Future Lover


There was no doubt that Yami was enjoying his sleep in his soul room. If that damn clock didn’t ring. He noticed that Yuugi didn’t get up, and he decided to pay him a visit in his soul room. When he had gotten to his feet, the bed disappeared. “Doesn’t he have school today?” he asked himself as he exited the room. He knocked on Yuugi’s door, but the boy didn’t answer, so he went in. “Yuugi, aren’t you going to wake up? You have school,” he said, sitting on the bed.

“Will you go to school for me? I finished the physics homework last night ‘til one thirty.” He said, not bothering to open his eyes. Yuugi pulled up his sheets and turned away from Yami. “You’ll survive eight hours Yami, thank you,”

“You have got to be kidding me!” he said, but Yuugi didn’t say anything and he got a soft snore for a reply. “Radammit, Yuugi!” he went out Yuugi’s room and took over the body. He sighed as he made his way to the bathroom. “Why do I have to go to school?” he said, getting in the shower.

After he had gotten ready, he grabbed Yuugi’s bag and took an apple from the kitchen and went on his way. As he entered the shop, he heard Grandpa’s voice from the stockroom. “Yuugi? Yuugi?” he said, coming out from the room. “Kaiba-kun’s driver dropped this off a few minutes ago. He said it was for you,” he handed Yami the papers. “Oh, it’s you, Yami.”

“Yeah. Yuugi kinda slept in,” he laughed nervously. “I’m gonna go now, Grandpa, see you later,”

“Be careful, Yami,” he said, and then louder, “Do you know how to cross the street?”

Yami waved has he opened the door. “Yes, Grandpa, I know how to cross the street,”

As we walked to school, he thought about what Seto had said last night. Why was he so willing to give up Blue Eyes? What was so special about him that he was so prepared to give up the very thing that helped him to get to his position right now? Maybe he was just kidding. If he was, he was a damn good actor.

“Yuugi!” Yami turned around, and saw Jou running towards him. “Wait up!”

“Ohayou, Jou,” said Yami, turning back to walk again when Jou had caught up with him.

“So, what’s in your mind? You look kinda off,” Jou asked as they stepped down on the white lines of the pedestrian. “Something happen between you and Yuugi? You don’t normally take his place in school,” he said, trying to take a glimpse of Yami’s serious face.

Yami sighed. “Nothing’s between me and Yuugi. He’s decided to sleep in, and I, being the good spirit that I am agreed to take his place in school,” he said, and they stepped onto the sidewalk once again. It had been a long time since Yami took a little walk, and it was nice, though the things in his mind weren’t so pleasing. Well, actually, it was, since the person he had been admiring for quite some time now…just…you know…kissed him.

“Dude, you ok? You’re red!” Jou’s voice him broke him from his trance. He was happily recalling how gently, desperately, and passionately Seto had just kissed him.

“Jou, you idiot,” Yami looked at him with his eyebrows slightly meeting, his face turning back to its pale colour.

“What?” Yami walked faster, so did Jou. “What?” he repeated as he ran after Yami into school. “You have a problem! And you’re not telling me! That’s so unfair! Hey!”

“Jounouchi, shut the fuck up and let the boy go,”

Jou turned to the voice that came from his left. It was Seto, coming out of a red and black Bugatti Veyron. “Kaiba.” He growled. “Nice car.” He said sarcastically. “Mind if I drive?”

“I’d rather take you, your sister, and your father’s death than you drive my car, Jounouchi.” Seto glared at him, then headed for his classroom.

“H-hey! Don’t you turn your back on me or I’ll-” Jou stopped when Seto stopped in his steps.

Seto faced him, and people around them stopped what they were doing to watch them. “Or you’ll what? Throw your shoe at me? Challenge me to a duel you know you’re going to lose? Punch me in the face? Hit my car’s windshield with an aluminum baseball bat?”

Jou was silent for a moment. “I was thinking about that last option-”

“Do it, and I swear, you will be working your ass off for me for life to get me that $1.2M car fixed,”

8:00 am; Math.

‘What’s he doing here? Yuugi said he wasn’t going to come to school today.’ Yami thought, putting his bag down on the floor beside his chair at the back as he watched Seto enter the room and put his bag down a few seats awy from him. ‘Hm.’ He took out his math notebook and the homework Seto did for Yuugi. He hoped that the teacher forgot the assignment so that if ever the teacher told him to copy one of this solutions on the board, he wouldn’t be the one explaining it.

It was also a good thing that there was no name at the top of the worksheet. There, he wrote Seto’s name in kanji. That as something he could do with his eyes shut. Seto’s name was printed everywhere. It was a good thing that he was reborn into this world with all the knowledge he needed, but only the knowledge he need in Japan. But seriously, he knew everything he needed, he didn’t need to go to school!

Good. The teacher didn’t remember the assignment, maybe he could be able to understand what this math Yuugi was worrying about today, then maybe he could teach it to him when they got home. He buried his face in his notebook, copying the lessons the teacher wrote on the board.

“Mr. Kaiba,” Yami’s head shot up. “You were absent yesterday, and I want to know if you had bothered to ask one of your classmates for the lesson today.” I looked over to him, his notebook open, nothing written on it, making it seem as if he was writing something. “Answer the first question on the board, Mr. Kaiba,” I watched him stand up and approach the board, and answered the question.

y = 4x(2x + 3)²

= x(32x + 48) + 4(2x + 3)²

= 48x² + 96x + 36

He put he chalk down, and went back to his seat. ‘How the freaking hell did he solve that?’ Yami thought.

“Good, good,” said the teacher. “Did everybody understand?”

A lot of them nodded, and Yami let his head hit the desk. “I didn’t understand a fucking thing,”

9:00am; Elective: Trigonometry

Yami had his forehead against his desk. ‘I give up…I freaking give up…this is only the second hour in school, and I give up…I don’t want to come back here ever again. I’m staying in my soul room, and I will not come out, whatever happens-’

“Mr Mutou?”

Yami’s head shot up. “Yes?”

“Is there anything wrong?” the teacher asked him.

Yami knew exactly the situation. It was what Jou was good at: making up excuses. He put on a tired look as he put his elbow on the desk and rested his head on his hand. “No, Sensei, I just have a headache,”

“Do you need to go to the clinic?”

“No, Sensei, I can handle it,” he answered.

“Ok, now, get your notebooks. We have a new lesson, the Law of Tangents…”

Yami let his head hit the desk once again in defeat. He wanted his mind to wander, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t help but listen. Maybe it was because he knew that listening would be for Yuugi’s good. He took Yuugi’s notebook out from the bag, and started copying the formulas being written on the board.

“Hey, Yams.” Jou tried to get Yami’s attention. “Yams!”

“What?” Yami turned to the blonde sitting beside him.

“Is it me, or is Kaiba over there has been staring at you since Calculus?”

Yami looked over to the other side of the room. Seto was staring at him. Blood rushed to his face and continued with the lecture. “It’s not you Jou, it really is him,” a-b/a+b…

“Damn rich boy threatened me this morning,” said Jou, grabbing a pencil from his bag and doing the same as Yami, copying notes.

“Threatened you of what?” Yami asked nervously. Was Seto still staring at him? If so, why? Was it because of last night? Was it because of the notion of giving up Blue Eyes? No, he couldn’t possibly give up Blue Eyes; he loved it like it was a real creature he was taking care of! Yami’s face flushed with red once more. Was it…because…of the kiss? SHIT. He even gave him a peck. How stupid!

“To work for him to pay his million dollar car,” Jou pouted and crossed his arms.

“Well, maybe because you said that you’d beat the hell out of his windshield,”


The teacher started to talk once again. “Alright, put your pencils down, and look at me. We’re going to solve this problem…”

Yami glanced over at Seto again. He was still looking at him. He turned away quickly as he met Seto’s eyes and put his attention on understanding the lesson Yuugi’s teacher was teaching. He didn’t have a choice; besides, the best thing to do right now, was to avoid Seto at the moment, and think of something to get him not to give up Blue Eyes for his Black Magic. Maybe he cared for Seto’s image too much. Maybe he knew that if Seto gave up Blue Eyes, he knew he wouldn’t have any other worthy opponent. No. Blue Eyes had to stay. It’s will not be sent into oblivion.

Half an hour later, Yami couldn’t believe it. He had actually understood Trigonometry. For a moment there, he had forgotten that Seto was staring at him, and that Jou was complaining about how long and difficult the solution as. “You know Jou,” said Yami, “If you had bothered to listen, you could have understood it like I did. Ra, Jou, I’m a 3000 year old pharaoh and I beat you at Duel Monsters and school,”

“Stop shoving it in my face, Your Majesty, or you’ll get a punch to the face,”

“You’ll be punching Yuugi’s face, not mine,” Yami circled his one of his final answers and stood up to submit his seatwork.

“Oh, Mutou-kun, will you give these back to the owners please,” said the teacher, handing Yuugi half the class’s notebooks. “Thank you,”

Yami raised his brows. “Ok,” he said, and began distributing the notebooks. Honda. Mazaki. Kaiba. Yami didn’t like the sound of that. The notebook he was holding right now was Seto’s. He walked to the end of the room with his head down, and put the notebook on his desk without another word.

10:00am; Recess

“What are you getting?” Honda asked, picking up a carton of milk as he followed Yami in the line. “There’s nothing good. It’s always the same food every day,”

“Come on, Honda, this is a public school, what do you expect?” said Yami, taking a bowl of ramen and a can of coke. “I don’t know if I can live without these present day stuff in the afterlife. I mean, I don’t think I’ll be able to eat Egyptian stuff again after adapting to Japan,”

Honda laughed. “Then don’t leave. Besides, if Yuugi finds out that you’ve decided to stay he’ll definitely be happy,” he took a bow of ramen as well and returned the milk, also taking a coke. “And we’ll also be happy. It’s not every day you get a reincarnated pharaoh for a friend.”

Yami chuckled and led Honda to the table where the others were. “Why’d you get the same stuff?” asked Jou, shoving breaded pork in his mouth.

“Because unlike you Jou, they don’t have to eat rice and pork or beef or fish or chicken every time we have a break,” said Anzu, taking some steamed vegetables into her mouth. “You’re such a pig, Jounouchi Katsuya,”

Yami and Honda laughed. “Shut up,” said Jou, pouting as he put a piece of pork cutlet in his mouth full of rice.

Anzu saw Seto approaching. “Is Kaiba coming over?”

“What?” Yami put the bowl down after a few gulps of soup and looked up. He didn’t meet Seto’s eyes and continued to eat.

“I need to talk with you.” Said the firm voice.

“What for?” Yami didn’t look up.

“Screw this.” Seto grabbed Yami’s hand and pulled him out of the cafeteria.

“H-hey! That hurts! Let me go!” Seto didn’t loosen his grip on Yami’s hand. “That’s going to bruise!”

“At least it’s Yuugi’s body not yours,” said Seto, leading Yami to a secluded place in the back of the school. There was a huge tree there that could provide an amount of people shade, and that was where Seto pulled him. Seto almost threw Yami to the trunk of the tree and hit the wood near Yami’s ear and leaned on it. “What the fuck did I do now?” he demanded.

“Wh-what are you talking about-”

“You know very well what I’m talking about,” Seto cut him off. “Why the hell are you avoiding me? Is it because of what I said last night? Because I can assure you that I’m not pulling your leg. Or do you want me to jump off the roof of the school to prove to you that I’m not lying?”

“I’m not saying that you’re lying!”

“Well you sure damn look like you are.”

“I am trying my best to give you what you want, because I’ve just realized that I do want this, too,” said Yami looking at him. Seto turned his face away. Yami lifted his face so that Seto’d look at him. “Remember what I said last night? That there was something about you that kept pulling me closer? I don’t know what that is…but now…I think I do, after last night. It seems to me that I’ve known you for centuries…”

“You have, Yami, you have!” said Seto, “Do you want me to tell you your name?”

“I’ll die if you do, you know that,” Yami said softly. “Come on…Kai-”



“Call me Seto.”

“But you don’t let anyone call you by your first name,”

“You’re an exception,”

Yami sighed, and continued with what he was supposed to say. “Come on, Seto. Just please…wait…we can get through this-”

“What if the time does come? That Yuugi will be the one to tell you your name? And you have to go? What if-”

“Seto, I will find away. I will.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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