Future Lover


“Ishizu, keep him unconscious, please,” Yami pleaded, hearing Seto moan as the healers slowly and gently lowered him into water in his tub. “He’s suffered under Seth enough. I really don’t know why he’s the one who’s most angry,” he said, pulling up a chair, and sitting by tub, brushing Seto’s matted down hair away from his face. “Is the spell working?”

Ishizu said another spell, a stronger one. “I do believe it is. The blood in the water is disappearing.” She looked at the small king. “It will be alright, My King. I assure you, Seto will recover from his wounds. I used a strong spell, one we use with soldiers who are sometimes close to death, and they live.” Ishizu assured him.

“Hey, Ishizu?”


“Am I wrong for loving someone who is not of royal blood? Or one who is not Egyptian?” tears slowly fell down Yami’s face.

Ishizu knelt before him, cupping his face. “Of course not, Your Majesty! No one can control these kinds of things! Follow your heart, Sire.”

“You sure?”

“Yes!” she wiped his tears away. “Now, if you wish to be with this boy, do what you desire! Like what you said, if you had to break the rules to get what you want, you’d do it. That’s exactly what you’re doing right now, and I’m rooting for you!”

“I don’t know why Seth’s so mad at him. Maybe to him this is wrong?”

“It may be wrong to him, but it is right for you,” she said as she stood up. “Now, stop crying, little one,” she dried her tears away. “Seth’s mad because he never knew you would fall in love so soon.”

“But anyone can fall in love any time,”

“Exactly. Even though he’s your cousin, he’s been fascinated by you since you were children, and now that you two have grown, he wasn’t expecting anyone to capture your heart like this boy has.”

Yami first admired Seto’s sleeping face. “It’s because he’s different. He isn’t controlling like Seth is. The both of them might always get what they want, but Seth gets it by abusing his place, Seto gets what he wants with his own hard earned money,” Ishizu didn’t answer.


“You know, he once swore to serving and protecting you until his death.” She started. “But he also swore something that was not in the oath. That he’d do and give you anything you wanted, and to never hurt you.”

“I have to talk to him,” he moved to leave.

“Your Majesty-”

“Take care of Seto for me, Ishizu. I will come back,” he left the room.
“I don’t care if he told you to not let anyone in! I am your king and you also follow my orders!” Yami yelled at the soldier guarding Seth’s chamber doors. “Seth is only my right hand. He is not king yet!” he growled. “Now open the fucking doors!”

“Y-yes Your Majesty,” he stammered, opening the doors.

“I thought I told you-” Seth, sitting on the edge of his bed, heard the door open. He looked at the figure at the door. It was his king, in tears, approaching him. “My Lord-”


“How could you have done this to him?!” Yami cried. “How could you?!” he repeated. “He never did anything to you! Is it because that I love someone who is not Egyptian? Is it because I loved someone who is not royal?!” Yami demanded, tears streaming furiously down his face. “Or is it because that I never noticed you?!” Seth was silent. “TELL ME!”

Seth couldn’t answer his questions. How could he have done it? It was because he couldn’t accept it that Yami loved someone else. It wasn’t because Seto wasn’t tan. It wasn’t because Seto wasn’t a prince, a king or even a duke. Was it because Yami never noticed him? Maybe it was also because of that.

“I should hate you.” He said. “I should hate you for what you’ve done! Did you even think about how much your actions would hurt me?! Did you?!”

Seth kept his head down. He could bring himself to lie. Ishizu would only tell Yami the truth. He couldn’t deny anything. He wanted to. He really did. But he couldn’t. It wasn’t because Yami was pharaoh. Or that he was scared of what kind of punishment he would have to go through if Yami felt like it. He was scared of…Yami rejecting him. “Y-yes…”

“So you did know! Why the hell did you do it?! I ORDER YOU TO FUCKING TELL ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH!”


Seth still didn’t answer.

“Ishizu told me that you once swore an oath to serving and protecting me to death. But that was not the only thing you swore. That you’d do anything I told you and that you’d give me everything I wanted.” It was the first time he cried so hard. It was difficult to breathe and speak, but he had so much to say. “I never asked you do anything that was too much. I don’t even remember asking you something that is too much! Tell me, what was the very thing that I told you to do that hurt you?”

“You told me to shut up.”

“Yeah, shut up. And what was the very thing that I asked you do give me that you never did?”

“A moment alone.”

“EXACTLY! So you never really did give me everything I wanted! Even though I specifically told Mahaado that NONE of you follow me, still, you did.” He paused. “And that other oath. You swore that you will never hurt me. Hurt me how, exactly, Seth? Physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Emotionally?”

There was a lot of silence on Seth’s part. “I did it because I loved you.” He finally said.

“You loved me?!” Yami repeated. “Do you think that this proves how much you love me?!”

“I thought he wanted to hurt you.”

“Hurt me!” said Yami, appalled. “Do you think I’d let someone touch me that way if they wanted to hurt me?!”

Seth now looked up. “How was I supposed to know?!”

“You could have asked me! You should have asked me! You shouldn’t have done something so drastic! Do you think what you did solved anything?!” how Seth hated being lectured. For a moment there, he thought it was Akunadin nagging at him, but it wasn’t.

“I didn’t say that I loved you as a cousin. I love you more than that, and I couldn’t accept that you fell in love with a commoner.”

“For the last time, he is not a commoner! I can tell you that from he comes from, he’s a prince himself!” A prince because you’re king he added in thought. “And you…” he held Seth’s cheek. “You cannot love me more than you should.” Yami stepped back. “I love him, Seth. And that’s final.” He walked away, Seth could only watch him. “And Seth,” he said before he went out the door. “You are suspended. Mahaado will take charge of your troops. And in your suspension, I don’t want to see your face.”

It had happened. The very thing he was afraid of. Not the suspension. But the very thought of Yami rejecting him.
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