all I could muster into Violets ear. She froze, her eyes cold with so many questions. I couldnt explain properly, so the officers escorted her in doors, with myself still in her arms. They sat us down and explained to us, more Violet what had happened. Nothing could make things better. I felt sick to the soul, and in all truth, I wanted to die. Just like my older brother. As the police explained, Violets grip tightened around my waist, grabbing my hands and gripping them tight too. I knew she was going to be upset too, she loved Gerard like a brother too, I could hear her crying.

Once we had both calmed down, we were taken to the hospital where my deceased brother was being held and where my Mom was being treated for concussion. Once there, once I saw my parents I ran, busting into tears in my Moms arms. I couldnt take it in, my brother was dead and it was all because of me.