Status: Completed. Sequel is up.

Can't Stay Away


Trapped. I was trapped. In Brendon Urie's bathroom. The bathroom with one window, which was too tiny to fit anything through.

I was currently sitting on the floor, leaning against the tub with my legs stretched out in front of me. There really wasn't anything else I could do.

I'm not sure how long I was in there. I knew I had been in the bathroom for at least an hour. Maybe even two. I was zoning out when I heard Brendon's footsteps coming toward the bathroom. He knocked twice on the door before I heard the door being unlocked and opening slowly. I looked up at Brendon as he poked his head in.

"Are you ok?" he asked quietly.

"Fantastic," I said dryly. Brendon sighed.

"I'm sorry I locked you in here," Brendon said. "I overreacted earlier."

"Yeah," I agreed. He opened the door more.

"You can go home if you want," Brendon said. "I don't want to force you to stay here."

"Really?" I said. Brendon nodded his head. I stood up quickly. I hesitated for a moment before going past Brendon and out of the bedroom. I headed for the stairs quickly, ready to leave Brendon's house. I really shouldn't rush though, being clumsy and all. Halfway down the stairs, I tripped and fell the rest of the way down. My arm hit something sharp and I crashed to the floor. Pain coursed through me. I lay on the floor, feeling only the pain. I let out a groan.

"Ryan?" Brendon said. I heard him rushing down the stairs, before feeling him rolling me onto my back. "Are you ok?"

"I've been better," I said. I watched as Brendon checked me over before reaching over to pick up my arm.

"You've got a cut on your arm," Brendon said. He stood up and helped me up too. My ankle hurt a bit, but it was nothing serious. I just needed to 'walk it off.' Brendon led me to his living room and sat me down. "I'll be right back."

I heard Brendon go back upstairs. A few minutes later, he returned carrying several things. He set the stuff down on the coffee table. He took my arm again, and started to clean up the cut. It wasn't too bad. Brendon carefully placed a bandage on it before looking at me and smiling.

"All better," he said.

"I don't know about all better," I mumbled. Brendon chuckled. I stood up. "I'm going home now."

Brendon nodded his head, looking kind of sad.

"Ok," he said.

"Ok," I repeated. I walked to the front door and picked up my bag. As I left the house, all I could picture was the sad expression on Brendon's face, and I felt bad.
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Sorry for taking so long to update. Here's a quick one for you :]