Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 37


Cassidy's POV

“'Trick can you do the back of my dress up please.” I asked, turning my back to him.

His cold hands gently touched my back as he pulled the zip up on my red dress.

“You look stunning, Cass.” Patrick smiled softly at me.

“Thanks 'Trick.” I slipped on my gold heels and picked up my clutch before heading downstairs with Patrick on my tail.

“Lets go.” Hayls smiled, picking Nix up on her hip and walking outside to the car.

We pulled up at the restaurant we'd be eating at tonight and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

You have to do this, for Sky and Bloo.

I told myself, climbing out of the black SUV. Patrick let Nix out of the car as she ran over to me, clinging to my leg as she beamed up at me. I laughed and bent down, picking her up in my arms and walking through the sea of paparazzi to get to the building. Seriously, didn't they have families to be with instead of getting pictures of other people with their families on Christmas. It was so unbelievably sad.

The waiter led us to our long table near the back of the restaurant where Sky, Brendon, Ryan, Keltie, Jon, Spence, Pete, Ashlee, Bloo, Bronx, Andy, Sara and Travis were already waiting. I smiled at everyone but Pete and Ashlee, avoiding their gazes. I sat down next to Travis and Ryan as they greeted me with hugs. Nix ran around to the other side of the table, sitting next to Sky and Bloo who were sat opposite me.

“Hey Mom.” They both smiled in unison.

“That really creeps me out when you two do that.” Travis stated with a laugh.

Sky looked gorgeous in a pink dress similar to mine, black accessories matching the black sash around her waist with a bow. She looked so grown up sat next to Brendon who looked pretty handsome in a white button down shirt, black skinny jeans and a black blazer. They looked so good together.

“So Bloos, what'cha doin'?” Nix asked, looking up at him.

“Sitting next to you, silly. So Nix..”


“What'cha doin'?” He smirked as she hit him playfully on his arm.


I looked down at my plate at the half eaten chocolate cake staring back at me. I didn't feel hungry anymore. I could feel eyes staring at me, I just didn't have the guts to look up and see who it was. Although, I had a pretty good idea.

“You okay doll?” Ryan asked quietly in my ear.

“Yeah, I'm fine.” I faked a smile. He raised his eyebrow at me, not believing a word that just came out of my mouth.

“I'm just gonna go to the toilet.” I smiled softly, getting up from the table and quickly finding the women's toilets at the back of the restaurant.

I stood in front of the mirror and sighed heavily at my reflection. I felt so crap, I just wanted to get out of here. I bent down, resting my elbows on the cool marble surface and put my head in my hands trying to fight back tears. I heard the door open but kept my head down, I didn't want to bother with people right now.

“Why are you in here?” A velvet voice asked softly.

I tensed, letting out a sigh before standing up straight and sucking in a deep breath. I didn't look at him, I didn't have to. I knew the look he'd have on his face right now. His big brown eyes full of curiosity, pity, maybe even regret? Who was I kidding? He didn't regret a thing. I kept my eyes focused on my reflection before looking down at my clutch, opening it and pulling out some gum. It calmed me.

“Are you going to answer my question?” He broke the silence.

“I don't think you deserve an answer.” I replied truthfully. I didn't want to reply. I want to ignore him, but I was weak.

“I guess I deserved that..” He sighed awkwardly. I saw him thrusting his hands into his pockets through the mirror reflection as he edged closer to me.

“Why are you in here, Pete?” I questioned, annoyance in my tone.

“To see if you were okay.”

“Well know you now.. I'm fine, you can leave.”

“Aren't you coming back out?”

“No Pete, I'm going to sit in the girls toilets all night and cry over you whilst you guys sit out there and enjoy yourselves.” I snapped.

“Still sarcastic. I can see where the twins get it from now.” He chuckled.

I sighed heavily, turning around to glare at him, “Okay, cut the nice guy act it's pissing me off. I know you're the father of my children and everything but to be quite honest I can't stand you let alone your pathetic attempts at acting like we're okay, because we're far from it Pete. If I could have it any other way some other guy would be the father of our children. Hell, even Ollie would do. So please, for both of our sakes, and the twins, just don't talk to me unless it involves them. Other than that, I don't wanna hear a word that comes out of your stupid mouth.” I spat.

He looked back at me in shock.

“You don't mean that.” He choked out.

“If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have said it. Not everyone's like you and say things they don't mean, Peter. Now if you don't mind I'm going back to the table.” I grabbed my clutch and stormed past him, back to the table.

I sat down back in my seat earning a few looks from everyone as Pete came out looking stunned as he took his place next to Ashlee. I could feel his gaze on me again but ignored it.

“You okay?” Sky mouthed, a confused look on her face as she looked from her father to me. I nodded simply, smiling at her.

I can't believe I just said that to him. It felt good. I knew the Ollie part would get to him badly. He deserved it in my opinion.

“Is everyone done?” Joe asked, looking around the table as everyone nodded. We were all going back to Joe's for the night to crash at his so we were all together again. I was just glad to be back with Char again. I'd missed her like crazy, but she'd always visited regularly.

Bloo's POV

I sat on Summer's bed waiting for her to get changed into her pajama's. I stared up at the ceiling in deep thought. She came out a few minutes later, distracting me. She looked so hot with no make-up and her hair up. That's what I loved about her, she was so natural, always looked stunning and her personality was flawless.

“I'm so tired.” She whispered, collapsing onto the bed, placing her head on my chest.

“Do you want your present?” I stuttered out.

“You already gave me a present.” She said, confusion on her face as she sat up to look at me.

“I know, but I got you another one..” Her face lit up. I shoved my hand into my pocket and pulled out the small wrapped box, handing it to her. She looked at me questioningly, raising an eyebrow.

“Just open it.” I laughed nervously. She peeled away the wrapping paper and opened the box that revealed a small gold heart necklace.

“Bloo it's beautiful..” She trailed off, studying the necklace.

“I don't mean to sound rude but.. why'd you get me this?”

“I-I need to tell you something.” I stuttered.

“What?” She studied my face for a clue.

“I-I'm in love with you Summer. I have been for ages I just never had the guts to tell you.” I gushed.

Before I could even look for some sort of reaction on her face she slammed her lips to mine, kissing more slowly and much more gentle after a few seconds. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into my lap, not breaking the kiss.

“I've been wanting to do that for so damn long.” She whispered once we'd broke apart. I laughed, letting out a sigh of relief before pressing my lips to hers again in a slower, more gentle kiss.

“Summ- oh. Sorry!” Bubbles yelled, backing out of the room. Summer giggled and buried her head into my neck. This felt so right.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHH !!! Just wrote the next chapter, spent most of the night playing around with a few ideas. All I'm saying is it's the moment you've all been waiting for.
I will caution you, it's gonna get hot & steamy ;]
Comments on your ideas?
Update will arrive quicker due to comments. I will update when I can, most likely tomorrow so COMMENT like crazy (: