Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 4


I sat on my suitcase as Joe tried zipping it shut.

I'd spent all day packing with Joe and my suitcase and carry on were both completely full.

“Shit girl, how much do you want to take?” He laughed, finally zipping it up.

“Hey, I have everything I need now. Plus I only have one suitcase and a carry on bag. That isn't much.” I smiled proudly.

“Have you seen the size of your suitcase? We even squished your clothes up as small as humanly possible yet it still wouldn't close.” We both laughed as he picked it up and heaved it down the stairs.

“Do you have everything? Make sure you call me as soon as you land, okay? Don't you dare forget!” My mom ordered, pulling me into a tight hug.

“Pinky. Love you mom.” I whispered, hugging her tightly. I hugged a sleepy Elliot, Jersey, Alex and Mike quickly. Bless them, they'd stayed up until now to say bye.

Travis, Joe, Patrick and me all piled into the car to go to the airport. Their flight was a few hours after mine so they were going to make sure I got on the right plane before checking in for theirs. They knew what I was like and knowing me, I'd probably get on a plane and end up in Japan or something.

“Right, that's your flight. I'll call you later to check your okay and everything. Have a nice flight and I'll see you tomorrow at some point. Love you.” Patrick hugged me, kissing my forehead.

I hugged Travis and Joe before picking up my carry on and walking towards the gate. I gave them one final wave and walked off in the direction I was meant to be heading in.

I lent my head on the cold glass window of the plane and sighed happily. I was so excited to be going to Chicago for the first time since I was a baby. I didn't remember it at all. Just like I didn't remember my dad. We'd lived together for only 25 days before me and mom left for Florida. My mom never told me why they'd split up. It was always a no-go subject with her.

Someone sat down next to me, his hair thick and brown. He smiled at me, his big chocolate eyes soft and warm.

“Brendon.” He smiled.

“Sky.” I returned the smile, I couldn't stop staring at him.

I surprised myself by not drooling everywhere. I knew exactly who he was, how could I possibly forget a face or voice like that in just a few months.

“Sweet name.” He complimented.

“Thanks. Wow, you really do loose your memory with old age, huh.” I laughed as he looked at me, confused. A few seconds later his mouth fell open.

“Shit, Bubbles? Jesus Christ, you've grown so much. It's only been like a few months. You've cut and dyed your hair, looks amazing! Shit, I totally didn't recognize you! I'm half asleep, sorry.” He gushed, pulling me into a hug.

I laughed and nodded.

“What are you doing here in Florida?” I questioned, crossing my legs in my seat. Flying first class was good.

“Just finished tour. Our last gig was like two hours ago. Sorry we didn't come and see you guys, our schedules been hectic lately, with the new album and stuff. By the way, if you haven't bought it I may have to kill you.” He smirked.

“Uncle 'Trick gave it me as one of my birthday presents.” I grinned. He always gave me new albums and songs before they hit the shops and stuff. So did my mom. Plus sides of having famous relatives I guess.

“So, hows your singing coming along? I bet your incredible now.” I laughed.

“Uh, not incredible. But it's going okay. I've been writing some songs lately and working on them. I might show you if you come over to uncle 'Tricks at Christmas.”

“Definitely, I'd love to hear them.” He nodded, smiling. God, he was so hot! I'd always had a bit of a thing for him. We were pretty close.

We talked for the rest of the flight. Catching up and stuff. Ryan, Spencer and Jon were sat a few seats behind us so we didn't get to talk much. He was surprised that my mom was letting me come back to Chicago and kept asking questions about it throughout the flight.

“Please could you fasten your seat belts, we will be landing at Chicago International Airport in just a few minutes. Thank you for flying with us, we hope to see you soon.” The pilot called through his microphone. Me and Brendon put our seat belts on and waited for the plane to land.

My breathing quickened and I gripped the arm of my chair. Brendon looked over at me worriedly.

“Bubs, are you okay? You've gone really pale.”

“I-I uh I really hate.. landing.” I gasped, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths. He took my hand in his and squeezed it lightly.

“It'll be fine. I'm right here, okay. Just take deep breaths. It'll be over in a few minutes.” He comforted, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the top of my hand.

Brendon pulled my suitcase off of the conveyor belt and dropped it onto the floor.

“Shit Bubbles, what the hell have you got in there?” He laughed, picking it up again and putting it onto a trolley with their suitcases on.

“Everything.” I smiled, all five of us walking towards the exit.

“Brendon, Ryan over here!” A man yelled, holding a camera up to his face. Brendon took my hand in his, leading us towards the black limo that was waiting for them outside.

“Brendon, is that your new girlfriend?” Another guy asked, also holding a camera. A few other guys threw questions their way as they snapped photo's of us, Bren ignored them and let the driver of the limo take our suitcases and put them in the trunk.

“C'mon, your coming with us missy.” Ryan chuckled, pushing me into the limo.

It took roughly forty five minutes to get to my grandparents house and they dropped me off right outside.

“See ya Sky, we'll come round to Patrick's soon.” Brendon called out of the window, waving as they pulled away. I dragged my suitcase up the driveway and knocked on the door with the little amount of energy I had left. It was 5am and I had no energy what so ever. Damn Brendon not being able to keep his mouth closed for more than a few seconds.

“Sky! Come in sweetheart.” My grandma exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I hadn't seen her since last Christmas and had missed them both terribly. My grandpa came in and I wrapped my arms around him tightly. Bless them for staying up till now just to let me in.

“I've missed you two!” I laughed into his chest before he went and brought my suitcase in for me, taking it up to my mom's old room. Me and grandma followed him up the stairs.

“I think you'll like your mom's old room, we left it exactly the same as it was before she left.” Grandma smiled.

We walked in and I gasped, looking around the huge room. The walls were hot pink with posters and photo's covering the walls and there was a massive double bed in the middle of the room, two bedside tables either side. There was a fuzzy pink lamp on one and a photo of her and .. Pete Wentz. I didn't know they were friends when they were younger. Weird, she never mentioned him. They seemed pretty close. She was laughing as she kissed his cheek and he had a huge smile on his face. They looked happy. I loved her room! Pink and black, I had to admit, she was cool when it came to decorating.

“Right then, do you want anything to eat before you go to sleep? I know how fussy you are when it comes to plane food so I bet you haven't eaten.” My grandma laughed. I shook my head.

“I'm fine thanks. I'll wait until breakfast.”
♠ ♠ ♠
He's in the next chapter (:
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