Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 40


Cassidy's POV

Meet me at the cafe, love you xo

I sighed and thought about it. It had been three days since me and Pete had slept together. No one suspected a thing, we'd carried on as normal – just without the arguments and ignorance. Sky and Bloo had thought it was for their benefit and Patrick and the others were just plain confused at mine and Pete's sudden civility towards each other.

I don't think that's such a good idea, do you? Lets just leave this as a one-time thing, yeah? xo

I typed back, hitting the send button before I could stop myself. I didn't want it to be a one-time thing, I wanted us to be more than that. But me and Pete had been there, tried that and failed at it. Looking back Pete never could keep it in his pants, could he? Once a cheat, always a cheat.

What? Why? I thought you said you love me, Cass? What's going on?

I sighed, closing my eyes and pinching the skin on the bridge of my nose. This was so frustrating.

I don't want you to break my heart again, Pete. Face it; when you're with Ashlee you're sleeping with me and when me and you are together, you're screwing her behind my back. I can't do it anymore, Pete. I need to settle down – for the kids sake as well as mine.

He didn't reply after that, thankfully. I looked up when I heard the front door go and saw Sky walk in, Brendon attached to her hand.

“Hey mom,” She smiled.

“Hey, um Sky could I talk to you for a sec please?” I bit my lip, watching her face fall.

“Let me guess, we're going back to Florida.” She sighed. I nodded slowly, waiting for her reaction. She didn't have one, she just stared back at me blankly, occasionally biting her lip in thought.

“The tour starts on the first of February so we'll fly back just before the end of the month.” I told her, trying to persuade her not to kick off.

“W-When do we leave?” She choked out, holding back tears.

“This afternoon.” I muttered quietly. Her mouth fell open and Brendon looked upset as he wrapped his arms around her.

Sky's POV

“C-Can't I stay here, with B-Bren?” I sobbed, my voice breaking.

“You need to go back to school. Just for this month so we can sort it out with them about you getting home tutored. We'll be back before you know it, I promise.” She smiled weakly at me.

“O-Okay.” I whispered.

“I'm gonna start packing. I'll pack you're stuff too so you can stay with Brendon for today, okay?”

“Thanks mom.”

“Thanks Cass.” Brendon said softly, wrapping his hand around mine. Mom disappeared upstairs leaving me and Brendon alone. I turned around and threw my arms around his middle, holding onto him as tightly as possible. Tears dripped onto his shirt as I sobbed into his chest.

“Baby, p-please don't cry.” Brendon mumbled into my hair, his voice cracking.

“I c-can't h-help it. I'm gonna fucking miss you.” I sobbed, my voice muffled by his chest. I felt him chuckle softly.

“You know I'll ring you everyday. Like your mom said, you'll be back before the end of the month.” He said reassuringly.

“But that's still a whole fucking month Bren.”

“I know baby, I know.” He whispered, tightening his arms around my waist.


I walked into Dad's living room, Brendon on my tail. I wasn't letting him out of my sight today and that was final.

“What's up baby?” Dad asked worriedly, probably from my tear-stained face.

“I-I'm leaving today.” I mumbled quietly.

“Oh,” Dad whispered, his face falling. “When are you coming back?” He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

“At the end of the month.” I sighed.

“Petey, there you are! Oh, hi Sky, Brendon.” Ashlee grinned at us. We both smiled weakly back at her. I wanted to know why she was being so nice to me, it creeps me out.

“What's up Ash?” Dad sighed.

“Oh, it doesn't matter. Have you told them yet?” She beamed excitedly.

“Told us what, dad?” I asked, looking from Ashlee to him.

“We're getting married!” Ashlee screamed, bouncing up and down. What. The. Fuck!?

“O-Oh, um.. congratulations.” I muttered, trusting my hands into my front pockets.

“Will you be a bridesmaid?” Ashlee asked hopefully, lacing her fingers with dads.

“Ash, we haven't talked about anything yet..” Dad trailed off.

“I know, so lets start.” Ashlee cut him off, grinning like a Cheshire.

“W-We're gonna go. I'll see you at the end of the month.” I said softly, hugging my dad tightly.

“Promise to call.” He mumbled into my hair, squeezing me tightly.


“Dad, where's my hair spray!?” Bronx yelled, walking into the living room in his boxers.

“Bronx, put some clothes on! It's in my room.” Dad told him, attempting to push him out of the room.

“Oh hey Bubbs, Bren.” He smiled at us.

“Hey, um I'm leaving – but I'll be back at the end of the month. So.. see ya.” I mumbled lamely, wrapping him in a hug.

“You're leaving?” He asked into my hair. I nodded and let go of him.

“I'll see you guys at the end of the month.” I stated, holding back tears.

“Oh Sky, come here!” Ashlee squealed, running towards me and engulfing me in a hug. I froze, looking from Brendon to Dad. Both of them had their mouths hanging open in shock. I patted Ashlee's back awkwardly before she released me and kissed my cheek.

“Um.. bye. Love you dad!” I called, dragging Brendon out of the house as quickly as possible.

“Well that was weird.” Brendon chuckled.

“Ugh, the smell of her perfume is making me gag.” I groaned, scrunching up my face. “I think I'm allergic to her.”

“You're so dramatic.” He laughed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

Cassidy's POV

Patrick and Joe pulled mine and Sky's suitcases from the car, Char gripping my hand tightly and Brendon clinging to Sky. I sure as hell was going to miss having my best friend around. It was so nice being back with her and the guys. We all headed into the airport, Bloo now holding tightly onto my other hand with Summer on his. All of them had came to say goodbye to us for one month. It wasn't even that long but after finally getting Bloo back into my life, one month of not seeing him was going to hurt like hell. I looked down at the floor, trying to avoid the bright flashes coming from clicking cameras that were shoved into our faces. Paparazzi hurled questions at us but none of us answered, just focused on getting inside in one piece.

“God, can't they just give it a rest?” Joe grumbled, shaking his 'fro out of his eyes.

“See you in a month.” Char smiled weakly, tears escaping her eyes. I pulled her into my arms, resisting the urge to cry.

We all said our goodbyes before me and Sky checked in, both of us in tears. I hated goodbyes - no matter how long they were for. It was always upsetting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't updated - been out and about & stuff :]
Found the prom dress i want today, ahh so excited !
Anyways, hope ya like it (: