Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 20


I smiled as Brendon laced our fingers together.

“Brendon, is that your girlfriend?” A guy asked, walking backwards in front of us.

No duh, Einstein. I thought to myself as Brendon pulled me closer towards his car, both of us keeping our heads down in an attempt to hide from the constant flashing cameras.

“What's your name sweetheart?” Another one asked.

Sky, what's yours ass hole?

Seriously, paparazzi sucked. We'd had numerous guys following us around all day, taking photo's. Brendon had taken me out to the cinema and we'd stopped for dinner at a little cafe near town. It was so cute. But these guys were really starting to do my head in now. Despite my attempts to ignore them.

I was glad when we finally got to Brendon's car. We got inside and I sighed, relaxing into the passenger seat. I was seriously fighting the urge to press my face against the window and make some rude gestures to them whilst pulling funny faces.

“You look as if you're about to tear each of those guys' heads off.” Brendon smirked, reversing out of the parking lot.

“Oh trust me, I'd tear a lot more off than their heads.” Brendon laughed softly and wrapped his hand around mine.

“And that is why I love you. Hey, you wait until you and Bloo get signed and that. I fear for them.” I laughed and nodded.

“Hey Bren, do you mind dropping me off at my grandparents?” I asked, stroking my thumb across the back of his hand.

“Sure, may I ask why?”

“Okay, but can I ask you something first?”

“Shoot.” He smiled, glancing at me before looking back at the road.

“What can you tell me about my mom and Pete?” I asked simply.

His grip tightened around the steering wheel and he tensed up.

“I think you should ask your mom that babe, it's not my place to say.” He replied.

I sighed and pressed my head against the cold glass window.

“So, why are you going to your grandparents?” He asked, breaking the silence.

“It doesn't matter.” I sighed, not wanting to tell him.

“No go on, please.” He squeezed my hand lightly, glancing back and forth from the road to me.

“Okay but only if you focus on the road.” I replied.

He laughed and focused fully on the road.

“Well I saw a picture of mom and Pete back in my mom's old room when I stayed the the other night and Pete mentioned something about all the pictures of them and stuff. So I was just gonna see what I could find.” It sounded so stupid saying it out loud, especially to Brendon.

“Babe I don't think that's such a good idea.” Brendon said softly.

“Why not?” I asked, studying his face.

I so wanted to jump his bones right now.

Control yourself, Sky.

“Because some things need to be left in the past, especially what happened between your mom and Pete. It was so long ago baby and I don't think either of them would want you bringing it up again.” He sighed, pulling into a space on the side of the road outside his apartment building.

“Fine.” I sighed in defeat.

“Now get your sexy ass inside before you freeze.” He grinned, hopping out of the car.

I got out and stopped Brendon, tiptoeing to whisper in his ear.

“How about you warm me up?” I purred seductively, biting his ear lobe.

He moaned softly and grabbed my hand, pulling me inside as fast as possible. I laughed as he fiddled with his keys, as I ducked underneath his hand that was resting on the door and slid my hands into his front pockets, my back pressed against the door. I attached my lips to his neck and ran my tongue over the skin there.

“Do you want me to end up raping you out here?” He groaned, getting impatient with his keys.

“It's not rape if both people want it.” I smirked against his neck.

He sighed and pushed me up against the door harder, pressing his lips to mine roughly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his body closer to mine. His left hand stayed rested on my right hip whilst his right hand trailed over my chest, he squeezed my boob playfully before wrapping his right arm around my waist, practically molding us together.

“You know all you have to do is open that door, go through it and close it again. Why do you have to permanently scar my poor innocent, virgin eyes?” Pete groaned, a smug look on his face.

“Ha, your virgin eyes? Pete, that is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.” I smiled sarcastically as Brendon finally managed to open the front door.

“Hey, Bloo and Bronx were adopted. I'm totally a virgin, unlike some.” He whispered the last part, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

He was so immature.

“Pete, we love you and everything man. But please, feel free to leave at any time.” Brendon smiled as we walked into the apartment, Pete following.

“It's fine, I like it here. You know, I could just stay here all freakin' day. How much fun would that be guys?” He grinned, falling backwards onto the couch.

“Pete, I mean it. Leave before I chop something off I'm pretty sure you, and Ashlee, would like you to keep.” I smiled.

He sighed and got up, stomping out of the door with a pout.

“You guys are no fun. Have fun screwing each other, meanies.” He called as Brendon shut the door behind him, leaning his back against it.

I laughed and walked over to him, pressing my lips against his. Pete had so killed the mood. Brendon wrapped his arms loosely around my waist and looked down at me, smiling.

“I love you.” He smiled, kissing my nose softly.

I giggled, “I love you too, Bear.”

“Good.” He grinned, picking me up.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me over to the couch, lying down on it with me straddling him now.

“Hm, I really like this position.” He smirked.

I laughed and kissed him softly.

“I'm sure you do Bear.”

“Oh, I do.” He winked.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm thinking the next few chapters are gonna be rather dramatic ;]
Sorry if there's some mistakes. I can't concentrate on my dance coursework so I thought I'd update, I'll re-read it when I'm done :]