Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 1


“Sky, hurry up your going to be late!” My mom called from downstairs. I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulders, slipping on some pumps and running down to the kitchen.

“Right, I'm done. See ya.” I waved, grabbing a pop tart.

“Uh Alex and Jersey are dropping you off because they're taking your car to be fixed. Uncle Patrick and Joe will pick you up okay?” She smiled, knowing exactly how I'd react.

My loud piercing scream echoed through the house.

“Uncle 'Trick's coming? And Joe! For how long?” I asked excitedly.

My uncle was probably the coolest uncle going. Lead singer of Fall Out Boy, it doesn't get much better than that. Although, I'd only ever met Andy and Joe. They all came to stay with us for two or three weeks in the summer. Although, Pete never came. I always asked why but they all told me the same – he was busy. Maybe his whore of a girlfriend didn't want him leaving her because she was so needy. But whatever, Patrick, Joe and Andy were the best. They were all like my older brothers, the same with the guys from my mom's band. We were all pretty close.

“They're only staying until Saturday night, then they have to go to L.A. early Sunday morning. But they'll be back after Christmas. Travis might come too. Now get to school!” She laughed, pushing me out of the door.

Alex and Jersey were waiting in the car outside for me.

“Morning Sky.” Jersey smiled through the rear view mirror.

“Hey. Did you know uncle Patrick, Joe and Travis are coming for the weekend? Ah, I can't wait!” I beamed, bouncing up and down in my seat. Alex and Jersey just laughed at me as Alex pulled away from the house.

“Laters Sky, have a good day.” They both smiled, waving like dorks. I laughed at them and walked off into school. Unlike most of the people here, I didn't mind it too much. I spent most of my time in the music rooms, messing around with my friends and they were all in most of my lessons so it wasn't so bad.

“Sky! Oi, are you listening?” Rach yelled, clicking her fingers in front of my face, snapping me from my day dream. My best friend was so used to me day dreaming, yet she always felt the urge to do that.

“Huh? What? Oh..” I muttered, coming back to Earth.

“Jeez, why are you so distracted today?” She asked, taking a bite of her sandwich as we sat under the oak tree at the back of the school.

“Just thinking. My uncle 'Trick, Joe and Travis are coming down for the night today. I'm gonna ask them if I can spend Christmas in Chicago with them. I want to see my grandparents and stuff.” I grinned. Her mouth fell open.

“You know you love me.” She smiled angelically. “Take me with you bitch!”

I burst out laughing at her facial expression. She laughed too causing herself to choke on her sandwich. I only laughed ten times harder at her coughing and spluttering everywhere. She was such a retard at times. It was rather embarrassing to be seen with her. Although, I was exactly the same.

The day dragged on like it was never going to end. This was so God damn frustrating. I don't see why my mom just couldn't let me stay home today. I should of pretended to have really bad period pains or something. Ah well, it was nearly the end of school. Thank the lord.

“PATRICK!” I screamed, wrapping my arms around my only uncle. I hadn't known my dad so I didn't know if I had any other uncles or aunties somewhere. It was starting to bother me more and more as I got older. I wanted to know who my dad was, once and for all. I wanted to know who I was.

“Whoa Sky, you've grown so much!” He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me as he picked me up and spun me around.

“Joe!” I jumped into his arms, squeezing him tightly before ruffling his fro. I had always been obsessed with it. We all climbed into the car and Patrick drove us home.

“Your mom's at an interview and has a gig tonight so she wont be back till late. Guess your stuck with us.” Joe beamed as we got through the front door.

“Where's Travis?” I asked, confused.

“He is..” Patrick started.

“Right here. Come here Bubbles.” He grinned, picking me up and giving me a bear hug.

“Cant.. breathe..” I stuttered, my bones feeling as if they had been crushed.

“Oops, sorry Bubs.” I never actually knew why he called me Bubbles, a lot of the guys did. Although, my mom hated them calling me it so they normally called me Sky around her. I didn't know why she hated it so much either. Just one of the many mysteries of Sky Amelia Taylor Stump. Honestly, I think my parents just chose whatever names came into their heads when they named me. I liked it though, it was different I guess. Plus, my initials were SATS. I found that rather amusing.

“Bubbles, you look... wow.” Travis mumbled, looking me up and down. I saw uncle Patrick out of the corner of my eye, glare at him. He got so protective. Mom had told me that he was like it with her too. He was such a sweetie though.

I plonked down next to Travis and uncle Patrick, all four of us squeezed onto our long purple couch. I actually loved our furniture, me and my mom had picked it out together when we redecorated six months ago. We were all watching Law and Order, one of our favorite shows.

“Uncle Patrick...” I started as the commercials came on, my voice sweet and innocent.

“Oh shit, 'Trick watch out. She wants something.” Joe fake glared at me, eying my evilly. He was so weird at times but I loved him.

“Yes Sky?” Patrick asked wearily.

“Would I be able to come and stay with you for Christmas? I really want to see Grandma and Grandpa. I haven't seen them for ages and well, I've always wanted to go back to Chicago. I don't remember it.” He looked at Joe, Joe looking back at him with a slightly shocked expression on his face. What was up with that?

“I uh, I don't think your mom would let you sweetie. You know how much she loves Christmas, I think she'd want you to be here with her.” He finally said after thinking for a few minutes.

“So why can't she come too? Could you at least talk to her for me please? I really want to spend Christmas with you.” I pleaded, putting on my best puppy dog eyes and pout. I knew he wouldn't be able to say no. I had him and pretty much all of the other guys wrapped around my little finger.

“Fine, I'll talk to her. But you know she'll say no. You get your stubbornness from her, you know.” I wrapped my arms tightly around him and squealed, praying to God my mom would say yes. She just had to, right?
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It does get better, I promise.
I've been typing away like crazy on this story and I now have like 20 something chapters already so I'll post as much as I can. I'm thinking one every day, if I can (:

I know this is slightly confusing but it would be a little weird if I didn't mention this. Just, please don't let this put you off !

All of the characters from I Want To Scream 'I Love You' are the same age as they were before !

If your confused message me and I'll explain it a little better. I just needed to say that (:

Oh, and this will all be from Sky's point of view, unless stated other wise.
