Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 28


I put Nix down on the couch and turned the TV on for her before walking into the kitchen to make her some breakfast. It was just me and her this morning. Mom, uncle Patrick and Hayls had gone to work on The Academy Is' album which was officially all recorded and stuff. I'd heard a few tracks and it sounded awesome.

I lent against the work surface, drumming my fingers on it as I waited for the pop tarts to cook.

Still no word from Brendon.

I'd slept in his shirt last night. I know it sounds silly but I felt closer to him with it on. His smell was so comforting. I missed him so much.

“BEAR!!!!” Nix screamed, giggling loudly from the living room.

I practically ran into the room to see her sat on the couch, clapping her hands along to Nine In The Afternoon as it was being played on Kerrang!. I sighed and lent on the door frame, my heart pounding in my chest. The pop tarts popped out of the toasted and I walked back into the kitchen to get them for Nix.

“Here you go sweetie.” I smiled, handing them to her in her Winnie the pooh bowl.

“Bubbles have some.” She grinned, shoving one in my face.

“No thanks Nix. I'm not hungry.” I smiled weakly at her.

Her hair was dirty blond, looked a lot like Patrick's. She looked like Hayley did when she was her age, even their personalities were the same. Nicola was really outgoing and bubbly, just like Hayls was.

“Daddy!” Nicola grinned as America's Suitehearts played.

“Hey guys.” Uncle Patrick grinned, walking into the living room with mom.

“Daddy, you looks real funny.” Nix giggled, pointing to the TV.

Me and Patrick both laughed as he picked her up, kissing her forehead.

“Oh Bubs, Bronx is having a house party for his birthday on the 20th, you coming? Your dad and Bloo really want you there. Bronx does too.” Uncle 'Trick smiled.

“Uh sure. Is um.. is Brendon gonna be there?” I asked quietly.

“Um I'm not sure. But if he is, you two don't have to speak. You probably wont even see him sweetie.” I nodded slowly and went back to watching Kerrang!.

Six days later!

Brendon's POV

“Brendon, c'mon man, enough is enough. You have to get up.” Ryan yelled as him, Jon and Spencer crowded around my bed.

Ugh, what a lovely sight to wake up to.

“Guys, what time is it?” I mumbled, lifting my head off the pillow as I led on my stomach.

“Three fucking pm. C'mon it's Bronx's party today, you have to go. You haven't left this god damn apartment in six freaking days!” Spence replied.

Wow, six days. It felt longer than that. Time had just dragged, but I'd slept through most of the six days to be honest. I'd barely left my room, only for food and stuff.

“I don't wanna go. Pete wont want me there.” I mumbled into my pillow.

“You're going even if we have to drag you ourselves. Pete's fine with you coming, actually he was the one that asked us to make sure you're definitely there. Oh, and you will shower, shave and wear something decent. You look like a hobo, Bren.” Jon commented.

Wait, why would Pete want me there? I slept with his daughter.

“Looks like your dragging me then because there is no way I'm moving.” I replied lifelessly.

A few seconds later and the sheets were ripped off my body.

“Dude, you've been sleeping with her shirt! You seriously need to call her and apologize instead of just moping around here all day.” Ryan sighed.

He was right. I did need to, but I couldn't. She probably never wanted to see me ever again. I should just leave her to get on with her life back in Florida.

The guys finally left after minutes of no response from me. I really should get up.

I crawled out of bed and stretched, padding into the bathroom joint to my room. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and sighed. I looked a state. Jon was right, I did look like a hobo. My bruises were slowly fading and my cuts were healing. I hadn't shaved for six days, or showered for that matter. I switched it on and waited for the water to warm up a bit before getting in and letting the hot water fall onto my body, instantly relaxing me. The last shower I had was with her. She let me wash her hair but it ended in a shampoo fight and I got it in her eye. Then we somehow ended up having sex in here. I sighed as I replayed that morning over and over in my mind whilst washing my hair. I'd been a total mess since she'd left. I hadn't gone out, showered, shaved, eaten properly, anything. I just slept and ate junk food and watched pointless TV programmes.

I pulled the white T-shirt over my head and slipped on my black skinnies, feeling refreshed for the first time in nearly a week. I felt so much better now I'd showered and shaved. I still felt like something was missing though. She was missing. I pulled on my black blazer and slipped my shoes on, walking out into the living room.

“Finally, the old Brendon's back!” Spence smiled.

“Er, not quite. You guys ready?” They all nodded and stood up, walking out of the apartment.

“Every thing's gonna be all right Bren. It'll work out in the end.” Ryan smiled softly, patting me on the back.

I think he was the only one who really understood how I felt right now. He was my best friend. Sure the other guys were as well but Ryan got me.

We walked into Pete's house and I sighed, instantly feeling uncomfortable. Ryan patted my shoulder and walked into the living room through all of Bronx's annoying little school friends, the rest of us following.

“Hey Bren, you came.” Pete smiled awkwardly.

“Er yeah, apparently you wanted me here.” I sighed. It came out sounding like a question.

“Yeah I did. Look I just wanted to apologize. I really shouldn't have flipped out the way I did. I just totally lost control. She's my little girl Bren and you're one of my best friends. Do you know how weird it was when I thought back to when Sky told me? I just flipped.” He apologized.

I knew what he meant. I guess any guy, even me, would have done the same if it was their daughter.

“Just enjoy yourself tonight, okay.” He smiled before walking off into the living room.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, sorry for the lack of updates. Thursday was my birthday, I left school FOREVER on Friday and then had a party on Saturday so I've been pretty busy.
Anyways, I hope you like it. I haven't really been writing much lately, I've sorta.. lost the inspiration I guess. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll think of some new ideas pretty soon.