Let Your Imagination Run Wild


Today was the day. Today, was the day I would burry my brother. Time had flown by, from arranging the flowers to picking our shirts. I didn’t want to do this, but I knew that I had to. This was the final goodbye I would give to my brother. I liked to think that this wasn’t just goodbye, this was the start of something new for him. I liked to think that I would see him once again, someday.

Both Violet and I had decided when talking about what we would wear to the funeral that we would wear Gerard’s favourite band shirt; Iron maiden. Mom didn’t agree, but she knew that Gee would have loved that. We went to the mall, brought 3 of the same shirt and came back home. We saved one for ourselves, and gave one to the funeral director to dress Gerard in. We also sent his favourite bat belt for him to wear.

Once we had all dressed and composed ourselves we made our way to the hearse where Gerard was resting. His coffin looked amazing, he would have been proud of me for choosing such a cool one. It was red and black, and on the inside the fabric had been custom made for him; black with red bats scattered about. Again, my parents despised this, they wanted everything traditional, but they understood that I needed to do this for Gerard, and it would have been what he wanted.

We made our way to the church and the service commenced. It really was beautiful, violet and I sat together, clutching eat other and sobbing. When it came to my turn to talk about Gerard, I walked up and poured my heart out. I told the small church on how we grew up, how I followed in his footsteps. It was very emotional for me, but I made it thorough.

Gerard, was going to be buried. Before that was to happen, we were aloud to put anything in with him that we wanted to. As everyone exited the church to walk onto the grounds, myself and Violet walked up to his coffin, looking at his pale face, as the top half of the casket was opened. I walked over to his coffin, things in hand which I wanted to leave with him. As I reached him, I started to place the things in with him.

Before the funeral, I had taken a trip to star bucks. I placed the bag containing a now cold coffee next to Gerard. I then placed a few of his cd’s that he loved. A New Jersey chain and pendant, and a paintbrush. The last thing I placed, was a photo of us as kids. I walked away, leaving Violet to place her things in, she then came and joined me outside, taking my hand and leading us to where Gee would be laid to rest.

Once we were over near his plot in the ground, his coffin was slowly lowered into the ground, looking down I noticed the small inscription I had etched on the front. ‘Gerard, forever and always, Mikes.’ That etching became distant as the earth and black roses were placed into the hole with the casket.

This was the part that I hated. Seeing my brother lowered into the ground, never to come back. I clutched onto Violet, as she huddled to me. This was too much, we were both sobbing at this point too, I wanted Gerard back.

Once Gerard was finally buried, and everyone made their way from the cemetery, I stayed there, on the ground, next to the freshly laid soil. I wanted to talk to my brother.

“Hey Gee, you okay down there? I just want to say that I miss you, and I love you, and I always will. I promise I will come and visit you all the time, and talk like this. I know you will be listening some place. Oh and Gerard, I‘m going to tell Violet, I know that’s what you would have wanted. I love you Bro, sleep tight.” Tears streaked my face, as I pushed up from the ground and walked back over to Violet who was waiting near the car. I told my Mom that I wanted to walk home, with Violet. She nodded, and let us walk. When they finally drove off, I turned to Violet.

“I need to show you something” As I grabbed her hand, leading her towards the Brook.