Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 42


I packed my last suitcase, the smile never leaving my face. In five days time I'd be going on my first ever tour – where I was playing anyway. And in a few hours time I'd be seeing Brendon. Also, I'd just found out that Harley could come on tour as well – seeing as Hemingway was.

“I don't want you to go.” Rach whined, hugging Harley closer to her.

“I'll be back before you know it.” I replied, looking up from my suitcase.

“I was talking to the dog.” She smirked. I stuck my tongue out at her and went back to zipping it up – or at least attempting to. Where's Joe when you need him?

“You know I'm kidding. I can't believe your going on tour.” She sighed.

“I've been on tour before.” I reminded her.

“But you've never been in one of the bands. You've never played in front of crowds the size that they'll be.” Was she trying to make me feel less nervous? Because it really wasn't working.

“I think I'll be able to handle it.” We both laughed as I heaved my suitcase off of my bed and left it by my bedroom door so one of the guys could take it down along with the rest of my suitcases.


“So, you excited to be seeing lover boy again?” Alex teased, poking me with his plastic fork. I really didn't know how he could stand plane food, it was revolting. Then again, most of the guys ate anything. I looked out of the window, gazing down at the fluffy white cloud that surrounded the plane. It was about forty more minutes before we'd land in Chicago and Brendon, my father and my uncle 'Trick would be picking us up. I was practically bouncing in my seat.

“Oh, I thought of a ton of new pranks for tour. It's going to be incredible, Bubbles.” Alex told me excitedly.

“I know, I can't wait.” I beamed. Why was time going so slowly? I just wanted to see Brendon already.

Brendon's POV

I waited anxiously in the airport beside Pete and Patrick. They were sipping coffee and talking about tour. That's all anyone had been talking about for the past week. Everyone was excited and couldn't wait to get back on the road. I hadn't been able to think about tour too much, my mind had been concentrating on today. Sky would be here any minute now and I was fidgeting badly. The past month hadn't been my best. Not one day had passed where I hadn't thought of Sky. I'd gone over every conversation we'd had since the day she left a million times. I'd listened to her laugh, cry, moan and sing down the phone to me, making me wish I could be with her a billion times more. I missed everything about her; her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her scent.. everything.

“Oi, Bren. They've landed.” Pete told me, interrupting my thoughts by snapping his fingers in front of my face. I bit down on my lip, staring at the corridor they'd be filing out of any minute now. I tapped my foot impatiently, my fingers tangled together and my palms sweaty. I watched as people began to appear, walking towards us. My eyes scanned the crowd frantically for Sky, or anyone that she was with. I spotted Elliot first, then Jersey, Mike, Alex, Cass and finally Sky. She was looking around hopefully before her eyes landed on me and a smile spread across her face. She started running towards me, jumping and wrapping her legs tightly around my waist when she was close enough. Her arms linked around my neck as she pressed her soft pink lips firmly to mine. My hands supported her back as we kissed passionately. The fact that her dad, mom and uncle were stood beside us completely left my mind as she slipped her tongue into my mouth.

“Dudes, PDA!” Alex yelled from behind Sky. She pulled away, flipping Alex off as she pecked my lips gently. She buried her head deep into my neck, the strong smell of strawberries from her hair filled my nostrils making me relax. I'd missed even this tiny detail.

“I missed you.” She mumbled into my neck. I smiled into her hair, tightening my grip around her.

“I missed you too gorgeous.”

Pete's POV

I looked away as my daughter passionately kissed her boyfriend. That was something I didn't need to see. I looked up to see Cass a few meters away from me, her bright smile lighting up the entire airport. Sky's puppy, Harley, sat in a bag on Cassidy's arm. Her eyes connected with mine and she nodded, still smiling, before hugging Patrick tightly. She let go of him and wrapped her arms around me loosely.

“Hey Panda.” She breathed, her hot breath tickling my neck. My eyes shut for a moment and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up immediately. Why did she still have this affect on me? I was getting married to Ashlee. I love her, not Cass.

“H-Hi Cass.” I mumbled out lamely as she let go of me and started talking to Patrick. The guys greeted me with hugs and more short jokes. Even after all these years they still used jokes like 'Pete, you've grown. Oh wait, no you haven't' etc. And what made it worse was that they still found it hilarious each time.

“Dad!” Sky beamed, wrapping me in a hug.

“Hey Bubbles, I missed you baby.” I told her truthfully. A whole month was torture, I didn't know how the hell I'd lasted sixteen years.

“Right, lets get you home.” Patrick grinned, picking up Cassidy's suitcases. Brendon grabbed what he could of Sky's and I took the rest. How could one girl have so many clothes?


I sat on Patrick's couch, everyone else sprawled out wherever there was a space. Ashlee sat beside me, her fingers laced with mine. The rock on her finger shone brightly in the light. I looked up from our linked hands over to Cass who was watching me. She smiled and mouthed 'congratulations' to me, obviously referring to my engagement. I mouthed 'thank you' back to her before she turned to Hayley and started talking about something I couldn't hear.

“I need some air.” I smiled to Ashlee, kissing her cheek before getting up off of the couch and making my way outside. It was still freezing cold as it was still winter but I ignored it. I took in a deep breath, the cool air stinging my lungs. My mind kept going back to Cassidy and how great she looked. Why did she want to keep it as a one-time thing? I certainly hadn't wanted it to be that. I couldn't describe it. I knew what happened that night was wrong, but why did it have to feel so right? After sixteen years I'd forgotten how passionate she could be. She blew my mind that night and I haven't been able to forget about it since. I knew I shouldn't be thinking about Cassidy, or any other woman for that matter. But I couldn't stop it. I should be focused on Ashlee and nothing else. I should be being the perfect fiancé and get stuck into planning the perfect wedding for Ashlee. After all, she should deserve the best, right?

“Shouldn't you be in there keeping your fiancé company?” An all too familiar voice asked. I turned my head to see Cass smiling beside me, hugging her hoody close to her tiny frame.

“It was getting a bit crowded.” I lied. She nodded slowly, looking out across the snow covered back yard.

“So, you excited about the tour? Finally got the twins on the road with us, just like we talked about when they were born.” She said softly. How could she talk to me like nothing happened between us? This was beginning to frustrate me.

“I know, I can't believe it.” I sighed. We'd talked about them being in a band of their own and touring with us a few hours after they'd been born. I used to love the idea of being on the road with the girl that I loved, at the time, and my two children.

“We should go back in.” She smiled up at me, her nose a light shade of pink. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. It reminded me of our snowball fights when we were younger. I missed those days.

“Cass, how can you act like nothing happened?” I blurted out, sadness clear in my voice. I sounded so.. pathetic.

“Because nothing did happen, right Pete? I've forgot about it, you should too. Let yourself be happy with Ashlee, she loves you Pete. We have two kids together, nothing more. We can still be friends, we sort of have to be for their sake. They've gone through enough Pete, we owe it to them to be civilized to each other.” She shrugged her shoulders, thrusting her hands into the front pockets of her jeans as she spoke.

“O-Okay.” I mumbled quietly.

“C'mon, lets go back in.” Cass smiled weakly up at me. I nodded and followed her through the back door.