Goth Kids Posing

Dancing in the Dark

Franklin was going to the dance with me. He hadn't said that we weren't, and Hunter wasn't going. When I got home, I phoned Franklin up. I was scared, I admit. My palms were sweating and I felt dizzy. The phone almost slipped from my hands, but I gripped it tightly, pressing it to my ear. It rang and rang and finally it clicked on.
" It seems the person you are trying to phone is not in. Please leave a message after the tone."
It beeped and I swallowed slowly.
"Hi, Franklin. It's err...Fliss. I was just wondering about the me back please."
I put the phone down and turned my back, willing it to ring. I used to phone Franklin all the time, even when I knew he wasn't in. I would leave stupid messages and always say ' love you' at the end.
Franklin never phoned me back, but I couldn't expect any more. I cried, even know I knew he wouldn't. Mum tried to cheer me up, and took me out shopping. She even took me into Starless, a truely cool Goth shop in the mall by my boat. I bought a dress-black net tutu with a black silk off-the-shoulder bodice. It cost a lot, but Mum paided for it without a murmer. I guess she felt sorry for me.
I still cried when I thought I had nobody to go with. I cried a lot, and the night of the dance, I decided not to go. Stuff the party. Forget the dress. I wanted to stay in my sorrow.
" Sweetie," Mum said, bursting in* House boat + nosy parents = NO PRIVACY). " What about this dance?"
" I'm not going."
Mum dragged me off my bed and shoved me into the minute bathroom. I got a shower, she passed me my dress and I put it on. Mum did my hair and my make-up and drove me to the hall because I didn't want to scuff my new army boots.
Sweet, if you think about it.
Not really.
The hall was low-light, playing those old songs you hear on Valentine's day. I could dimly see a block of black drifting round the outskirts of the hall-my old friends. I suddenly found I couldn't breath. I had to get out-I could feel a panic attack coming on. I rushed outside, sat on the wall and scuffed the grass. Then I saw Franklin.
He was dressed all in white, even his shoes, and his hair was pulled into a small scruffy ponytail.
" Hello, Fliss," he said. " I got your message."
" Oh."
" Hunter told me not to phone back."
" Oh."
" But she misses you."
" Oh."
I suppose I was having a mini panic attack then.Franklin held out his hand.
" Are you coming in."
" No."
" Oh," he struggled. " Are we going to dance here then?"
Franklin put his hands on my waist and swung me down from the wall. I actually giggled, and we danced in the dark. It was nice, but the ache in my chest slowly got worse.
" Why are you doing this? Playing with my emotions, making me feel loved," I whispered, tracing a finger across his chest.
Franklin sighed.
" I honestly...don't know."
The party was heaving with people, filing out on the desk. Trixie, Belle, Hunter, Stocker and The Punk's were there. Franklin left me all alone and went to Hunter. Ag. It was disgusting. I almost had a panic attack and escaped to the tiny bench on the north deck. I leaned over the bar and breathed deeply.
" Flissy?"
It was Franklin.
He sat next to me and I cried. I cried and cried and cried, and he put his arms round me and I cried into his chest instead. Somehow, my hand ended up at his ponytail, and I stroked it absentmidnly. Pretty soon, he was stroking my hair too. It was like we had never split. It seemed like a natural thing to do.
I kissed him.
It tasted nice, of clorene. I kissed and kissed and snogged. I heard loud brawly laughter and a clomp of biker boots-Hunter. Franklin stiffened, pulled away and yelled,
" No, Fliss, that was never meant to happen. Why?"
He walked away, wiping his mouth with his hand.
I had another panic attack. I lay on the deck, shivering, shaking, wrapping my arms over my head and rocking myself.
I think then I wanted to kill myself.The black water looked so peaceful, like it could end all my problems.
It made them worse.