Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 31


Once we were dry and Brendon had been fed he took me back to dad's house, coming in with me.

“Bubbles! I'm so sorry, I had no idea Dan would do that to you.” Bronx exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug.

“It's fine.” I whispered, looking up and seeing dad and Bloo come in.

“You okay baby?” Dad asked, wrapping his arms around me.

“I'll live.” I whispered, burying my head into his shoulder.

“You haven't told Mom or Uncle 'Trick have you?” I questioned, worry filling my voice.

“No,” He replied, letting go of me.

“Why don't you want to tell your mom, Sky?” He asked as we walked into the living room.

“Because all she'll do is worry and want to take me home and I want to stay here for Christmas, Dad, with you.” He smiled weakly and kissed my forehead as Hemingway jumped up into my lap.

“Oh I have something that will cheer you up.” He grinned.

I looked at him questioningly and he carried on.

“I, being the best dad ever, have found you a bassist and a drummer.” He beamed.

“Aidan is a bassist I met like two years ago, he's a few years older than you but he's awesome. And Leon is a drummer who's band just broke up. He's a bit older than Aidan, you can meet them both now if you want.” He smiled.

“Oh my God, yeah! That'd be really cool.” I grinned, bouncing up and down.

“C'mon then, they're meeting us at Decaydance.” He pulled me up and we walked out to where Brendon and Bloo were talking, Bronx was probably up in his room as I could hear music blaring from that direction.

Dad and Bloo went in Bloo's car and Bren and I went in his, following them to the building. We caught the lift up to the floor dad was on and walked to the office we'd went in last time.

“They should be here in a minute.” Dad smiled softly, fiddling with something on his desk.

I tensed up, nervous.

“Bubbles, relax babe.” Brendon whispered into my ear.

I looked up at him and smiled, his arm tightening around my shoulders as we sat on the couch with Bloo.

There was a light knock on the door and dad's petite blonde receptionist led two tall guys in.

They were both really attractive to be honest. Both of them were muscular and around the same height. Although, one of them had onyx hair with blue highlights in, matching his eyes. The other had messy bronze hair and hazel eyes.

“Hey guys, take a seat.” Dad smiled, walking over to the couch with them.

“You already know Bloo and Brendon but this is my daughter, Sky.” He beamed.

“Hey Sky,” The dark haired one smiled.

“Call me Bubbles.” I smiled back nervously.

The one with bronze hair nodded and waved simply.

“This is Aidan,” Dad said, looking at the one with dark hair.

“And that's Leon.” He stated, looking at the other.

I nodded, Brendon squeezing my shoulder lightly. He could tell I was nervous. I didn't really do too well when meeting new people.

“So you sing, right?” Aidan asked, looking at me.


“Sing something!” Leon grinned, bouncing up and down slightly.

“Um okay, like what?”

“Er, what about Candles? Your mom's Cassidy, right?” Leon smiled as I nodded.

Bloo handed me an acoustic guitar that was on a stand by the window and I began playing.

The power lines went out
and I am all alone
But I don't really care at all,
not answering my phone

I looked up mid-song to see all of them staring at me intently. Dad looked dazed as he watched me strum the cords. I wondered if it was reminding him of mom, if he still had feelings for her.

“Wow, you're really good!” Aidan grinned once I'd finished the song.

“Thank you.” I smiled, placing the acoustic guitar on the floor.

Dad sighed as his ring tone filled the room. It was Follow You Wherever You Go by Ashlee Simpson. I guessed it was her calling, how sad.

“Hey babe,” Dad cooed into the phone.


“No, I'm with Bubbles, Bloo, Brendon, Aidan and Leon, why? Ashlee, what the hell are you on about? You seriously want to talk to him? Fine. Bren, she wants to talk to you.” Dad sighed, handing him the phone.

“What do you want Ashlee?” Brendon growled into the phone.

He wasn't exactly her biggest fan. Especially when he found out about our little argument.

“No duh. Obviously he's with us. Who else would he be with? Ashlee, stop being so insecure, ridiculous and paranoid. He's not exactly screwing his receptionist with his children watching, or me, is he? Mhm. Yeah, bye.” Brendon hung up and handed the cell back to dad.

“She thinks your having an affair with Becky.” Brendon chuckled, clearly amused by this. Becky, I was guessing, was my fathers receptionist.

“What? Why?” Dad replied, shocked.

“Because you're not giving her you're full attention. She's not used to it.” Bloo sighed.

Dad just shrugged him off and turned back to us.

“So, you guys are gonna be spending a lot of time together. Bubs, you already have some songs don't you?” Dad asked, although it was more of a rhetorical question. I nodded anyway.

“And Bloo's got a few too. So, go over them and see what you two think and then maybe work together on some, yeah?” We all nodded in response and dad smiled happily.
♠ ♠ ♠
Argh, I accidentally deleted this the first time I posted it. Sorry !
So, I've sorta lost the inspiration to write this story at the moment due to my dog getting put down. It's so horrible to loose a pet that is considered a family member and I've had her for the majority of my life so it's been hard to think about this story. I have been playing around with a few ideas it's just getting it into an actual chapter that's the hard part.
I will continue to post the chapters I've already written and try to come up with some new ideas.
I don't want to seem like one of those writers that demand comments for an update but I do love to know what you guys think of my story and your ideas on what's going on. It really is inspirational and makes me want to post.
Thank you for sticking with me this long. I never intended this story to be this long and it has felt like a chore at times but I've had a blast writing it and reading your comments. Your the reason this story is still going on so thanks.
I'll post the next chapter right now to make up for my lack of updates.
I love you guys !