Forgotten Faces


I wonder exactly how long have I been in a coma? Days? Months? Years? It makes me curious. I wonder what is new with the world. About the guys? The band! Oh gosh, the band. I wonder what’s been going on with them. I would so bust out of this bed if could…am I even in a bed? Of course, I should be. Lately I’ve been haring things, like actually hearing. No voices, but beeping.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I wonder if that’s my heart beat? That one machine they probably have hooked up to me. I could hear a sort of tapping noise now. I wonder what it is. It sort of sounds like rain hitting against a window. Now im really really determined to open my eyes.

With all my strength, I try to. No such luck, as always. But something is different today. I can hear voices now. They’re all very muffled but I know someone is here. Maybe its Zacky? Or Faith! The voices are starting to fade and all I can hear is my heart beat again.

Beep. Beep. Beep.


“Sir, she’s been in this coma for three years. I don’t think she’s going to wake up any time soon. Not soon you hear me, we might have to pull the plug.” I told the muscular man before me. He narrowed his eyes at me and sighed. I could see that his eyes were welling up with tears. I had been trying to convince this man, -Oh lord whats his name?- for an hour straight that Dawn would have to be taken off life support.

“Please, Dr. Russell! You cant just keep her on a few more months? That’s all Im asking you. I don’t know if her family & her friends would be able to handle this just yet. I have faith that she’ll some how open her eyes.”

“I’m sorry, but Dawn hasn’t shown any sign of recovery for a while. She sometimes can be aware of her surroundings I believe but its just not enough to wake her up. No one’s really visited her much except for you either.” I said.

“God damn it! It’s because I’m the only one that gives a shit still. I’m the only one who has hope! This woman means a lot and she sure as hell wouldn’t pull the plug on your if you swapped positions!” he yelled and slammed his fist to a cabinet.

“Sir, please Im going to have to ask you to calm down. Or else im going to have to-” I was cut short when I noticed movement in the patient. Her hand twitched, startled the man had turned around to watch her as well.

“Nurse! Get in here now!” I called and rushed to the patient. She was beginning to twitch more and more. I tapped her hand a few times until she had grabbed mine. The male visitor had ran to my side and watched her. She grabbed my wrist and her eyelids popped open, revealing hazel cat like eyes. She looked around the room and blinked a few times as I pulled out a light to check her vision. She looked at the man next to me and adjusted her jaw before trying to speak.

“Zacky?” she managed to get out.
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