Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 26


I rested my head on the cold window of the cab, watching the millions of snow covered tree's that passed my window. I just needed to get away. Knowing that all my life I'd been lied to by pretty much everyone was getting to me, badly. I just couldn't trust anyone right now. It kept playing on my mind. I knew I'd have to forgive them sometime or another, and go back. But for now I needed to be alone. Later on I knew I'd be getting millions of texts and phone calls. I'd left my Mom a note saying that I'd gone away for a few days, just to clear my head. She'd totally freak. I'd drawn some money out from my bank account, just to make sure I'd have enough to support myself for the next few days. I don't know where I was heading, a hotel I suppose. I lent my head back into the seat letting out a heavy sigh, everything was so messed up.

“Rough night darling?” The driver asked politely.

“Rough couple of days.” I replied, sitting up properly.

“Sorry to hear that. Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?” He questioned, glancing at me through his rear view mirror.

“Er, I don't think so. Unless you've seen me splashed over some magazine lately.” I said dully.

“I think I have, you know. Probably one of my daughters magazines.” He chuckled.

“Something about you and Pete Urie, Cassidy Stump and is it Brendon Wentz?”

“Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie. Yeah, just found out that Pete's my dad, Brendon's my boyfriend.. well ex, and Cassidy is my mom.” I sighed.

“Something about your tone makes me think that's a bad thing.” He smiled weakly at me.

“Mm, I guess you could say that.” I closed my eyes, inhaling the musky scent of the cab.

“Right, we're here Miss. I think you'll find this is the best hotel in this area.” He smiled, pulling up outside a decent looking hotel. It actually looked really quite nice.

“Thanks.” I smiled, shoving some money at him. Giving him a pretty decent tip.

I clambered out as he handed me my luggage.

“See ya, sweetheart.” He got back into his cab and drove off as a member of hotel staff helped me with my luggage.

I quickly booked a room and made my way up to the suite I'd be staying in, followed by the guy carrying my luggage. It was pretty large, and had a king-size bed.

“Is there anything else I can help you with, Miss?” The young-ish looking guy asked. He looked around his early twenties.

“Er, no thank you.” I smiled, allowing him to leave me in peace.

I grinned and pulled on my pajama's out of my backpack, along with a large bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke. Perfect. I settled down in the bed and turned on the TV, pouring myself a big glass of vodka and coke.

I giggled as one of the characters on the film I was watching flipped over a deckchair and into a swimming pool.


My vision was blurred now as the strong light beamed through the thin curtains. I looked at my cell to read the time, my blurry eyes reading 9:00am. Wow, I'd been here for four hours and had finished my two big bottles of vodka and only puked twice. My ring tone filled the room making me grab my head in pain. It was too loud! I answered anyway, slurring out a 'hello' to the caller.

“Sky, where the fuck are you!? What's this note all about?” My mom yelled down the phone.

“I had to get away. Because you lied to me, Mom. All of you lied!” I hiccuped.

“You're drunk aren't you!?” She snapped.

“Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not.” I giggled drunkenly.

“Where are you? I'm coming to get you right now, young lady.”

“No you're not because I'm not telling you where I am.” I laughed in a sing-song voice. I don't know why I was finding this so amusing.

“Sky, listen to me. Just tell me where you are so me and your mom can come and get you. Please sweetie, we're all really worried about you.” Uncle Patrick pleaded.

“Are you really? What so you choose now to be worried. You know, you didn't get worried enough when I was upset because I had no dad, so I guess this sorta makes up for it, huh.” I snapped, beginning to get angry.

“Right, I'm going. I'm feeling thirsty.” With that I hung up and chucked my cell near the bottom of the bed.

It was silent for a few minutes as I looked around the room with blurry eyes. My ring tone burst through the room making me jump and fall off the edge of the bed.

“Oops.” I giggled, pulling myself up enough so I could grab my phone.

“Gay chat line, how may I help?” I chuckled into the phone.

“Bubbles, baby where are you?” Dad asked worriedly into the phone.

“Ugh, it's you. Hello relationship wrecking father of mine that I've just met.” I grumbled.

“Sky, where the hell are you?” He yelled, starting to get frustrated.

“You know, you're temper is getting you no where, Da-ddy” I hiccuped the word Daddy. “ Call me when you've came off your man-period.”

I hung up and turned my cell off. I wasn't in the mood for them. I heaved myself up off the floor and back onto the bed, curling into a ball and drifting off to sleep.

Ryan's POV

I paced the room nervously. I'd just received a call off a worried Patrick asking if I knew where Sky was. Of course, I had no idea. I'd tried ringing her cell but it kept going straight to voice mail. I was guessing she'd turned it off.

“Where do you think she might be?” Jon asked worriedly, sat on the couch next to Spence.

“Where who might be?” Brendon asked sleepily, walking out of his room with his hair sticking out in just about every direction possible. He looked terrible.

“Oh, um my mom's cat didn't come home last night. She's just a bit worried.” Spence quickly lied.

“I didn't know your mom had a cat.” Brendon said, not really taking any notice as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of orange juice. He stumbled back into his room after, I knew I probably wouldn't see him again until he got hungry.

“She could be anywhere. 'Trick said she's taken quite a bit out of her bank account so she could have caught a flight, cab, train.. anything.” I told them, biting my lip.

“I bet they're all freaking out..” Jon mumbled absent mindedly. He was right, they probably were. I knew what Cass was like, especially with Sky. She must be going insane.
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LOL I only chucked this in here a few days ago because I thought Sky was being a bit too understanding, don't'cha think?
I hope you like it, please comment (: