Status: Completed

I Hate the Way You Say My Name, Like It's Something Secret

Chapter 43

I woke up and looked over at the sleeping figure besides me. He was now facing away from me, his back turned to me. I wriggled closer to him, peering over his shoulder. I smiled at how he still had sex hair and how it was falling into his closed eyes. His dark eyelashes acted as curtains, standing out against his pale skin. His lips were slightly parted as soft breaths escaped between his beautiful plump pink lips. I grinned at the sight of this. He was so gorgeous and all mine – I was completely in love with him. I placed soft kisses along his jaw line, waking him from his slumber. The smile I’d longed to see appeared on his face but his eyes were still closed. I wanted to see those big brown eyes of his.

“Mm, morning beautiful.” He smiled sleepily, his eyes still shut.

“Baby open your eyes.” My voice came out as a sort of whine that made him chuckle as his eyes fluttered open. I pecked his lips softly after seeing the chocolaty pools I wanted to see first thing every morning. He closed his sleepy eyes again and pulled me close to him, trying to go back to sleep. I giggled and placed kisses all over his bare chest.

“C’mon baby, wakey wakey…” I whispered in between kisses.

“Eggs and bacy.” He mumbled sleepily, his eyes still shut.

I smiled, kissing his cheek before dragging myself out of bed. It was four am and we’d be meeting everyone at the airport in two hours. I walked into the bathroom and showered quickly so that Brendon could have a shower before we left. I done my morning ritual, not bothering to put make up on seeing as we weren’t doing much today until the show tonight. Apart from the three interviews that are lined up for us when we arrive in Phoenix.

“Bren, c’mon babe you have to get out of bed.” I told him softly, pulling the covers off of his half naked body. I smiled to myself; he was so sexy.

“It’s cold! Two more minutes.” He mumbled into his pillow as he rolled onto his stomach. I laughed quietly. He was just like a kid.

“No baby, now.” I told him sternly.

“What are you my mother?” He groaned. I shook my head and slapped his ass hard. “Oh my fucking god!” He yelped, leaping out of bed.

“Well that got you up.” I giggled, pecking his lips. He glared at me as he made his way into the bathroom.

Cassidy’s POV

I slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and quickly brushed my hair. Today was the first tour date of the whole tour and I was excited. It was going to be just like old times only with the twins. I couldn’t wait to watch them play tonight.

I left the spare bedroom in Patrick’s house and walked downstairs where he was stood in the living room with a sleepy Nicola in his arms.

“I’ll be back soon baby, okay.” He told her softly. She nodded into his neck, squeezing him tightly. I backed out of the living room not wanting to interrupt. I knew how hard it was to leave your child so you can go on tour. I’d only ever done it a couple of times, and they were short tours, but it was still one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice and hopped up onto the side, waiting for Patrick to hurry up. Hayley was upstairs getting ready to take us to the airport so I sat patiently, looking outside the window. It was still dark and the snow was falling softly from the sky.

We finally made it to the airport after a tearful goodbye to Nicola and Hayley. I couldn’t imagine what it was like for Nicola to have to go a few months without seeing her daddy. Although, I could relate to how Hayley was feeling quite easily and I’d hate to be in her position again.

Everyone was gathered around in the middle of the airport as we waited for everyone to arrive. I scanned the faces of people who were here. Everyone but Pete, Ashlee and Bronx. Where the hell were they?

“Sorry we’re late guys, Ashlee couldn’t find her straighteners.” Pete sighed from under his hood. We all grumbled as we started for check in. It was going to be a long flight.


We arrived in Phoenix a few hours later and headed straight for our hotel which was a few blocks away from the venue. We had to dodge the paparazzi as we walked into the lobby. Why couldn’t they just leave us alone? Patrick and I walked up to the desk to check in and collect our keys whilst the others waited in a group behind us. The receptionist looked tired and plastered on a fake smile to greet us. She gave us our keys and we handed them out to everyone. Most of the bands were sharing rooms apart from the couples who had rooms to themselves. I however, was sharing with the guys from Hey Monday seeing as we’d shared a room so many times before.

Sky’s POV

We all made our way upstairs and separated into different rooms so that we could put our bags in our rooms. I quickly freshened up and grabbed a smaller bag with my cell and purse in before making my way to the guys’ rooms. We had an interview in half an hour and I was excited. We made our way to the lobby where we’d be meeting our driver - Gary and band manager – Matt who I’d only met a few days ago.

We pulled up outside the building and walked inside, avoiding the paparazzi. I was beginning to learn how to ignore them yet they still annoyed me. We were greeted by a small group of people who led us to the recording studio where our radio interview would be taking place. I sat down next to Aidan and Bloo, a huge smile on my face. I was excited; this was the beginning of our careers.

“So, tonight is your first gig together as a band. Are you guys nervous?” Craig asked he was the guy who was interviewing us.

“Um, I am.” I smiled softly. Everyone laughed.

“I think we’re all pretty nervous. I mean this is our first ever gig tonight and we haven’t had as long as most bands to practice. But we’re all totally stoked and tonight should be awesome.” Aidan grinned.

“I’m sure it will be. So Sky, Pete; what’s it like being in a band with each other?” Craig questioned. I looked at Bloo hoping he’d answer.

“Well we can’t really comment on that I mean we’ve barely been in a band together that long so we can’t really have an opinion on it. But it’s awesome being able to spend time with Sky whilst playing and writing with her is amazing. I’d rather be in a band with her than any other person. It’s pretty rad living out my dream and having my twin there to experience it with me.” He smiled.

“So when are you guys planning to record your debut album?” We all looked at Matt making him laugh.

“They’ll be recording as soon as this tour ends and for the sets they’ll be playing a few of their own songs plus a cover or two.” He said happily.

“Well we can’t wait to hear it. Now we’ve got a few callers who are dying to speak to you guys. Here’s our first caller; Vanessa.”

“Oh my God, I’m coming to your show tonight and I absolutely can’t wait. I just wanted to know; what’s it like finding out that you have a twin?” She asked excitedly down the phone. Bloo and I looked at each other, smiling.

“Um, it’s weird finding out that you were born with someone else like we were in our moms tummy together for nine months yet it sucks because I’ve spent sixteen years not even knowing about it but it’s exciting at the same time because I’ve spent my whole life thinking that I was an only child then finding out I have a twin and I got to find out everything about him, meet his friends, talk to him about whatever and like he said earlier; we both have the same dream and we’re finally living it and I know that he’s gonna be there along the way no matter what – it’s just been really cool I guess.” I beamed.


We spent the rest of the day doing our other interview and a photo shoot before arriving at the venue for our first sound check.

“Bubs, you’re on.” Travis smiled at me as he walked over to the amp me and Bren were sat on. I nodded and jumped down before walking onto the stage. Everyone was stood in front of the stage with encouraging smiles. There were even a few fans gathered around. I looked to Bloo who was playing around with his guitar. He looked up at me and gave me a goofy grin making me laugh. I didn’t know why I was so nervous. The majority of the people here had heard me sing a million times so it was nothing new to me. I’d even sang on a stage this size loads of times at various sound checks for my moms band and other bands like Panic and Gym Class. I really shouldn’t be nervous.

The guys started playing the opening to Fences and I joined in when it came to my part. Everyone cheered and danced along to the music as we played. My confidence grew and I began to enjoy it, goofing around the stage with the guys.

We finished up and left the stage with grins on our faces. Each of us looked like five year olds that had been locked in a candy store for the night. That was our first proper performance as a band and it was really special to all of us. Everyone commented on our performance and told us how good we were, it was such a confidence boost but it didn’t remove the nerves that were in the pit of my stomach due to tonight.

We started mingling with the small group of fans that had watched us and I got talking to two girls my own age. It was nice being able to talk to people my age that treated me like a normal human being.

“Bubs, I’m going to find a Starbucks do you want anything?” Bloo asked with Summer attached to his arm.

“Um no, I’m fine thanks.” I smiled back at him. “You guys have fun.”

Cassidy’s POV

I walked off stage after playing a few songs with the guys and messing around with Travis. I looked up to see Pete sat on an amp, picking off his nail polish. He was completely oblivious to the world.

“So this is how you like to spend your time on tour now, is it?” I smirked as I stopped in front of him. He looked up with a confused expression before snapping back into reality.

“I’m just thinking.” He smiled a smile that I hadn’t seen for years. One that made me remember just why I fell in love with him in the first place. I felt my breath get caught in my throat and butterflies flitter around my stomach frantically. His eyes were so breathtakingly beautiful; I just got absolutely lost in them.

“Are you ok, Cass?” He asked worriedly, snapping me out of my daze. Oh god, he probably thinks I’ve lost it.

“Uh yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I smiled falsely. “So uh, what’re you thinking about?” I asked, hopping up onto the amp beside him.

“A bit of everything really. Seeing the twins perform earlier was so cool, they were having so much fun together.” He smiled to himself.

“I know they get on so well.” I agreed.

“Looking forward to tonight?” He asked randomly.

“Yeah, I’m excited to see all the bands play. I’ve got a good feeling about this tour. It’s gonna be great with the kids here and just hanging out with everyone.” Pete nodded along.

“It’s gonna be awesome.” He beamed, his eyes lighting up. My heart fluttered at the sight and I knew then that I needed to get away.

“I’ll speak to you later but if not then good luck for tonight.” I smiled softly to him, not giving him time to reply before scurrying off.


I stood at the side of the stage with Sky next to me and Pete on her other side, trying to comfort her. She was a bag of nerves.

“Sky, you’ll be fine honey. You’ve performed with me before and you were brilliant.” I reassured her.

“Bubs, you’re such an awesome singer you’ll be great baby girl.” Pete smiled at her. He was a really great dad, despite what happened when they were first born.

“Guys, you’re on.” A security guy told Sky and the band. She nodded and a smile appeared on her face. We all knew she was going to be great. They all were.

“Good luck baby.” Brendon told her, wrapping his arms around Sky from behind and kissing her cheek. He whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. She seemed to relax whenever he was around.

We all wished them good luck before they ran out onto the stage and screams emitted from the thousands of fans before them. It reminded me of the first time me and the guys ever performed in front of a crowd that big.

“I’m so proud of them.” Pete told me as we watched our kids bounce around the stage, playing their hearts out.

“Me too, I can’t believe how much they’ve grown. It seems like yesterday that they had just been born and now they’re playing to thousands of people – living their dream.” I replied.

“I regret Christmas Day so much, it affected their lives massively. It affected all of our lives. I split our twins up for sixteen years, how selfish is that? I lost the three most important people to me that day, and I’ve only got two of them back.” Pete sighed, almost angry with himself.

“C’mon that’s in the past, Pete. There’s nothing either of us could do to change what happened.” I told him, rubbing his arm softly.

“I know that, I just wish I could.”
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Ahh, I've finally got back into this story and I'm so determined to finish this as soon as possible ! Thank you for sticking with me - I know I'm a pain in the ass with tha lack of updates. Expect another one tonight ;D x