Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 30


I woke up to the sound of the bath running and steam coming out of the gap in the bathroom door. I crawled out of bed, to see Brendon sat on the edge of the tub adding bubbles to the hot water.

“Pampering yourself?” I smiled weakly at him.

“It's for you, actually. It's done now.” He smiled, getting up and going to leave.

I grabbed his hand and turned him around.

“Why don't you join me?” I whispered and he nodded, kissing me tenderly.

We both removed our clothes and climbed into the large bath tub, the hot water relaxing my muscles.

“I put bubbles in for you.” Brendon grinned proudly, blowing some at me.

I giggled and turned myself around so I was led with my back pressed to his chest. He slid his arms around my waist, drawing patterns on my stomach and I smiled to myself. I felt so safe with him. God knows what would have happened if he hadn't walked in last night. I pushed the thought out of my head and placed my hands on his thighs, tracing circles.

“How are you feeling after last night?” He asked after a few minutes of silence.

“I just want to forget about it, Bear. There's just one thing I wanna ask.”

“Okay, shoot.”

“How bad was Dan when you and dad stopped? Your knuckles were covered in blood last night, so was dads and yours are bruised real bad now.” I said softly, taking one of his hands in mine as I studied his knuckles. They were swollen and a dark purple.

“Sky..” He groaned.

“Bren, please. Just tell me.” I whispered.

“He was pretty bad. His nose was definitely broken, his jaw might be as well, he has a lot of cuts and he's probably got a very bruised, swollen face right now. I think he broke his wrist too, he fell and it cracked when he landed on it. But he deserved everything he got Sky. He was about to rape you!” He muttered angrily.

“But he didn't, thanks to you.” I kissed his hand softly and he pulled me closer to him, kissing my neck tenderly.

I rolled over onto my stomach and rested my head against his chest, listening closely to his heart beat. He ran his fingers lightly up and down my back, lulling me to sleep.

I woke up a few seconds later feeling something hard press against my inner thigh. I laughed softly and kissed his chest before looking up at him. He blushed an adorable shade of pink as I pressed my lips to his softly. The kiss stayed innocent as he slowly slid down the tub, eventually making us both go underwater. He pulled away, swallowed a bit of water, came back up and squirted it in my face, scrunching his face up and poking his tongue out.

I burst into fits of laugher at his expression.

“Ew, ew, ew! I forgot I put bubbles in. Ew, that tastes really bad.” He whined, his tongue still hanging out.

“Serves you right.” I grinned.

He looked up at me and pressed his mouth to mine, trying to slip his tongue inside so I'd taste the bubbles too. I refused and kept my lips shut tight, trying not to laugh.

“You suck.” He pouted, pulling away.

I ignored his comment and ran my hand down his chest, stopping when I reached his dick. I stroked him gently as we kissed passionately and he got hard again.

“Breakfast time!” I grinned, jumping up and hopping out of the tub.

“Sky!” He whined, sitting in the tub, pouting.

“Yes?” I grinned, wrapping one of his big fluffy towels around my wet body.

“Don't leave me like this.” He looked down then back up at me as I chuckled softly and walked back over to the tub, bending down and pressing my lips to his.

His hands reached up and undone the towel, letting it fall to the floor. I stepped back into the tub and he pulled on my hands making me lower myself onto him. I lay on his stomach for a few moments, just looking into his eyes.

“Brendon, I can't.” I whispered, placing my forehead on his chest.

“You can't what, baby?” He asked softly, running his fingers through my hair.

“Do this. I need some time after last night, I'm sorry.”

“Time away from me? Or time until we make love next?”

“Of course I don't want time away from you, silly. Six days was more than enough for me. Wait, make love?” I cocked my head to one side, staring into his eyes.

“Yes, make love. It's not just sex with you Sky. It's so much more than that.” He whispered, rubbing the side of my face with his thumb. He was so adorable.

I wriggled up and pressed my lips to his.

“Lets shower off then I'll make you some breakfast.” I smiled, standing up.

He got up too, letting the water out of the tub. I switched the shower on and let the water fall down onto us.

“You are not washing my hair this time!” I giggled, holding the shampoo out of his reach.

He bent down, resting his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck as he rested his hands securely on my stomach.

“I promise not to get shampoo in your eye again. Just, stay still and keep your eyes closed.” He grinned, kissing my neck again. He so knew that was my weak spot.

His hand left my stomach and reached out for the bottle as he sucked and bit my neck. Why did it have to feel so damn good? He eventually got hold of it, he was always getting his own way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Argh, my head is so not in this story at the moment.
My dog had to be put down today because she had a tumor :/ never had to go through that before, today has been horrible.
RIP baby girl.
So, um I hope you guys like this one. Thank you for all of your comments. They're pretty much the only thing that keeps me updating this atm.