Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 19


We spent the day listening to Will and talking about getting signed and stuff. I was so excited I could barely sit still. Pete was talking about touring and recording a debt album. It all sounded so cool!

“Right, I think we're done here. You ready to go home?” Pete asked. I nodded and slipped my jacket back on. We said bye to William and Ben before leaving and heading to Pete's car.

“Uh Pete could you drop me off at Brendon's please?” I asked, putting on my seat belt. Brendon had been texting me all day asking me to go there.

“Sure. So, what's going on between you two then?” He questioned, plugging in his own seat belt.

“Uh, pinky not to say anything?” I asked, biting my lip. Pete nodded like a little kid, excited to be let in on a secret.

“We're sort of together.” I grinned.

“Oh my God, that is so cute!” He squealed like a girl, starting the car.

“Yeah. I um, we sort of slept together last night.” I mumbled quietly.

I don't know why but I felt like I could trust Pete. He looked over at me with his mouth hanging open slightly, forming a small 'O' shape.

“Seriously? Was it like your first time?” I nodded slowly.

“But I love him. I have for a while now. He's always been there, you know?” Pete nodded, keeping his eyes fixed on the road. He was so easy to talk to. He pulled up outside a Starbucks and unplugged his seat belt.

“I'm just gonna get a coffee, want one?” I nodded and hopped out of the car with him.

He ordered our drinks, the cashier trying to hit on him. He completely ignored her attempts to flirt with him and waited for our drinks. We got them and sat at a table near the back of the room.

“You know, I was in a situation like yours once. With your cousin actually.” He sighed, sadness in his voice.

“Oh, uh.. which cousin?” I questioned, sitting up slightly.

“Cassidy, 'Tricks younger sister.” He murmured quietly. Cassidy!? As in, my mom. Holy crap.

“Oh right, w-what happened?” I asked, my voice breaking a little.

“It's a really long story, it would bore you.” He sighed.

“No it wont, and I'm not in a rush. C'mon, spill.” I smiled softly, trying to encourage him.

“I don't think I should say, sorry. It's sort of a.. sensitive subject for me.” He replied sadly.

“Oh, okay. You know, I saw a picture of the two of you on her bedside table. I had to stay there the other night and my.. aunty and uncle have left their rooms exactly the same. You two looked really cute together.” I smiled.

“She still has pictures of us?” He asked, sitting up in the chair.

I nodded and took a sip of my drink.

“I thought she would have shredded them, maybe burnt them or something years ago.” He laughed softly to himself.

“Why would she have done that?” I asked, I was determined to find out more.

“Things didn't exactly work out between the two of us. It was all down to me I guess but I fucked everything up back then. Especially the best things in my life, like Cass.” He sighed unhappily.

He looked so torn up about it. I need to find out what happened!

I didn't push the subject of him and my mom any further as we finished off our drinks.

“Hey Pete, do you think you could drop me off at my aunty and uncles please?” I smiled.

“What's up? Don't wanna see lover boy anymore?” He smirked jokingly.

“Just drive Wentz.” I laughed.

He nodded and started up the car.

“See ya Taylor.” He smiled.

I waved before he sped off down the road. I walked up the path to the front door and knocked lightly.

“Sky, what are you doing here?” Grandpa asked, surprised.

“I was just wondering if I could look at moms old room quickly. I'm redecorating my room back at home and I liked the way hers is decorated.” I lied. He nodded and opened the door further, letting me in.

“Hey Sky, there's someone I want you to meet quickly.” Grandpa said softly, leading me into the living room.

“Hey Pete, I'd like you to meet my granddaughter.” Grandpa smiled to the man sat on the couch.

His hair was black, his roots slightly gray. He smiled up at me, a beer in his right hand.

“Peter, this is Sky. Cass' girl.” Grandpa explained.

Peters eyes softened as he studied me more carefully.

“S-Sky, it's lovely to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you.” He beamed.

“Sky, Peter is Pete's dad.” Grandpa informed me, his hand resting on my shoulder.

“Pete, as in Pete Wentz?” Peter and my grandfather nodded.

“Wow, it's nice to meet you. Pete just dropped me off actually.” I smiled.

They both exchanged looks before the doorbell rung.

“Sky, could you answer that for me please?” Grandpa asked.

I nodded and walked back out into the hallway, opening the front door.

“Pete, hey. What are you doing here?” I asked.

“You left your cell in my car.” He smiled handing me my sidekick.

“Thanks. I just met your dad.” I laughed as he groaned, slapping his hand to his forehead.

“Ignore anything embarrassing he might have said about me. He's getting old, you know what old people are like. Total nut cases, they have no idea what they're on about.” Pete laughed. He froze when he looked behind me.

“Dad, hey. I was totally joking.” He smiled innocently.

I looked over my shoulder to see Peter stood behind me.

“It's okay Pete, I haven't said anything to embarrass you.. yet. Taylor's coming back home with me so I can show her your baby photo's and maybe even a few videos of you being potty trained.” Peter grinned, pushing his gasses up on his nose.

Why did Peter suddenly call me Taylor?

Pete's face fell.

“Like I said, total nut case. Don't go anywhere with him.” Pete said seriously.

I burst out laughing at his expression, my cell making me stop. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered it.

“Hey Hayls.”

“It's meee!” Nix giggled into the phone.

“Hey Nixie. Sweetie, what are you still doing up? Shouldn't you be in bed?”

“Nooo, I'm waiting for yous to come home silly. I wants you to sing me to sleep again.” She told me.

“Okay, I will sweetheart. Go and get daddy to put your jimjams on and get into bed. Get him to sing to you until I get there, kay?” I said softly into the phone.

“Okie pokie. Luff ooo.” I laughed at her way of saying love you.

“Luff oo too darling.” I cooed into the phone, hanging up.

“Did you just say 'luff oo'?” Peter asked me, raising his eyebrow.

“It's Nixie's way of saying love you, Dad.” Pete laughed.

Peter nodded.

“Want me to take you back to Patrick's then?” Pete asked, smiling.

“Do you mind?” He shook his head.

“Okay, gimme a sec I just need to say bye to my gr.. uncle.” I slid past Peter quickly and into the living room.

“I'll come round tomorrow, Nix wants me to sing her to sleep. Night, love you.” I kissed his cheek and hugged him before going back out into the hall.

“Bye Peter, it was nice meeting you.” I smiled, walking out of the house and standing next to Pete.

Peter looked from Pete to me and back again before replying.

“Uh yes, it was lovely to meet you Taylor. I'm sure we'll meet again soon.” He smiled softly before Pete grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his car.

“There is no way you're meeting him again. He might show you baby pictures and stuff, his life's got too boring in his old age so he gets his kicks out of embarrassing me.” Pete laughed, starting up the engine.

“Your mean. Your dad seems really nice. He doesn't even look that old!” I replied, plugging in my seat belt. Guess I'd have to do my detective work tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I think you can guess what's coming up, right?
Keep reading ;]
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Oh and please, please, PLEASE check out my new Brendon Urie one shot.