Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 36


I opened my eyes slowly, my vision blurry. There was some form of light coming through the curtains, but it was there when we finally went to sleep. Lets just say I was really horny last night and well, Brendon pretty much took care of that for me.

I looked over at him sleeping peacefully beside me, his sheets covering his lower, bare body. I reached over to the bedside table, Brendon's arm over my waist restricted me a little so I had to stretch in order to grab my cell.


I grinned and slid out of bed, walking over to Brendon's closet to grab two t-shirts and some shorts for both of us. I quickly slipped mine on before padding over to the edge of the bed and straddling Brendon.

“Wake up sleepy head, it's Christmas!” I whispered in his ear, my hair falling over my shoulder.

He kept his eyes closed but snaked his arms around my waist and groaned.

“What time is it?” He spoke in a sleepy voice.

“Eight, now get up! You need to open your presents.” I grinned, pushing his hair out of his face.

“Eight? Girl, what the hell is wrong with you? I'm exhausted after last night.” He whined, scrunching up his face.

“Guess you wont have the energy for later then.” I smirked, going to climb off of him.

His arms tightened around my waist.

“I'm sure I'll find some energy.” He said with a wolf-like grin.

“And what was it you said about presents?” A childish smile played on his lips.

“You have to get up if you want them.” I laughed lightly, managing to escape his grasp and climb off the bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and heard him follow close behind before he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as I poured a glass of orange juice for both of us.

“I'm so tired!” He whined, snuggling his face into the crook of my neck.

I laughed and took a sip from my drink.

“You were amazing last night by the way.” He added. I could feel him smirking against my neck as he kissed it softly.

I was glad he was focusing on my neck because I could feel the blush rise in my cheeks.

“Do you want your presents now?” I asked as he stopped kissing my neck.

“Yeah,” He grinned like a five year old, excitement in his eyes.

I laughed and went over to the Christmas tree, falling onto my knee's and picking out Brendon's presents. I handed them to him and he began opening them quickly.

He'd finished opening all of his presents, but two. Ryan had informed me that he'd been looking at these ages ago when they went shopping so I'd decided to get it for him a few days after we'd slept together, along with the clothes and other presents I'd bought him.

I handed him two little boxes and he smiled wearily at me before opening them.

“Oh my god, Sky!” He beamed, wrapping me in a bone crushing hug.

“Do you like them?” I asked, grinning.

“I love them. Thank you so much baby. You've totally spoiled me!” He pressed his mouth to mine passionately, a huge smile still on his face.

“Time for your presents.” He grinned, jumping up and running into his room.

He came back a few seconds later holding some boxes wrapped too neatly for Brendon to have wrapped them.


Brendon pulled me up the drive that belonged to his parents, his hand wrapped tightly around mine. I think it was so I couldn't run off which was extremely tempting.

“Sky relax, they're going to love you.” Brendon reassured me as he opened the front door.

“Mom, Dad!” Brendon called as we stood in the hallway.

I looked around nervously before my eyes landed on a collection of pictures of Brendon and Tyler when they was younger.

“Aw, wasn't you a cutie.” I teased as he blushed.

“Brendon, merry Christmas darling.” A woman a little taller than me cooed as she came into the hallway.

“You must be Sky. It's lovely to meet you dear.” She grinned, embracing me in a hug.

Okay, totally wasn't expecting a hug. Brendon smiled down at me apologetically. 'Sorry' he mouthed, blushing. I smiled back at him as his mom let go of me and gave Brendon a quick hug.

“So dear, I hope my son over here's treating you nicely.” Catherine, as she'd asked me many times to call her, stated.

“Mom..” Brendon groaned, putting his head in his hands.

“What dear? I'm simply making sure.” She winked at me as Brendon hid his face, clearly embarrassed.

We stayed there for an hour or two and I met Brendon's dad and older brother, Tyler. Catherine gave us both bone-crushing hugs before allowing us to leave.

“I'm so sorry about my mom!” Brendon apologized as we climbed into his car.

“Bren, she's lovely. Do you think they liked me?” I asked nervously, biting my lip.

“Sky, they loved you. Honestly, I think they might even love you more than me.” He pouted as I placed my hand on his, stroking my thumb lightly across his skin.

“Thank you for coming to meet them. It means a lot.” He smiled, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

“Any time. You have an amazing family.” I smiled back as he started the engine.

We drove to uncle Patrick's and walked inside, getting attacked by Nix on the way in.

“Merry cwistmas!” She squealed, jumping into my arms.

I hugged her tightly and replied as she smacked her lips to my cheek, giving me a sloppy kiss. I heard Brendon chuckle lightly from beside me as I fake glared at him.

“Go give Bear a sloppy kiss.” I whispered into her ear so he couldn't hear.

She grinned back mischievously at me and nodded as I passed her to Bren.

“Merry cwistmas Bear.” She beamed, attaching her wet lips to his cheek.

“Thanks Nix.” He laughed, as we walked into the living room, Brendon still carrying her on his hip.

“Hey honey!” Mom grinned, wrapping her arms around me.

“Hey, merry Christmas.” I smiled, hugging her back.

We all greeted each other before giving and receiving presents. We were all sat in the living room, drinking and talking when I looked over to Brendon. He looked gorgeous in one of the t-shirts that I had bought him. It was red with a pair of his gray skinny jeans and a black hoodie. It was simple but he still looked amazing. Nix was sat in his lap as she forced him to play with her new toys. I think he was glad she wasn't a Barbie type girl. He was so great with her, always making her laugh. She loved him to pieces. They'd always call me early in the morning and sing down the phone to me, knowing I'm not exactly a morning person. I wondered what Brendon would be like having kids. What it would be like having kids with Brendon. He'd be a great dad.

Snap out of it Sky, you're sixteen! I thought to myself.

But they just looked so adorable together. Brendon peeled his eyes away from Nix and looked over to me, smiling softly before raising his eyebrow when he realized I was staring. Before I could give him some sort of response to the question I know he was asking in his mind my cell vibrated causing my ring tone to fill the room.

Dad <3

“Yellow.” I answered, smiling.

“Merry Christmas!” He yelled into the phone.

“Merry Christmas to you too. Was your present to me bursting my ear drums by any chance?”

“Sorry, Christmas is just the best day of the year. Well, now that you're back. It hasn't exactly been like since Christmas sixteen years ago..” He trailed off.

“Way to dampen the mood, Dad. What time do you want me to come round?”

“Er, as soon as your allowed to leave.”

“I'll be round in a sec then.” I laughed, hanging up.

“You leaving already?” Mom asked sadly.

“Yeah, I'll see you at the meal though. I love you.” I kissed her cheek, my uncle's and Nix's, giving Hayls a quick hug before leaving with Brendon. Yes, I was forcing him to come with me. Well, he followed happily but still...
♠ ♠ ♠
Has anyone watched Drag Me To Hell?
Crazy old lady in it, so creepy.
Hope you like the chapter.