Forgotten Faces


I stared around the room and blinked a few more times. A light being shined in my face was not the first thing I wanted. I stared up and followed it before glancing at a man in a white coat and the man next to him.

“Zacky?” I managed to choke out after adjusting my jaw and creating saliva. I knew in no way that was Zacky. My voice was hoarse as I asked for Zacky again and stared at the man.

“Listen, can you tell me your name?” the doctor asked.

“I-it’s Dawn.”

“Dawn what?”

“Dawn Anne Michaels ….Where’s Zacky? M-my baby! Where’s my baby!” I screamed suddenly. My hand flew to my stomach and tears automatically poured out of my eyes.

“Dawn, calm down. Dawn, look at me. Do you remember me? I’m Brian, your best friend. Dawn, look at me! Do you recognize me? Remember me, remember me as Syn? Synyster Gates? I’m in a band, that plays music. With Zacky.” once this man had said his name, everything in me had just clicked.

“Brian? Brian!” I cried and grabbed his hand. I laid there, holding his hand just crying.

“I’m here Dawn, I’m here.”

“Sir, were going to have to ask you to step aside while we examine the patient.” the doctor said. Brian sighed and let go of my hand and sat in a chair. I looked at Brian as the doctor began all his examinations.

“B-Brian where is he? Where’s Zacky? And Faith? And my baby?” I asked, my eyes gleaming. Brian sighed and put his head in his hands and looked down.

“Dawn, F-faith was killed in the accident. I’m sorry Dawn, she’s gone.” he said after looking up at me. His eyes were gleaming as well. I shook my head and the tears poured out. I could see why he was crying, Faith, Brian and I were all so close, he was practically our big brother. I cried for what seemed like was forever and winced in pain as the doctor helped me lean up and examined my spine.

“Alright, your all checked out. Ill be back in a bit to check up on you.” the doctor said and left. I looked at Brian and flew my arms in the air.

“And Zacky? My baby? My son! Where’s my-”

“Dawn, calm down.”

“Brian Elwin Haner Jr. Tell me!”

“Vengeance is at home with your son and daughter.”

“And daughter?!”

“Apparently, she was hiding behind him in the ultra sounds all the time. They both almost didn’t make it.”

“Tell me more about my kids.”

“Well, they were born as Ryan James and Marika -Mari for short- Anne Baker. Zacky gave them both the names you chose and gave them both of your middle names and his last name as well. Ryan was born 3 lbs 4 oz and Mari was born 3 lbs 4 oz. Mari had to be put on an incubator because her lungs weren’t fully developed and Ryan was healthy. Ryan went home two days later while Mari went home three weeks laer, Mari is perfectly healthy now but she has asthma. Ryan, he’s a little dare devil. He broke his arm last week from falling of the tree in the backyard. Mari, wow Dawn. She’s a little sweetheart, but so devious at the same time. Ryan has light brown hair and hazel eyes while little Mari has your pale blond hair and Zacky’s electric green eyes,. Now Mari, oh man. She reminds me so much of you. Tell her no to something she wants, and she’ll give you the same look you give when you want something. She gets what she wants about 90% of the time. And Ryan, jesus christ that boy. Oh man, did I tell you? Mari and Ryan have a bit of your little English accent. Its adorable. Oh, back to Ryan He can definitely make you want to put a bullet through your head sometimes. The little maniac is so mischievous and wild he torture’s poor Ichabob like mad!”

“Zacky still has him?” I smiled.

“Yes, yes he does.” Brian said. I was smiling so much, my children sounded so beautiful. I wanted to see them so bad.

“They both just started daycare a few months ago. They love it, here look they got their school pictures taken .” Brian said handing me his wallet. I flipped through it and stared at the pictures. I looked through all the pictures and stopped at one and pulled it out and stared at it.

“Who..Who is this?” I asked Brian. It was a picture of Zacky, but with a brunette woman hanging on his arm. They both were smiling like mad.

“Oh, that would be Nikki.”

“Which is why Zacky isn’t here, am I right?” I said staring at the picture, My heart was definitely broken now.

“Yes and No.”

“Zacky…he didn’t wait for me.” I said and tears began to well up. Heavy sobs broke from my chest as I stared at the picture more and more. He looked so happy.

“Zacky still cares about you, believe me. He never comes because Nikki wont let him. She refuses. He calls me literally everyday to check in on how you are-”

“You come everyday?”

“Usually, the guys too but they’ve all been busy lately. Matt and Val? They’re engaged. So is Jimmy and Leana & Johhny and Lacey.”

“Not you and Michelle?”

“I haven’t had the balls yet, I’m planning on it soon.”

“Well, I can see that Im not exactly worth the wait for.” I said going back to Zacky.

“Look, Zacky was so heart broken, after a year he lost hope. Practically everyone did. Zacky was looking for comfort and found it in Nikki, I can tell you he doesn’t love her like he loves you and we all know it. Even her. The guys and I sure as hell didn’t approve of Nikki and we still don’t and the girls? They hate her! But they’re nice enough to not piss of Zacky. This chick Nikki, she isn’t even into the band!”

“Tell me more about the band!” I said, not wanting to hear more.

“Well, hmm, let me see. Well, since you’ve been in your coma we’ve dropped one more album called City Of Evil and right now were working on a new one. Well we’ve got maybe three songs so far? Hmm, the tours have been great and so has the money.”

“That’s great!” I smiled. I got comfortable and laid back down when Brian’s phone rang. He looked at it and then at me and flipped it open and cleared his throat.

“What up Zacky? Yea, I know. I don’t know if I’ll be there man. Why? Because, I got something important do. Yes, It is more important than the band. Ugh, fuck you vengeance. I’m at the hospital man.” I watched as Brian grew from irritated to soft spoken as he said he was at the hospital. I stared at him while he stared back.

“Yea, dude. How can I put this, uh. The doctor wanted to take her off life support. Calm down let me finish bitch! Well he doesn’t have to anymore. Because, she’s awake.” he said finally and stood quiet for a while, I could tell that Zacky was quiet on the other end too, until he had finally spoke up. His voice was muffled by the distance.

“Yea, I told her. Everything. Yea, of course she’s going to want to fucking see them! Well too fucking bad drag her fat ass over here too man. Who gives a shit. Just take the kids and leave Nikki behind. That’s not a fucking good idea to bring her in the first place! Yea whatever. Just call the guys and plan a visit for tomorrow morning before she’s released.” he said and hung up. He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

“He lacks common sense.”

“Im not ready to see him…”

“Don’t worry hon., just get a good nights rest and well just figure all this out the morning.” he said and kissed my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zacky that bitch!

So yall know, I busted a mission till three am to type chapters 4-8.
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