I'm Listening

New Beginnings

“Crap,” I hiss as I dodge a tree and another hit from my attacker “You can’t run forever Neima,”he yells in his creepy voice as he continues to chase me through the forest. He was wrong I could run forever I just preferred not to. This creep has been chasing me for two weeks on and off. I’ve ran from my home state of Maryland to New York, to Chicago, to Texas to Florida, to Ohio, to Minnesota, and finally to this little town called Forks, Washington. I think that’s what it’s called because I didn’t get a good look at the welcome sign when I ran past it. Anyways when I think I’ve lost him, there he goes again. I would just stop and fight him but I know he has more experience than me seeing as though I’ve only been vampire for about 6 months. I didn’t stand a chance even with my abilities.

I can’t believe this guy was chasing me so I can be his mate. I clearly told him I wasn’t interested the first time he approached me. I would never date him. I’m definitely not into the stalker type. Plus he looks like he’s in his late 20s while I look 18, which is old I was when I was changed. Since then I’ve been on my own. I couldn’t go back to my family in fear that I would hurt them. I’ve had no one to talk to and nobody to listen to me. I really needed someone. I needed a place to call home. I definitely couldn’t find those things with James chasing me.

As I continued to run my nose started burning. “What the hell is that smell,” James asks. “And why the heck would I know you retard?” I yell. Seconds later a huge creature launches itself at me from my left side. I used one of my two abilities to slow down time so I could dodge it. I really didn’t need any more problems. I skid to a stop to find about 5 more of them around me. They were wolves, and pretty big ones at that. I put my hands up to try and calm things down. “Okay okay relax, I come in peace,” I say making the alien signs with my fingers. The wolf that seemed to be the leader growled at me. “Slow your roll there man. I’m running from him,” I say pointing an accusing finger at James. “He’s been chasing me for two weeks,” I add on. “Liar you’re my mate why would I chase you?” he snaps. “Like hell. Why would I date you?” I yell forgetting the wolves even there. “Sam says the girl can go,” I hear. I turn to see a tan boy with no shirt on standing there. “Um thanks…” “Seth” “Yea thanks Seth, and whoever Sam is,” I say sincerely. “Do you feed on humans?” he asks. “Nope just animals from the start,” I answer. “Than why are your eyes red?” he asks. “I’ve only been a vampire for six months.” “Oh well bye.” “Bye.” I turn around and look in different directions. “Mmm, where to go? Where to go? Can’t go home. Hey Mom I’m back after six months and I’m a vampire. I can’t imagine how that would work out. Oh maybe I can go to Asia or Paris, I’ve always wanted to see the Eifel Tower,” I say forgetting about my audience.

I turn around to find them staring at me like I was weird with their wolfy eyes. “Oh sorry,” I say with a chuckle before running off in some random directions. Oh well back to wondering around. I few moments later I hear James scream.

~Alice’s POV~

“I see a girl coming here in a few minutes, “I say as I have another vision. “Dangerous?” Emmett asks with a grin. Either he wanted a good fight or he wanted to find his soul mate. “I don’t think she is. She’s just looking for somewhere to go,” I say to him. “Is she pretty,” Emmett asks. “Pretty enough to be your type,” Edward says. “Yes!” Emmett’s loud voice booms. We all chuckle. “Emmett relax we don’t know this girl,” Carlisle says. “Does she feed on humans,” Rosalie’s boyfriend Chase asks. “We don't know, she hasred eyes,” Edward says.

~Niema’s POV~

As I ran I came to a huge white house. I wonder who lives here. I thought. Maybe the town’s mayor or some rich family or----- my thought process was cut short when a flash of bronze flew past me in the yard. Not knowing what it was I got nervous. I slowed time and formed a sound wave in my left hand. I turned to find a bronze-haired vampire looking at me with a confused expression. I guess he’s never met a vampire with my powers. I walk to him and put my left hand in front of him. I then return time back to normal. “Who are you?” I ask hoping he’s not a friend of James. I really didn’t want to kill him. “First what just happened?” he asks still confused. Okay he’s not with James but is slow. I obviously used my powers. What did he think the world just slowed down on it’s on? “Who’s James and I’m not slow,” he says. Mind Reader.Ugh. “He was a creepy vamp who wanted me to be his mate. He’s been chasing me around for 2 weeks,” I inform him. “What do you mean was?” “The wolves killed him,” I say. “Oh well what’s your name?” “Neima Quadri, you?” “Edward Cullen” “Okay well it was nice meeting you but I have to go,” I say as I begin to walk away. “You don’t have anywhere to go,” he says. “How do you know that?” “My sister saw you coming. Come and meet my family. I think we can help you.” “Okay,” I say as I follow Edward into the house. After we enter the house he leads me to what looks like the living room. Wow big family. A short black-haired pixie like vampire jumps up and hugs me. “Hi, I’m Alice,” she says. She’s very perky and friendly. “Very,” Edward says shaking his head rolling his eyes. I smile as the rest of the family introduced themselves. I met Jasper, Alice’s husband. He seemed kind of emotionless. He could read and control emotions. Then I met Rosalie. She seemed kind of shallow. She didn’t hug me she just looked me up and down and gave a not so friendly hello. Then there was Chase, her boyfriend, who seemed too laid back to be dating her. Then I met Carlisle and Esme, the family’s parental figures. They were very polite. Then came Emmett, he was tall, muscular, and goofy. I found him to be quite attractive. He was the only single one too. Edward brought his girlfriend Bella over. She looked very nervous around me. She was human to my surprise. I hadn’t been this close to a human since my change so I held my breath and said a quick hi. Edward smiled at this. Carlisle asked me to tell them about myself so I did. I explained to them how I was changed, my birthday (February 19th), and about James. Emmett seemed very upset when I told them about that part of my life. I also went as far as to tell them my dislikes and likes. The fact that one of my likes was shopping made Alice very happy. “Do you have any abilities,” Bella asks. “Yea, two. I can freeze or slow down time and create sound waves,” I say. “Can you try em’ out on me?” Emmett asks. “Sure,” I say smiling at his excitement. “Yes, time for some fun,” he says. “Don’t be too upset when I hurt you,” I say with a laugh. “I wouldn’t be because you won’t be able to,” he says giving a very sexy smirk. “We’ll see about that.” That smirk almost made me melt. I can’t like him though because I haven’t even known him for 30 minutes

~Emmett’s POV~

I can’t wait to see this girl can do. Being hot and being able to fight is definitely a turn a on. I wonder what she thinks about me. “You like her don’t you?” Jasper says to me as we got outside. “No,” I say looking away. “Sure,” he says smirking. I watch as she makes her way across the yard. She’s so hot. The way the little light outside hit her pale caramel skin made her even more beautiful. “Let’s get this show on the road,” she says smirking. “Here I come,” I say as I run at her.

~Niema’s POV~

“Here I come,” Emmett says before running at me. He has no clue what he’s in for. I heard Edward chuckle. When Emmett gets close enough he throws a punch in my direction. I easily dodge because he’s not that fast. I punch him in the stomach and freeze time then catch him by the collar. I make a sound wave in my free hand. I unfreeze time and hit him in the stomach with the wave sending him flying into the woods. Edward, Jasper, and Chase bust out laughing. “Emmett just got his butt kicked by a girl!” Chase yells. “Nice job bro,” Jasper says. “He’s thinking what the heck just happened,’ Edward says before continuing to laugh. “I never thought I’d see this day,” Bella says. “I’ll go check on him,” I say walking into the woods to find him.

I finally find him lying on the ground saying ouch. “You said you wanted to see my powers,” I laugh. When I get close enough I notice he’s smiling. “What are you smiling f----whoa!” I say as I fall over a thick tree branch that I hadn’t noticed. I know a vampire tripping, rare right? Well not for me. I guess Emmett had planned that. I’m also guessing that he didn’t plan for me fall on top of him. His chest was firm and chiseled. I could feel his abs through his shirt. We just stared at each other on silence. If I could still blush I’d be a tomato right about now. When I finally look away it was getting dark. How long have we been out here? When I look back I find him staring at my chest. I clear my thought. He looks up and gives an innocent smile. “Uh, sorry, “he says. “Maybe we should head back,” I say sitting up resulting in me straddling his hips. “You’re right…but I want to do this first, “he says with that same smirk. Uh oh. He sits up and crashes his lips into mine.
That was day my life changed again. That was the day I found and fell in love with Emmett Cullen. I ended up staying in Forks with the Cullens. Emmett and I are currently dating. He’s amazing and now I finally have a rival in video games. Whenever I need someone to talk to he just says “I’m listening.” I can’t wait to spend eternity with him.