Forgotten Faces


Okay, most of these ‘dreams’ I’ve been having were nothing but distant memories of Zachary and I. I was crazy about the boy and still am. I’ve been head over heals with him since our first date….

“Dawn, you need to calm down.”

“Faith, shut up. I am calm.”

“No you aren’t. You’re all jittery.”

“Well, this is my first date with Zachary and I don’t want to fuck it up!” I said to my younger sister. She laughed and rolled her eyes. I would have too, I was acting like a sixteen year old.

“Just relax Dawn, you’re just going to one of his shows and going out to eat after, nothing too major.” she said and helped me squeeze into a turquoise corset top. I pulled on some tight white jeans and matching turquoise pumps.

“You’re right, now I’m calm.” I said after a deep breath. . I sat at the vanity mirror and began to curl my long silky brown hair. I put on blush and eyeliner with a light shade of pink lipstick. As the door bell rang, I got up and grabbed my bag and ran to open my door.

Zachary was standing in my door way clad in a Led Zeppelin shirt, leather jacket, converse and tight black jeans. In his hand was a single red rose. He smiled after looking me up and down and handed me the rose.
Faith appeared by me to check out Zacky.

“Thank you. Faith, can you go put this in water. Oh, drop and asprin in it too.”

“Asprin?” Zachary asked.

“Yea, it helps it live longer.”

“Don’t we all learn something new everyday.” he laughed as Faith left. I smiled as he took my hand and led me out of the door to his car. We drove to the Avalon in Hollywood where the show would be. We went through the back and talked as the stage crew began to set up and let people in.

“So what exactly Is the name of the band?” I asked.

“Avenged Sevenfold, our fan base isn’t exactly as huge as it seems, we’ve only gotten two cd’s out and we’re recording another right now. Here look, you can hang out with Matt’s girlfriend. Val this is Dawn, Dawn this is Val. Have a lovely time.” Zachary smiled as a girl walked up to us. He left and grabbed his guitar and headed on stage with the others.

“What song is this? It sounds really good.” I asked Val as they started of their first song with loud fast guitar rifts and massive drum beats. It took a good thirty seconds of this until the vocals had came in.

“This one is called Unholy Confessions.”
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The memories are all the highlights of Dawn's life since she's met Zacky, if you havent caught my drift yet.