Forgotten Faces


Now we can get to one of the greatest memory’s I’ve ever had. I remember this one best than any others. Mainly because how amused I was during the whole scenario. I wasn’t scared at all to tell Zacky my news…

“Zacky, where are you?” I asked my boyfriend of a year, we were having a long conversation on the phone as he was on tour and I was at our apartment.

“Were around San Diego, we’ll be home in a week. We still have this show, two in Bakersfield and one in Pomona and I can come home to see your gorgeous face again.”

“I can’t wait to see you, handsome. Listen, Zachary I have some news, that I don’t think I can wait any longer to tell you babe.” I said with a smile.

“Oh really? Is it good or bad?”

“I think its great.”

“Then lay it on me sexy!”

“I’m pregnant!”

“Really? Like, really really? You’re not lying or anything are you? Because I know when your lying and…you sound like your not lying. I’m going to be a dad? Seriously? Sweet. Ah, now I’m all excited damn it! Wait why are you laughing?” he spazzed. I was giggling as the more he spoke with excitement, the more his lisp had become noticeable.

“You sound so happy! Its just so cute.”

“Well hell Dawn your having my child and I’m not supposed to be? I couldn’t be an more excited because I love you. This is one of the best news I’ve ever gotten babe!”

“I love you too and I’m proud to be having your baby. Zachary James Baker, you’re my only love. I wouldn’t want it any other way. “

“When did you find out?”

“Oh…the day you left for tour.”

“That was two months ago!” he exclaimed. I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.

“Relax babe, I’m only three months, I saw the doctor yesterday. There’s so much you have to do to keep you and your baby healthy while pregnant. I think she gave me like twenty pamphlets, literally. I want to read some tonight, I think I’ve gotten through at least four already.”

“Well that’s good Dawn, you better make sure my baby is healthy. Or else it’d come out looking like a cyclops or something. Look baby, I got to go I’ll to you later kay? I love you.”

“I love you too babe, stay safe.” I said and hung up with the hugest smile on my face. Things were definitely going to be different around here.
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