Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 25


Bloo's POV

Patrick dropped me off at home, telling me that he'd talk to Bubbles and text me later. Why was she so upset? I knew Dad had beat up her boyfriend but what the hell made him flip like that? Ryan had said Brendon looked pretty bad right now when we were waiting for Sky to finish talking to Brendon.

I walked into the quiet house and into the living room where dad was sat on the couch, his head in his hands.

“Why did you flip out at Brendon?” I asked, walking over to him.

“I was just protecting her.” He replied simply.

“From what? Brendon? What did he do?” I questioned, confused.

Brendon wouldn't hurt a fly, what's there to protect her from?

“It doesn't matter, Bloo.”

“Dad, she's in bits because of what you did to him.”

His cell vibrated and he read the text he'd just received, his face blank.

“I'm sorry Bloo, they're going back to Florida.” He whispered, chucking his cell on the coffee table.

Great, I was going to loose my mom and my twin sister again.

“So you're just going to let them leave? Just like that, your giving up for the second time.” He looked up at me, his eyes watery.

He'd never cried in front of me before, apart from when him and Mom were having a screaming match, he was always strong. I looked up to him a lot.

“What else is there I can do? She wants to go home, I can't stop her.” He sighed, defeated.

“Stop being so pathetic and go after her. I am. You always told me to never give up, and I'm not going to. I've spent my entire life wondering who my mom was and now I've found her, I'm not just going to let her walk out of my life with my twin just like that.” He smiled weakly at me.

“C'mon then. You can drive.” I grinned and we ran out to my car, it was a lot faster than his.

I sped towards Patrick's house, or should I say my uncles. I'd always thought of him as my uncle and he'd always referred to me as he nephew so it didn't make much of a difference.

“Hey Hayls, where's Bubbles?” Dad asked as she opened the front door, Nix in her arms.

“Airport with 'Trick, Cass, Elliot, J and Alex.” She replied.

“Fuck.” He mumbled.

“They've left like ten, fifteen minutes ago so I guess you could catch them.” She smiled weakly and we jumped back into the car instantly.

We saw Patrick's car and parked in the space next to it, running as fast as we could into the busy airport.

“Shit Bloo, do you see them?” Dad asked, breathing heavily.

I shook my head, my eyes scanning the airport desperately. They had to be here somewhere!

“There!” He yelled, pointing to a small group of people.

We ran towards them and Bubbles looked up from 'Trick's shoulder. Her eyes widened in shock.

“Bloo! What are you doing here?” She asked, confusion written all over her face. She let go of Patrick and came over to us.

“You can't go back! You and Mom have to stay, at least just for Christmas. I want to get to know the both of you. I can't just let you walk out of my life again.” I gushed. She bit her lip and looked up at Dad.

“I can't Bloo, I'm sorry.” She sighed, hugging me.

“You can't leave!” I whispered into her hair, hugging her tighter.

She couldn't leave, not yet.

“I have to, Bloo. Maybe if some dick hadn't ruined everything then I would stay. Promise you'll come visit?” She smiled weakly, pulling away.

“Please Bubbles, don't go. I'm sorry okay. I remembered what you told me about what you and Brendon did and I flipped out.” Dad whispered, his eyes pleading with hers.

“Well maybe this will teach you to control your anger. You can't just come into my life after sixteen years and ruin everything. Mom warned me that's all you do, I just wanted you to prove her wrong.” She sighed.

Dad looked up at Mom who shook her head at him angrily. I needed to know what happened between the two of them, and Bren and Sky!

“I still can.” Dad replied hopefully.

“It's too late.” She whispered.

“No it's not, Sky. We can fix this.”

“How can you possibly fix this? How are you going to make Brendon magically fall in love with me? He told me he didn't love me Dad. I just need to get out of here.” She sobbed, tears falling from her eyes.

“Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry.” Dad soothed, pulling her into his arms.

She sobbed into his chest, hugging him back tightly.

What did all of this have to do with Bren?! It couldn't of been just because they were together. What did they do?

“I guess I could stay for a little while. Just as long as I don't see him. Wait, Mom will you stay too?” She asked, turning around to face our mom.

“I-I uh, sure.” She smiled, looking at me. I smiled back at her before walking over and hugging her tightly.

“That's our flight.” Elliot informed us.

“I guess we'll see you two back in Florida after Christmas.” Jersey smiled to Mom and Bubbles, hugging them both. Alex and Elliot joined in.

“Ew, you dork!” Bubbles screamed, her voice hoarse. She wriggled out of the group hug and wiped her cheek with her sleeve. Everyone looked at her, confused.

“Alex licked my cheek! You have issues, boy.” She shook her head, glaring at him.

“What? I'm going to miss you.” He grinned childishly.

“Wish I could say the same.” She joked, hugging him.

“Right, bye guys. Have a good Christmas.” Jersey smiled as the three of them made their way towards the gate.

“So..” Bubbles murmured, breaking the silence.

“Home?” Patrick suggested and we all nodded, leaving the airport into the dark cold night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I forgot to update yesterday (N)
My internet will be fixed by at least Wednesday so should hopefully be back to normal updates then (:
Please comment, they really inspire me.