Status: Okay, so the whole 'get everything off my laptop' plan went to hell. The harddrive is messed up. All the chapters I'd written are gone. I don't think I'll delete ACA and I will probably continue it, but I can't say how long it will be before I do. I am considering redoing it completely.

A Cigarette Affair


Sometimes Pippa imagines what it’s like to be on drugs. She’s read enough books and has garnered a guess at what it must be like.

Sometimes she likes to pretend she is Nothing, from one of her favorite novels, sprawled across a dirty mattress in the back of a black van, tripping on too much acid as it thunders down the road, David Bowie spilling from the windows and carried away by the wind.

She can make visions come to her when she does this, especially when she is at the brink of exhaustion, running on caffeine and too many sleepless nights. Visions of darkness and magic and light, and all of the unimaginable things. It’s those moments she loves the best.

The shadows dance across her room and whisper secrets to her, while arms wrap around her stomach and an unintelligible murmur is heard in her ear. It’s these moments when she is safe from the cruelty of the world and can drift into sleep.

Her alarm goes off again, and the hazy remnants of the night before brush past her face, as insubstantial as strands of cobweb.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I know, there doesn't seem to be much of a plot just yet. Don't worry, there will be. Promise. <3