Goth Kids Posing

Forced to think

Again, it all started with Hunter.
After our swim one day, me, Stocker and Franklin came out to find Belle, Trixie and Hunter waiting for us. Only Hunter had seen Franklin before, but Belle and Trixie went mad, giggling and buzzing. We walked down to the dock's, and then Franklin got the bus home.
" He's so hot," sighed Trixie in her usual depressed-weepy voice. "Fliss, how come you got him?"
" I don't know!Luck?"
Hunter made a noise like an angry cat and folded her arms. We had a talk after, and I found out she did not like Franklin.
" He's so...shallow. And he's dated half the girls in his year. You're just another one, Fliss."
She carried on like this whenever we talked about Franklin or he was at my boat and she was, too. Hunter hated Franklin, and Franklin hated Hunter.
So what could I do?
I juggled them both. If Hunter was coming round to copy my homework, I told Franklin to come round later. If Franklin was at the boat, watching Star Wars videos and eating strawberry laces, I said I'd see Hunter the next day. It was a bit awkward sometimes, but I managed.
Then it went wrong.
Me and Franklin went wrong.
I know love is supposed to be hard from start to finish, and if it isn't, something is going on. I know that, but I liked my first romance to be easy, and it was. At the beginning. In the middle it went wobbly. And the end was awful.
I used to say I was paranoid and sensitive, but looking back now, I see that it wasn't my fault.

" Were you paranoid and over-sensitive?" asks Doctor S on our fourth visit.
" I don't know," I shrug. " I think so."
I was told I was other things to, by people who loved me. I guess I was forced to think that.
By all of them.