Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 32


Pete's POV

We'd been here for hours now, the kids working on some songs as me and Brendon talked about last night.

“Did she say what he done to her?” I asked curiously.

“She said he didn't do anything, but he was about to. He hand his hand in her underwear when I walked in.” He replied, anger filling his tone. I felt a lump rise in my throat at the thought.

I could tell Brendon loved her. He kept glancing over at her and she'd look up occasionally at him and go off into a dream like state just like in movies. They were adorable and I knew Brendon wouldn't hurt her again.

I couldn't believe Dan. He seemed okay and we got on pretty well. He was Bronx's best friend so he was always round our house. I didn't think he'd try and rape my daughter. Being drunk and high was no excuse. Nothing could excuse what he was about to do to her. It was sick.

“Hillary came back for Christmas today with Andy and they both wanna meet Sky, so does my mom. Do you think she'll be okay with that? They've asked me to take her round for tea tonight.” I sighed, clicking a pen I'd picked up off my desk.

“I think she'd love it Pete. She was always curious about whether she had any other aunties or uncles. She'd love Hills and Andy.” Brendon smiled softly as my eyes wandered over to her, led on the floor jotting stuff down in a notebook.

“They'd both adore her. Hillary's always wanted a niece she could take shopping and stuff.”

“Go and ask her then.” Brendon encouraged.

I nodded and called her over. She jumped up and walked over biting on the end of her pen.

“What's up?” She smiled, looking up from her notebook.

“I was just wondering if you wanted to meet your aunt and uncle, and your grandma tonight for tea?” I asked nervously.

A smile spread across her face and she nodded, a nervous look in her excited eyes.

“Yeah, that's sounds cool.” She grinned.

“Hey, does this line sound right?” She shoved the notebook in my face and I read the line she pointed to.

Keep me safe inside your arms like sky scrapers tower over me.

She'd scribbled out the words 'sky scraper' so many times but she'd re-written it, not knowing what else to put.

“Er, what about towers? Sky scrapers is too long.” I smiled softly at her and she nodded.

“Towers, why the hell didn't I think of that.” She muttered to herself, walking back to where she was led next to Bloo and Aidan.

“She's so much like you.” Brendon mumbled from beside me.

“You think so? How? Does that mean you like me too?” I fluttered my eyelashes at him and he shivered.

“Ew, no. She has your temper, that's for sure. But like she's always playing music, always writing lyrics. Her hair is just like yours, only it smells a lot better and it's softer and shinier – no offence. Also just the way she talks sometimes, it's just stuff that you would normally say, y'know?”

I nodded, staring at my beautiful daughter. How the hell had she gotten so big and mature in sixteen years? Why didn't I refuse to let her out of my life? I'd missed out on so much. I envied Brendon. He'd been there for her for her entire life, he knew her inside out, where as I was only just getting to know her. It wasn't fair.

“Guys, you ready to go to grandma's and grandpa's?” I asked, standing up and stretching.

They both looked up at the same time, it was at times like that when they looked like each other, just their features and stuff.

“Sure.” They both got up with Aidan and Leon, saying goodbye before we left.

Me and Bloo got into the car whilst Bubbles said bye to Brendon. I didn't exactly feel like watching my friend make-out with my daughter.

She got into the car a few minutes later and smiled at me through the rear view window. I smiled back at her as I started the car and reversed out of the parking lot.

“Dad, I'm nervous. What if they don't like me?” Sky's voice came out barely a whisper from the back seat.

“Trust me, they'll love you.” I smiled reassuringly at her.

She looked at the house and nodded, hopping out of the car.

We made our way to the front door and I opened it, walking inside with Bloo and Bubbles behind me.

“Mom?” I called, standing in the hallway.

“In here sweetheart.” She replied from the kitchen.

I turned around to face Bubbles who was biting her lip nervously. Bloo put his arm around her shoulders, comforting her as we walked into the kitchen where Mom and Hillary were talking.

“Hey,” I smiled, jumping up onto the counter.

Old habits never die.

“Mom, Hills, this is Sky.” I beamed proudly as she stood next to Bloo, his arm still around her shoulders.

I watched Mom's face as she looked at her only granddaughter for the first time in sixteen years.

“Sky!” She grinned, hugging her tightly.

Sky paused for a moment before hugging her back. My mom could be so overly friendly at times.

“Oh my God, your beautiful!” She muttered to herself, looking Sky up and down.

“Obviously follows after Cass then and not Pete.” Hillary snickered, sitting on the counter opposite me.

“Ha, ha, shut it.” I replied sarcastically. She was so immature!

Sky's POV

I stood in my grandparents kitchen, praying to God they liked me. What if my own aunt and uncle disliked me!? I got the message that my newly found grandmother liked me as she'd practically crushed my ribs in a hug. She seemed lovely though.

“I'm Hillary, your aunt.” The woman sat on the work surface opposite Dad smiled.

“Then I guess I'm your niece.” I replied, stupidly.

Nerves and me really don't mix well.

Dad laughed lightly but Hillary just smiled back at me.

“You really do follow after your mom, y'know. That's a good thing by the way. I mean, what if you'd turned out like your dad, then you'd really be screwed.” She smirked, winking at me.

“Mom, why'd you have to adopt such a horrible child like Hillary?” Dad whined.

He was just like a kid.

“Face it Panda, you're the adopted child in this family. I mean, you look nothing like any of us. Mom and Dad just gave you the same name as Dad so you wouldn't suspect anything.” Hillary grinned.

I could tell we were going to get along well.

“Moooom, when's tea ready?” A male voice called, footsteps nearing the kitchen.

“Prepare to meet the only guy more retarded than your father.” Hillary smirked as a guy walked into the kitchen.

“Bloo! How are you man? Oh my God, you must be Bubbles!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and picking me up.

“Dude, put her down!” Dad shouted, chucking an orange at the guys head.

I was guessing he was Andy, my uncle.

“Ow, jeez! Mom why'd you raise such a violent child?” He whined, rubbing his head where the orange had hit him.

All three of them were acting as if they were five. I felt really sorry for my grandparents right now.

“Andy, stop whining and go and lay the table. Hillary, you help him.” Grandma instructed, checking on what was in the oven.

Whatever it was, it smelt delicious.

“I hope you like lasagna sweetie.” She smiled at me, closing the oven door.

I nodded vigorously, it was one of my favorite meals.

“Grams, where's grandpa?” Bloo asked, flicking his fringe out of his eyes.

“He's at a meeting or something.” She replied, playing with her oven gloves in her hands.

Bloo nodded and walked into the dining room where Andy and Hillary had gone.

“Hey Bubbles, come see my old room!” Dad grinned, hopping off the counter and grabbing my hand, pulling me upstairs.

We stayed in his old room, looking at some of the stuff he had in there. It was pretty cool.

“Pete, Sky, tea's ready!” Andy called up the stairs.

We both got up and Dad led me downstairs to where everyone was already seated with plates of hot food in front of them.
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