Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 3


I tried to hold back a laugh as I led on Travis' chest with Harley, my puppy. I let her lick his cheek as he slept. He mumbled something sleepily and wiped his cheek, still sleeping.

“Ew, what the fuck!” He screamed girlishly.

His eyes flicked open abruptly and he looked at me, then at Harley.

“Please tell me that was you that just licked my cheek, and not the dog.” He stated seriously.

I simply grinned back at him and placed Harley on the floor, then pushing myself up off of him and padding into the kitchen. That should teach him for falling asleep on the couch when in the same house as me, and Harley.

“Morning guys.” I smiled at uncle 'Trick, mom, Joe, Jersey and Alex.

What was Jersey and Alex doing here so early?

“Hiya.” They all mumbled sleepily.

I walked over to the fridge and got out the carton of orange juice, pouring myself a glass.

“I wanna go home!” Travis whined, slouching into the kitchen.

“Why?” Mom asked, confused.

“Because of your evil little thing over there!” He replied, pointing at me.

I couldn't help but smile annoyingly back at him.

“What's she done this time?” Jersey asked, holding back a laugh.

“Got Harley to lick my face. Why does she always pick on me when I'm here?” He wailed, pouting.

Uncle 'Trick spat out the coffee he had just sipped out of his mug, luckily he'd made it to the sink just in time.

“I've taught you well girly.” Alex grinned, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

He was always pranking people with me, especially when I went on tour with them. He was the most immature out of the band.

“I was just trying to help you T. You need a girlfriend and well, Harley likes you.” I beamed, picking up my black Labrador puppy.

She was a sixteenth birthday present off Alex, Jersey, Mike and Elliot. She was the cutest thing ever!

“Oh Sky, your cars done. It's outside.” Jersey smiled.

I guess that's what they were here for. Yay, I loved my car. It was my birthday present off my mom. She had taste.

“Cool, I'm gonna go to the mall with Rach, Alfie and Spencer. Any of you dorks wanna come?” I asked, putting my glass in the dishwasher.

“I'll come!” Travis grinned, bouncing up and down.

“Okay hurry up and get ready.” I replied, grabbing my pumps and bag.

Travis came downstairs ten minutes later and we left the house, getting into my car.

“Hm, you done well on your birthday, didn't you?” He laughed, putting his seat belt on.

“Mhm.” I replied, starting the car.

Clothes Off blasted through the speakers and a grin crept across Travis' face.

“Aw, you was listening to me.” He beamed.

“Must of been Alex and Jersey when the took my car.” I laughed, reversing out of the drive.

He pouted and looked out of the window.

“Hey Bubs, Travis.” Rach, Spence and Alfie grinned, climbing into the back of the car.

“Hey.” We both replied in unison, pulling away from Alfie's house.

Me, Rach, Alfie and Spence were the closest out of our group. Alfie and Spence were identical twins that lived next door to Rach. They both had dark brown hair and brown eyes. They towered over me and Rach, as did most people. Spence played drums and Alfie played guitar, they were pretty good. We all messed around in their garage most nights, Rach played bass and I'd sing. It was quite funny actually. We always had a laugh with them.


“Turn around.” Travis ordered.

I spun around in the dressing room as he studied the outfit I had on.

“Get the jeans in electric blue and get that top.” He smiled.

I nodded and went back into the dressing room to get changed. We'd been around tons of shops and got attacked by people as they asked for Travis' autograph and photo's etc. I was pretty used to it by now, with my mom and all. Honestly, had anyone ever heard of the words privacy and respect?

I paid for the outfit and the cashier handed it back to me in a hot pink bag.

“Oh my God, your Travis from Gym Class Heroes!” A girl squealed in a high pitched voice from behind us.

Travis groaned as we both turned around to see a group of girls stood behind us.

“Oh my God! Can I have your autograph?” One of them asked, advancing towards us.

“Sure.” Travis replied, taking the pen and paper from her.

“Are you his girlfriend?” One of them asked, glaring daggers at me.

I looked at Travis and we both laughed.

“No, I'm Cassidy Stumps' daughter. T was just shopping with me, because he's secretly gay and has really good fashion sense.” I smiled as Travis' face fell.

“I am not gay! I like girls, trust me.” He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

The group of girls laughed and started playing with their hair to try and make themselves look better.

“So like, Patrick Stumps' your uncle?” One of them asked.

I nodded as I saw Rach, Spence and Alfie walk towards us.

“Do you know Pete Wentz? He is SO hot!” A different one squealed.

“You guys ready to go?” Spence asked as he reached us.

Me and Travis nodded, glad that they'd come over. Screaming fan girls with high-pitched voices and fake laughs really bugged me, and Travis by the looks of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken so long to update !
My internet is broken but will be fixed on Wednesday - WOOHOO (:
I have been typing away on this story - I have like.. thirty five chapters so far. So expect updates on Wednesday.
Please comment, they really are inspiring.
Thank you to those of you who have commented on the last two chapters and who have subscribed - means a lot. (: