Just Fake It For Me

chapitre quatre

"Stop fidgeting Robi, I can't do your makeup like this," Emily complained, as we were all shoved into the huge bathroom at Max's house. Jordan, Sidney and Max were downstairs playing video games. The girls were getting ready for a huge New Years Eve party. The one that Avery would be attending as well.

And with that, Max and I had slowly formed a plan. Which was put into action nearly a month ago. Tonight would be the night that Max and I would finally fit all the pieces together. I just hoped it worked.

"Knock knock," Max called from the other side of the door, as he slowly opened it. Carden body slammed the door, closing it on Max's foot.

"What the hell was that for!" Max roared, kicking down the door, about ready to pound his chest. Carden stood at the ready and tackled Max to the ground, covering his eyes. "What the fuck, Carden. SIDNEY COME GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND OFF OF ME!"

"Can't get her off yourself, eh Talbot?" Sidney yelled from downstairs. Max groaned. “She’s a feisty one, I know from experience-”

“Shut up Sidney!” Jordan and Max yelled at the same time. I could almost see their facial expressions as Sidney giggled to himself.

"You can't see her, sorry Max," Carden said, pushing Max out of the doorway.

Emily and I burst out laughing at Carden’s protectiveness.

"It's not like we are getting married," Max complained.

"Car, it's fine, I'm ready," I stepped over the mess on the floor (Carden and Max) and into Max's room to examine at myself in the tall mirror on his wall.

"Yeah! Thank you, Robi. Now, if you'll excuse us!" Maxime yelled, practically slamming the bathroom door in their faces.

"Woah, that was nice, Maxie," I said, sarcastically, throwing my hair over my shoulder and getting a good look at him.

I smirked widely at him, seeing as he couldn’t pry his eyes from me. My hair was curled to perfection, as my blue eyes popped from behind the makeup. I was wearing a silver strapless dress that hung onto my hips just right.

“What’s up Talbot?” I asked, amusement playing in my voice.

“Nothing,” he said smoothly, as always. “You look great.”


“But of course, not as good as me.”

Woah, that moment was just ruined. “Loser,” I shouted at him, punching him in the arm and trotting down the hallway.

“Robi! I was just kidding.”

“Get your own ride, Talbot!” I called up the stairs, smirking to Jordan and Sidney on my way out the door.

- - - - -

“Freaking great Robs, awesome,” Max growled at me, as we stood in the hallway, just outside the ballroom where the New Year’s Eve party was being hosted by the Penguins.

“Don’t you even try to blame this on my Max. The plan is going right on track-”

“Robi, do you not understand that she will not give me a moment break! It’s like she’s having sex with me on the dance floor. Who does that?”


Max looked over at me, but I wasn’t looking back. My eyes were locked on the window in front of me, staring out at the buildings and streets bellow us, all of them illuminated with tiny lights.

“What I am trying to say is that no one believes us, we are acting the same as we would if we were being normal. We need to take it up a level.”

I whipped around to look at Max. His blue eyes pierced mine, his look made me want to suddenly confess something, something that would have been devastating.

Finally, after a moment of silence, I said, “Okay Max, okay.”

He let out a long sigh that he must have been holding and hugged me closely. Closer than he ever had before. “Thank you Robi,” he whispered the words so genuinely I almost felt as if we had been in the comfort of his home, alone.

A chill ran down my spine. He let go and I quickly spun away from him, gracefully walking down the hallway and entering the ballroom.

Avery was sitting at our table. Sidney, Carden, Jordan and Emily all looked extremely uncomfortable as Avery babbled away, most likely how great Max was or that she needed a condom or whatever the hell she liked to talk about.

“It’s almost midnight, I think I need some booze,” I said cockily to my friends as I passed the table and headed to the bar.

I could feel Max’s smirk on me as our pack got up from the table and followed us. I got to the bar and ordered a beer.

“Here you go-” the nice young bar tender started, as I swiped the drink out of his hand and started to poor the contents into my throat.

“She’s, ahh… Sorry about that,” Max said finally, the only thing he could come up with.

“Be right baaackk,” I called happily to the group, an idea popping into my head.

Get as drunk as possible.

Well, without the drunken part. I would fake that part. I didn’t want to be drunk, I had to stay in control, I had to make this thing look real. But the only way he would let go is if he was drunk, and thought I was as well.

I wandered the room, dodging Max, dancing with random people and pretending to drink. A lot. I pored the beverages into plants, grabbed nearly empty bottles, anything. Just as long as I always had something in my hand.

Thirty minutes later, I was reunited with a worried Talbot.

“Where have you been?” Max nearly screamed, on the verge of ripping out his own hair.

“Oh Maxie,” I said, winking at him, and in the process pushing his body against the wall, mine grinding on his. “I want something,” I whispered in his ear, feeling up the buttons on his shirt.

“Uh, ah,” Max stumbled. I could smell on his breath that he had been drinking. He wasn’t exactly standing straight anymore.

Perfect, I thought excitedly. Now everything will go just as planned, and hopefully in the morning he won’t remember any of this.

“Can we dance, Max?” I asked him, not waiting for an answer, I pulled him by the tie and brought him to the middle of the dance floor, a group of people surrounding us.

I located Avery; she was dancing with T.K. but was obviously staring at Max.

“Max!” I called, pressing my chest against him, my hands resting on his hips.

“Robi,” he moaned back, looking down at me with such intensity in his eyes, I could barley stand up straight. He had never looked at me like that before.

Max grabbed my face with his hands, as we started to dance. He wouldn’t let me pull my eyes from his. Our bodies grew closer and closer, the music seemed to pound in my head, louder and louder.

People screamed, moaned, laughed around us. But they weren’t there. It was just Max and me. Soon, sweat seemed to pour off of our bodies, but we wouldn’t move away.

And at that moment, our plan had never been talked about, because there wasn’t really a plan at all. The look in his eyes, and the moan that was coming from my throat was more real than the dance floor below me.

We weren’t faking it. And that scared me. I didn’t know what was running through my body, but I didn’t want to stop, I was loving every second of it.

But no, Robi, think straight. This is the plan, the plan to get Avery away from Max.

“Robi,” Max whispered, bringing his lips to my ear, so close I could almost feel his soft lips.

This isn’t real. None of these feelings are real.

“Come closer,” he whispered, loudly enough so I could hear him over the music.

Fake, rung in my head.

But I did as I was told; he wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips still resting by my ear.

Robi, you know he is drunk. All he wants is Avery away.

“Robi, I want to tell you something, are you listening?” Max asked, as I caught Carden, Sidney, Jordan and Emily staring at us, mouths wide open. Guess they weren’t informed about what was going to go down.

The room seemed to be spinning. I knew I wasn’t drunk, I knew I wasn’t. I saw all of his teammates, Marc-Andre, Geno, Tyler, Kris. All eyes were on us.

Finally, my eyes met Avery’s, her mouth open, gaping.

“Are you?” Max insisted.

“Yes,” I choked out, my eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling.

“Just fake it for me.”

I gasped, Max pulled away to look at me, I felt like I was drowning in his blue eyes, unable to keep my head above water.

And then, so suddenly I thought I might be dreaming;

My eyes fluttered close,

Max’s lips caressing mine.

“Robi,” he moaned against my lips.

“I love you,” I said so suddenly, his lips became frozen.

Maxime pulled away, looking me in the eyes. Something in them gave away that he wasn’t drunk at all.

He was fully focused,

And those words hadn’t passed him.

Suddenly my secret was out.

Just fake it: Was all I had to do.