Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 18


I woke up in Brendon's arms and smiled, kissing his bare chest.

“Morning baby.” He mumbled sleepily, opening his eyes.

“Morning.” I grinned.

I sat up and winced.

“Aching?” Brendon asked, concern in his eyes.

“A little.” More like a lot!

“Bear, can I borrow a shirt please?” I asked, smiling.

“Sure.” He smiled, jumping out of bed to go and get one.

He wrapped a thinner sheet that was on his bed around his lower half before walking over to his closet. He came back a few seconds later and handed it to me as he got back into bed. I slipped it over my head and curled back into his side and closed my eyes again, it was still a bit dark outside so it couldn't of been that early.

My eyes flickered open when my ring tone echoed through the apartment from the living room. I jumped up, ignoring the pain in my whole body, and ran into the living room, answering the call.

I was officially going to die.

“Hello?” I asked into the phone, waiting for the screaming to start.

“Sky Amelia Taylor Stump where the fuck are you?” My mom whisper yelled into the phone. Hm, whisper yelling must of meant that uncle Patrick was still asleep, I hope.

“At Brendon's.” I replied quietly.

“You are in.. wait, why are you at Brendon's?” She asked, anger and confusion in her voice.

“Couldn't sleep and I got bored.” I know, lame excuse. But I couldn't exactly tell her the truth.

“You got bored so you stole your uncles car!? You better get your ass here before he wakes up, young lady. Oh, and if you haven't already guessed, we're going home.” She hung up after that.

Brendon's arms wrapped around my waist from behind me and I lent backwards into him, closing my eyes and sighing.

“Have I got you into trouble?” He asked, kissing my neck.

“No, I took uncle 'Trick's car. I didn't know I'd be this long. Uh Bren, she said I have to go back with her.” I bit my lip and turned around to face him.

“W-what? Why?” His eyes searched mine.

“For taking his car. She can't force me to go home. Look, I'll go sort it out with her and I'll text you, okay?” He nodded slowly and kissed my forehead.

I left him in the living room and got changed, leaving Brendon's shirt on, it smelt like him. I left mine on his bed, I could get it later.

“I hate you.” I whispered, pulling away from him as we stood at the front door.

“Why?” He pouted.

“For being such a good kisser, I don't wanna go.” I whined.

He chuckled softly and kissed me again.

“I don't want you to go either, but I also don't want you to go back to Florida so go and sort things out with your mom. Remember, don't scream your head off at her. I love you.” He smiled.

“I love you too.” I grinned, kissing him again before leaving.

I pulled up in the driveway and turned the engine off, looking up at the house. I didn't want to go inside. I didn't want to go back to Florida. I didn't want to leave Brendon. She couldn't make me.

I got out of the car and slipped through the front door, creeping upstairs quietly. Ugh, she was going to murder me. I opened the bedroom door quietly and walked inside, shutting it behind me. Maybe if I screamed loud enough uncle 'Trick would wake up and come and stop her from killing me.

She was pacing the room and stopped when she saw me, glaring daggers my way.

“I'm sorry.” I whispered quietly.

“Sorry? Sorry doesn't quite cover it Sky. What if he would have woken up and noticed his car was gone? He would have totally flipped out Sky, don't you understand that!?” She whispered yelled at me, her eyes full of anger.

“Of course I understand that. I'm sorry mom, I didn't think I'd be this long. I fell asleep when we were watching a film, your call woke me up.” She looked at me weirdly then looked me up and down, her eyes resting on Brendon's shirt. Shit, I forgot she'd get suspicious.

“Why have you got Bren's shirt on, Sky?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

Think Sky, think!

“I spilt hot chocolate down mine so he lent me one of his.” HA! She couldn't argue with that.

I high-fived myself mentally. Her face softened and I noticed a tear slide down her cheek.

“Mom, what's wrong?” I asked, pulling her into a hug.

“I thought you'd got hurt or something Sky! Don't ever do that to me again!” She sobbed into my shoulder.


I sat on the couch in the living room with Nicola watching TV. I was still aching slightly, even after a two hour long, hot bubble bath and three hours sleep. I missed Brendon like crazy already. It had only been six and a half hours since I'd last seen him and I was eager to see him again asap. I really do love him, I'd never felt this way about anyone before. Most of the guys back home were complete sex crazed ass holes. Brendon was so different from the other guys; he was sweet, caring, funny, gorgeous and his voice was incredible. He knew everything about me.

“Sky! Hello!” My uncle yelled, waving his hand in front of my face snapping me from my thoughts.

“Huh? Yeah?” I mumbled, coming back to Earth.

“Jesus Christ, you daydream way too much. I was wondering, you wanna come to the recording studio with me for a bit? The Academy Is are finishing their new album today.” He grinned. I jumped up, despite aching all over, and screamed in excitement.

“Oh my God, yeah!” I screamed, jumping up and down.

“C'mon you freak.” He laughed, pulling me out to his car.

We walked into the recording studio where the William was stood behind some glass singing into a microphone. He smiled and waved at us as we sat down in two big black leather spinning chairs. They were so comfortable! Will finished singing and walked into the room we were in, greeting me and uncle Patrick and giving us both a quick hug.

“Wow, you were awesome.” I grinned, starstruck.. again.

“Thanks.” He smiled down at me, his curly hair falling into his face.

“Wanna hear it with the music?” A big guy sat in the chair next to Patrick asked.

His name was Ben or something. I nodded to him and he pressed a few buttons before music filled the room. William's voice sang perfectly along with the track.

“Whoa, that's so cool!” I beamed, amazed.

“Yo homies!” Pete yelled, bursting through the doors.

“Hey.” We all replied in unison.

“Oo, that sounds really good!” Pete grinned. William thanked him before turning back to me.

“Why don't you have a go?” He asked, a smile playing on his lips.

“I uh, no I couldn't.” I stuttered.

“Sure you can. I'm sure you have a beautiful voice.” Will reassured me, pulling me up out of the chair and pushing me towards the door he had just entered through.

“Uncle 'Trick! Help!” I whined, Will laughing as he pushed me towards the mic.

“Right, the words are on that sheet there. Put the headphones on and just sing along to the track, okay?” I nodded, pouting as he laughed and walked back into the other room.

I placed the headphones onto my head and the track I had just heard fill my ears, minus Wills voice. I looked down at the sheet of paper in front of me and began singing the words in time with the track. I finished and the music stopped. I pulled the headphones off my head and walked back into the other room where Will, Ben and Pete were staring at me in amazement.

“Shit, your good!” Will mumbled, slapping Patrick over the head.

“What was that for?” Patrick whined.

“You didn't tell us she had a voice like that!” Pete joined in.

“Well, now you know.” Patrick smirked.

“You're really good, Tay. Like seriously awesome. If we found you a band, how would you feel about being signed to Decaydance?” Pete asked hopefully.

“Are you fucking serious?” I practically screamed.

“Tay, don't curse.” Patrick reminded me. He hated me cursing in front of him.

“I'm sure there would be hundreds of talented people who would want to be in a band with you. We could hold auditions or something and have your very own band in no time. Bloo. Bloo can play guitar, he'd be perfect.” Pete smiled.

“Oh my God, that would be so awesome!” I gushed excitedly. Patrick pulled out his cell and bit his lip.

“Right Tay we have to go. Hayley wants to go shopping and I need to look after Nicola.”

“Can't she stay here for a bit? I'll drop her off later.” Pete suggested. Patrick looked at me and I nodded hopefully.

“Okay. I'll see you later.” Patrick smiled giving me a quick hug before leaving.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did you guys see Sky getting signed coming?
I guess you can expect tour coming soon. What'cha thinks gonna happen?
So, this chapter originally ended when Cass was crying but that was so short so I put this one and the next chapter together.
Hope you like it bitches :]