Goth Kids Posing


I went into school and told the gang. Stocker hugged me, Trixie gave me advice, Belle used long words which I think meant she was happy for me and Hunter screamed loudly.
I went with Stocker to his swim practise, prepared to sit on the balcony. I took my iPod, but part of me hoped that Franklin would whisk me away. He didn't. He swam, he got out the pool, he got dressed and dry and walked straight past me. I cried for hours. It was my first kiss, I hasten to add. I was heartbroken. I cried at school.Hunter didn't even say anything. I said I wouldn't go with Stocker to his next swim, but he gently bullied me to go, and to bring my stuff. I did, and I actually swam. It made me feel a tiny bit better. I concentrated on the wall or the ceiling or the sky outside rather than Franklin. Afterwards, I got dressed in double-quick time. I waited for Stocker by the changing rooms. Franklin stook his head round his door.
" Flissity," he said. " I hoped to bump into you."
I ignored him, of course.
" Where you here last week?"
" Yes, I was here last week!" I hissed. " And you ignored me!"
" Sorry," he sighed. " I've had a lot going on. I didn't mean it. Will you forgive me?"
" No," I pouted, turning my back on him. Something made me turn around, just another glance at his blonde hair. I saw his face, and I couldn't help it. I went up to his door and leaned against it.
" I forgive you," I said, like a fool. He pulled me in and locked the door and he kissed me again. My second kiss, in a changing room in the pool. Nice. It was nice, though. It was warm and the air was damp. He smelt of clorene, which I was being to love, and his chest was still wet. I guess I was captivated too much. Stocker came out, but I was long gone. I was walking home slowly in the rain with Franklin, our hoods up, huddled up close. There was no bus rides with Franklin. We walked to the nice part of the docks and sat on a bench, looking at the boats and stroking each other's fingers or blonde hair. Then, when the big clock tower struck twelve, like in a fairytale, I went home back to my boat with No Privacy. I lay on my bed and dreamed of Franklin. I wrote ' LUV 4EVA-FRANKIMERE AND FLISS' over everything I could get my hands on, and designed tattoos. Mum and Dad didn't notice I was flying through heaven. They didn't notice that I started going swimming at nine and coming home at half-one, even though it was an hour session. I didn't bother telling them, until that day Franklin came over. As I said, houseboat = NO PRIVACY. Kissing your boyfriend on your bed is supposed to be an experience with just the two of you, not your parents barging in, ordering you to put the shopping away and then stopped to comment your boyfriend. Franklin left, red-faced, leaving me to explain.
" How old is he, Fliss?" Mum asked. To be truthfull, I didn't know. I knew he was older than me. I ignored her.
Franklin started teaching me to swim, how to shape my body and fingers and arms. Most of the time I did lazy backstroke while he thrashed on by, occassionly stopping to talk to me. We would finish off by going to the docks, sometimes buying a portion of chips and throwing most of them to the seagulls, and walking back to my boat to sit on the deck, drinking Iron Bru and watching the sunset. It was bliss.
Franklin used to say that-' I'm in bliss with Fliss.' He used to make up little songs, and sing them to me as we were swimming. I will never forget that.
Good things don't last forever.