Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 38


New Years Eve

Cassidy's POV

I walked into the small coffee shop nervously. I knew this place well, me and Pete used to come here when we couldn't be bothered to go to Starbucks. The familiar sound of the bell above the door rung when I opened it, my eyes falling on Pete's figure sat at the booth at the very back in the right corner. That's where we used to sit every time we came here. I walked slowly towards him and sat down silently opposite him. He looked up from his drink and pushed my usual drink towards me.

“Thanks.” I mumbled quietly. “Um, why did you ask me to meet you here?”

“Because we need to talk. There's a tour coming up and I want Bubbles and Bloo's band to come with us. Panics gonna be with us as well as Gym Class Heroes. I wanted to ask you if you're alright with Bubbles coming.” He said slowly.

Tour. He wanted my son and daughter to go on tour.

“What about school, Pete? Neither of them should miss it, it's an important time for them. They're not both gonna grow up and be 'rock stars'. I want them to have options.”

“They can get taught on tour. It's not like they've never been on tour before. Sky's gone on tour with you and Bloo's come with me. It'll be good for them, and their band.”

“How long is the tour for?” I asked cautiously.

“Two months.” He said quietly, waiting for my reaction.

“Two months. You want my daughter to be away from school, her friends and me for two whole months!?” I snapped.

Our daughter. If it makes you feel better we can arrange for Hey Monday to come as well. It'll be great, me, you, Bubbles, Bloo, Bronx and Ashlee. We'll be like a family.” He said sarcastically, his eyes cold.

“Ugh, whatever. Arrange for us to come with you, then Sky can go.” I smiled sarcastically back at him, folding my arms across my chest. His eyes widened in shock.

“S-Seriously? You want to come?” He choked out. I nodded simply.

“Like you said, we'll be like a family.” I smirked. “Now is that all you wanted? Want Sky to move in with you next?”

“Yes, but I wouldn't take her away from you.” He said truthfully.

“Well you already took my son away from me sixteen years ago, so why not Sky?” I snapped, glaring at him.

Our son Cassidy. They're my kids too and that's never going to change. Maybe if you didn't fuck off to Florida-”

“Maybe if you didn't fucking cheat on me with that slut then I wouldn't have. Maybe, just maybe, we might have been happy, married maybe and have a proper family. Not this broken up.. mess.” I growled, sliding out of the booth and storming out of the coffee shop. He was un fucking believable. A warm hand wrapped around my wrist, spinning me around to face it's owner. Guess who.

“She's not a slut, Cass. How many guys have you been with since me? I bet you can't even count them.” He spat, his cold eyes were filled with emptiness. I wriggled my wrist out of his hand which had left finger marks where he held on so tightly. Who the hell was this guy?

“I've had three fucking relationships you ass hole. Not that it's anything to do with you. Three guys over sixteen fucking years. Actually, make that thirteen. It took me three years to get over you and learn to let someone in, be able to trust them. Even then the fact that I didn't let them in enough broke us up. You made me like that. I hate you Pete. I never thought after sixteen years I'd still be crying over you. But look, you've managed to make me cry yet again. Just stay the fuck away from me.” I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks. Pete stared back at me in shock. He didn't chase after me, thankfully. He just stayed glued to the spot, watching me walk away from him.. again.

Pete's POV

I walked back home in a daze. Cass had only been with three guys since me. I was relieved in a way, but it upset me that she wasn't happy because of me. I was so confused. Seeing her again had brought back feelings that I thought I got over a long, long time ago. Now we were going to be stuck together on a two month long tour, as well as Ashlee. This was bound to be full of drama.

I entered the quiet house and walked up to mine and Ashlee's bedroom, eager to have a hot shower before Travis' party tonight. I couldn't wait to get absolutely wrecked tonight. I needed to.

“Petenut butter!” Ashlee squealed, running up to me and wrapping her legs tightly around my waist as I stumbled backwards in shock.

“Hey Ash.” I mumbled.

“Oh my gosh, when were you going to pop the question!?” She screeched, a wide grin spread across her face. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open, opening and closing repeatedly as I thought of a reply.

“W-What?” Was all I could come up with.

“This, silly. I found it in your drawer. Yes, Pete. Yes I'll marry you!” She beamed, slamming her lips onto mine in a sloppy kiss. I looked at the small black box in her hand, knowing exactly what it contained. You have gotta be kidding me.

“Ashlee, that wasn't in my drawer. You know exactly where that was. Why have you got it?” I said lowly, putting her back on the floor. She stared at the ground, a sad expression on her face.

“It was for her, wasn't it?” She said softly, her eyes meeting mine. I nodded slowly, thrusting my hands into the pockets of my hoodie.

“What was you doing going through that box?” I growled, anger flowing through me.

“I was tidying up. You know, new year and all that. I was just throwing out the bad memories. I thought, well hoped, that this was for me and you just put it there because you didn't want me to find it.” Her voice was barely audible.

“What do you mean 'throwing out bad memories'?” I snapped.

“Well, Cassidy. She's a bad memory isn't she? I mean, what a skank. You two happened years ago. It's me and you now baby, you don't need those sort of reminders of the mistakes you made.” She tried to explain. Was this some sort of joke?

“She wasn't a bad memory for me, Ashlee. We have kids together for God sakes. It's not like I can just forget about her!” I yelled.

“Lets get married Pete.” Ashlee interrupted.

“Are you serious?”

“Definitely. You love me, I love you. Why not?” The smile crept back onto her lips and she grinned back at me.

“W-We should think about this. Lets not rush into anything.”

“C'mon Petey. It's us against the world baby. Lets tie the knot.” She bounced up and down in front of me, holding onto my hand tightly.

“I dunno Ash..” I trailed off quietly.

“Don't you love me?” Her smile faded.

“Of course I do. I just don't think we should get married just to 'prove our love'.”

We argued for roughly half an hour before I gave in. It was official, I was going to marry Ashlee.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, sorry. I forgot about this chapter.
Hot & steamy coming up, consider this your warning ;]
Oh and about the Petenut butter - I saw it on Ashlee's twitter and couldn't stop laughing so I tought I'd include it (:
Comments my lovelies?