Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 13


I laughed as Kyle told yet another joke. Kyle was one of the many guys Summer had introduced to me tonight, she was on some sort of mission to set me up with one of her friends. Typical Summer.

“You're really pretty, Taylor.” Yes, I'd had to tell him too that my name was Taylor.

It was starting to bug me now. I blushed at his compliment and looked down at the drink in my hand.

“Thank you.” I smiled, taking a sip of the punch.

“Wanna go outside for a bit?” I nodded and he took my hand, leading me out by the pool that was in their back garden.

There was a few people out here, the ones I knew were; Pete, Travis, uncle 'Trick, Brendon, Ryan, Joe, Gabe and Will. They were all stood in a small group talking.

“So, where are you from Tay?” Kyle asked, sitting down on a chair, pulling me onto his lap.

“Florida. I take it you're from here.” I stated, looking at him.

He had hazel eyes and thick black hair, a lip piercing and an ear piercing. He was wearing a white button down shirt with black skinnies. He was pretty hot, his muscles visible through his shirt.

“Jersey actually. I moved here when I was five, my dad got a new job and stuff.” I nodded, taking another sip of my drink.

My eyes scanned the large garden, falling onto Brendon. He was glaring at Kyle as he stood with the rest of the group, most of them occasionally looking over to check on me. Like I said, they were pretty protective.

“Maybe we should go back inside.” I suggested, looking back to Kyle.

“Why? Are you cold?” He snaked his arms around me, pulling me closer to his chest.

He smelt delicious, I had to admit. I didn't want to go inside, but I didn't want the guys keep looking over all the time. It was getting annoying. I knew if Kyle made a move, one of them, if not all, would come over and cause trouble.

“Taaaaylor!!!!” Summer sang, stumbling towards us. Bloo was trying to hold her up as they advanced towards us.

“I have been looking for you everywhere!” She slurred, sitting down on Bloo's lap.

“Sorry, she's been with me.” Kyle grinned.

“Oh.. in that case we'll leave you two alone.” Summer winked, grabbing Bloo's hand and walking over to the group of the guys stood by the pool.

Brendon was still glaring. I looked away from him again, staring at the pool.

Kyle's hand rested on my thigh as I watched the lights sparkling off the water. My eyes stayed on the patio as I listened intently to the sound of laughing, chatter and the pool's filter. I looked at him and he smiled, leaning closer to me. He started to move his hand further up my thigh as his lips crashed onto mine. Running his tongue over my bottom lip, his hand squeezed my thigh eagerly. I pulled away as he looked at me questioningly.

“I just need to get another drink.” I smiled softly, holding up my empty cup.

I jumped up and made my way into the kitchen, pouring myself a shot of vodka and downing it as fast as possible. I winced as the liquid burnt my throat. I quickly poured myself another glass, doing the exact same. Someone's hand wrapped around my wrist, stopping me from drinking my fifth or sixth shot.

“What?” I growled to Brendon.

“What did that guy do?” He asked simply, his face serious.

“What do you care?” I shook him off me, downed the shot and walked back out to the garden. I ignored Kyle as he spoke to a few of his friends and walked over to the guys.

“Everything ok?” Travis asked, concern in his eyes.

“Yeah, every thing's just peachy.” I replied sarcastically.

“Daaaddy...” Summer whined, stumbling over to us.

“Summer, how much have you had to drink?” Joe asked seriously.

“Er, a little. Dad, can we go in the pool?” She asked, a drunken smile playing on her lips.

“Oh my God, yeah! Please Joe.” Pete grinned. We all started begging him and he eventually gave in.

“What about swim stuff?” Uncle Patrick asked.

“Who needs swim stuff? C'mon just get in!” Travis smiled, patting his shoulder before taking his top off. We all began stripping down to our underwear.

“Ready?” Travis asked, holding my hand.

I nodded, giggling as we all stood on the edge of the pool, holding hands. Travis was on one side and Pete on the other, he was giggling childishly at the water. I think he'd been drinking quite a bit, as had most of us. A few other kids had joined us now, laughing as they quickly stripped and joined onto the long line. It was flipping freezing out here, considering it was winter and had been snowing a lot. I was glad the pool had a heater, other wise there was no way I was jumping in.

“GO!” Everyone yelled after counting down from three, jumping into the pool.

I laughed as I went underwater, causing me to choke on it. Lovely. Travis, Gabe and Pete laughed at me as I choked on the chlorine filled water. I splashed water into their faces as the three of them grabbed me and dunked me under.

“You.. three.. suck.” I spluttered, coughing and everything as they only laughed back at me.

“Sky, come over here.” Brendon whispered into my ear so no one else could hear.

He grabbed my hand under the water and led me into the hot tub that was just to the side of the pool. The hot water surrounded my body as little air bubbles massaged my back, relaxing me.

“What do you want Brendon?” I asked, uninterested, looking back at about thirty kids that filled the pool now.

“I'm sorry, okay.” He sighed, moving a little closer to me.

“Why did you just walk off back at Patrick's? You tell me you like me then walk off. What the hell is up with that?” I questioned, anger evident in my tone.

“Because I didn't know what to do. Look Sky, I really do like you. I'm just worried about your mom and stuff, I doubt she'll be too happy if we ever got together.” He sighed.

“Who cares what she or anyone else thinks Bear. I like you a lot and life's too short to worry about what other people think. Can we just give us a go?” I held his gaze before he pulled me onto his lap and pressed his wet lips to mine hungrily. The kiss was so full of lust and passions, our tongues dancing as we explored each others mouths.

I smiled into the kiss and let my hands roam his dripping chest. He looked so sexy when he was wet.

“So, we're a couple now then?” He smiled, pulling away from the kiss.

“If you want us to be.” I smirked, looking into his eyes.

“Pfft, hell no.” He replied, looking away.

I splashed water at him and he grabbed my hips and pushed me under the water. The next thing I knew his soft lips were pressed to mine as I wriggled underwater still. I relaxed a little and kissed him back. We both came up for air and he pulled me close to his chest, kissing the top of my head. I smiled and kissed his chest softly. I wouldn't want anyone else's arms around me right now.

“Do you know how sexy you look, dripping wet in your underwear?” He whispered huskily into my ear before pulling away and looking down at me.

I blushed and punched him playfully, running my hands down the side of his body to his soaking wet boxers. Hm, these were going to cling to him nicely when we got out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, Sky and Brendon (:
Hope you like this chapter.
Thanks for all of your comments, like I said, they're always inspiring.