Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 22


I left Pete's and got half way back to uncle Patrick's before making a quick U turn.

I pulled up outside my grandparents house and sighed. Curiosity was getting the better of me, despite what Brendon had told me.

I got out of the car, walking up the drive and knocking lightly on the front door.

“Sky, how are you darling?” My grandpa asked, inviting me in.

“I'm fine thanks. I was just wondering, can I quickly look at Mom's room now?” I put on my best puppy dog eyes and he nodded.

“Sure, Peter's here again so make sure you come down and say hi after.” He smiled, walking into the living room.

I ran up the stairs and walked into mom's old room. I looked around, not really knowing what I was looking for. I guess I could start with the closet. I opened the black painted doors and scanned a few of the clothes she'd left in here. There were a few hoodies that I was guessing weren't hers as they looked like a guys. I looked up where multiple boxes sat on a shelf. Tiptoeing, I still couldn't reach. I sighed and turned around, my eyes scanning the room for a stool or something. A pink fluffy one stood by a dressing table and I smiled to myself as I dragged it over to the closet and stood on it, easily reaching the boxes.

I sat down on the bed and opened a pink one. It was quite large and had Mom's name scribbled on the top with hearts and little random drawings. A book lay in it surrounded by little notes, scrunched up and creased. I took the book out and studied it, flicking through the pages. It looked like some sort of diary. I thought it would be a bit rude to read it so I put it back and took a look at the notes, reading the first one I picked up. It was hard to make out the scribbled writing but I just about managed.

I love you

Panda x

Who the hell was 'Panda'?

I picked up another note and began to read it.

I love this picture of you. And no, not just because I took it.

Pete x

Attached to the note was a picture of mom sat on a bench laughing at something. She looked about my age, maybe a little older. She looked really pretty, and happy. I smiled as I studied the picture before putting the note back and closing the box.

The handwriting on both notes were the same so I was guessing 'Panda' was Pete.

Hidden between two other boxes was a thick book covered in glitter and stuff. I picked it up and placed it in my lap, opening it.

Photo's covered every page with little captions underneath. The first few pages were the group when they were younger. There was a really funny one of uncle 'Trick and Mom when they were like 5 and 7. Mom had uncle 'Trick's hat, laughing hysterically as uncle Patrick pouted, reaching for it back. Him and his hats. I flicked through a bit more of the book, stopping when I came to a picture of Mom and a guy kissing pretty passionately. I looked closely at the photo. The guy had his arms wrapped around mom's waist tightly and she had her arms wrapped around his neck. They were leaning against an amp on the side of a stage. I looked at what the guy was wearing. It was Pete! He was wearing one of the hoodies that was still hanging in the closet. I read the caption underneath it.

Fall Out Boy's first tour. Day three.

Wow, that must have been years ago. I continued to look at the photo's, more and more of them were Mom and Pete together, Joe and Char, Andy and Sara or Patrick and some blond girl. One of the captions said her name was Kim or something. Then the others were of him and Hayls. I was nearing the end of the book when I reached a photo of a heavily pregnant Mom asleep on a bed, Pete led next to her, also asleep. He had his arms wrapped around her, one hand resting on her stomach. I stared at the picture, looking at the date.

October 3rd 1993

That was the year I was born! The baby inside Mom must have been me!

I turned the page to see Mom led on a hospital bed, cradling a baby in her arms. Pete was stood next to her with another baby in his, leaning down so his head was by Moms shoulder. Maybe the baby was Bronx. But it couldn't have been, he wasn't even born then. I looked down at the caption and read it slowly.

December 1st. Me, Pete and the twins.


I skipped a few pages and stopped on two babies asleep in carriers. They were cute.

Twins; Bubbles and Bloo, three days old.

Bubbles? As in me?

Wait, Bloo? As in Pete's son?


But, that would mean...

I got up off the bed in a confused daze and ran downstairs, the book in my shaking hands. I marched into the living room and stood in front of Grandpa and Peter.

“Gramps, what's this?” I asked, holding the book out for him to see.

He took it out of my hands and flipped through the pages, looking up at Peter who was biting his lip.

“Sky sweetheart, sit down.” He said softly, patting the space between him and Peter.

I sat down, shaking slightly. What the hell was going on?

“I'm confused. Is this me?” I asked, flipping to the page of the twins in the carrier cots.

He nodded.

“And is that Bloo? As in Petey, Pete's son?” I asked, my voice shaking.

He nodded again.

“So, that means..” I started.

“Bloo's your twin brother, Pete's your dad and Peter here is your grandfather.” Grandpa whispered softly.

My head flicked up to the man sat next to me. Peter was my.. grandfather?

“I have to talk to Mom.” I murmured, jumping up.

“Sky, do you really think you should drive in this state?” Peter said softly.

“Fine, I'll, I'll walk. Um, could I borrow that book please?” I stammered, running my hands through my hair.

I was shaking badly now, thoughts whirring around in my head.

“Sky sweetie, breathe. C'mon, I'll drive you back. Pete do you mind waiting here? I wont be too long.” Pete, I mean.. Gramps?, shook his head before Grandpa led me out to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it. So much drama in the next few chapters !
I said they were born in 1993 cos that's the year I was born in so it makes it easier (:
comment like crazy? :]