Forgotten Faces


Okay, so maybe this would be the best memory ever of Zacky and I. I might’ve lied about all the others being my favorite. The day of Zacky’s arrival was a big one for me. For any of us. It was the day I definitely knew I’d have a family.

For being excited for Zacky’s arrival, I woke up hell of late to clean house like mad. Being pregnant had made me so sleepy and tire all the time but I was suddenly a ball full of energy. I knew Zacky wouldn’t probably be home until late but I still wanted to make the apartment neat and spotless. I laughed as Zacky’s puppy yipped around and barked while I began to vacuum the living room. The only cleaning I had to do in there was mainly that and then just do dishes, laundry, and re organize the living room. You can call it OCD, but I always moved things around maybe once a month.

Once I had finally finished cleaning and doing what I needed to do. I settled to make myself some dinner. After debating for a minute on what I was craving, I decided to just go for making something easy like spaghetti. While I had the pasta boiling in one pot on the stove and the sauce in other, I sat in a chair and began to think of what names I wanted for the baby, even if the gender was unknown yet. I looked up at the clock to see that it read 7:30 pm.

I got up and began to sort the food out and make me a plate. I sat back down and smiled as Ichabob sat down next to my legs giving me puppy eyes, just begging for food. I shook my head and pointed at his bowl, containing kibbles & bits mixed in with egg. He trotted off and began to sniff and eat the bowls contents while I began to eat my own food. When I had finished, I returned to the kitchen and washed my dish and took out a plate and served the remaining spaghetti on it and set it in the fridge for Zacky.

Tired, I went into the living room and laid on the couch to watch tv. After flipping through numerous channels, I finally settled for watching The Breakfast Club on a movie channel. Amused, I began to laugh as the quirky teens began to run through the halls and beat their principle back to the detention room. It much reminded me of my years in high school and made me sort of miss it.

“Baby, wake up.” I was gently being shaken awake by Zacky. I swatted his hand away and groaned.

“Baby, please.” he pleaded. I tiredly dragged myself off the couch and rubbed my eyes and then looked up. All tiredness washed away from me as soon as saw those beautiful green eyes.

“Zacky!” I shrieked and jumped off the couch into my loving boyfriends arms. He laughed and held me tight and covered me with kisses . I reached up and kissed him wherever I could reach.

“Baby, I missed you.” I said and kissed him firmly on the lips.

“I missed you too…let me feel your little pudgy tummy!” he said and sat me on the couch. He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my waste and used the other to slide his hand up my shirt. He rubbed my tummy for what seemed like ages and smiled.

“You chub.” he laughed.

“I know, gosh I already want to know what were having. I have so many names in mind for both boy and girl!”

“Well, I do too! What names to you have your mind set too?”

“Well, the girl ones are pretty unique in spelling or just unique to hear and the boys are kind of common. Well for girls, I’d like Amy but spelled A-I-M-E-E, Marika spelled M-A-R-I-K-A , Megan spelled M-E-G-H-A-N or Cadance spelled C-A-D-A-N-C-E. For boys id want Shawn spelled S-H-A-W-N, Jason, Craig, Adrian or Ryan.”

‘Wow, those are pretty unique. I think I like Marika and Ryan.”

“I like them all, what did you have in mind?”

“Baby, I’d tell you but I have to do something first and it can’t wait any longer. I promise it’ll only take one minute.” he said letting me go and getting up.

“Okay?” I said, unsure of what this boy might do. I watched him as he went to his duffle bag on the floor and reach into the front pocket in dig in it for quite some time. When he finally pulled his desired object out, he had walked to me and kneeled on his knee.

“Baby, I know this isn’t exactly romantic or anything but I’ve had this ring for months now and It’s just been aching to be worn. Babe, I love you. More than anyone or anything. Faith Anne Michaels, you are the one who I know I’m going to have a family with, and I am. Were getting rid of this shitty apartment this month and finding a house. That baby in there isn’t the reason why I’m proposing to you, the baby just makes me want to love you so much more than I already do. Baby, please? Marry me?” he said and pulled out the blue velvet box, revealing a nice gold ring with a small diamond in it. I stared in shock at Zacky and the ring, but my eyes were welled up in tears.

“I don’t care if were not in a romantic scene or in a romantic mood or anything. I just care as long as you love me. I’ve always dreamed of having a family with you and my dreams are coming true. Yes, Zachary James Baker, I will marry you.”
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Its long?